Tuesday, October 8, 2013

10/07/13 -- sadddddd day

what is going on!!! man have these past weeks just flown by!!!

well i have some absolutely terrible news!!! 

sooooo i experienced my first transfer in the mission..... LET ME TELL YOU SOMETHING... TRANSFERS SUCCKKKKKKKKKK!! 

My comp got transferred into another zone to be the zone leader :( i was pretty devastated when the president called me and told me that... i wanted to crawl up into a little ball and cry like a baby... i wish lenny was here to make me feel better! haha seriously it blows!! 

ha i was just starting to somewhat know my companion! hes 23 and is a convert of 5 years! we couldnt communicate all that well but o man did we have fun! mainly our jokes were in sound effects mixed in with my garbage spanish and his garbage english! oooo man he was megga megga awesome.

ummmmmm lets see my im in the same area and i my new companion is american...

but the funny thing is that i can communicate better with my brazilian companion than i can with me american comp :)

ha my new comp has 19 months on his mission and refuses to speak english to anybody...... he hasnt said an english word to me yet.... haha so this will be interesting :) but heyyyy my spanish will be better righht???

well i have learned a whole lot in the past 6 weeks and continue to learn... one of the biggest things ive learned is not being able to fully control the situation... if any of you really know me you know that i love to grab that biggggg ol bull by the horns and control it :) haha i like to know whats going on and control it at the same time....

well the mission has slapped me right in the tush with being able to control the situation! haha oooooo man have i learned to be just a little bit more patient and try not to control everything!

haha the only thing i can control is my attitude, effort, and what is said on my face! 

well conference wasssss soooooo sweeeeeet! before my mission i would be as tired as an old goat during conference and sleep through some of the talks because i just thought they were boring and then listen to what i considered to be the important speakers...

not the case on my mission!! i was busy as a bee just jottttting down notes during every single talk... o man i was soaking every single bit of it up! i thought before conference that i wuld have to listen to it in spanish and i was not happy about that.... turns out they had a good ol english room calling my name with 2 others american elders :) the lord knew thats what i needed!

oooo conference was sooooo dope!! i received some mad revelation and o sooooo sweet spiritual feelings! ha i loved it! 

i forgot my journal of notes from conference but i liked the story that president monson said about the blind and deaf man being thankful...i remember this quote...

´´thank you, heavenly father has been so good to me´´

at times we may be facing hardship but we need to always be grateful for the things that we do have and take notice how good our heavenly father is to us! thats my two cents... wish i could remember more on the spot!

i tried a fruit off the tree the other day!! it was delish! you never thought that would happen did ya?? ya well im making baby steps out here with the food! mega sweet. 

i saw somebody riding a kawasaki ninja bullet bike the other day... i was soooo tempted to karate kick him off that bike and take it for a spin!! o man do i miss riding my motorcycle!! 

im starting to be able to be myself a little bit more! which i need! haha i told this girl that we were going to have an acado (bbq) with her cat.... she didnt like that very much but everybody else thought it was funny! ha oooo i cant wait for the day when i can joke around with this people!

well im happy! its hard but its awesome! i loved conference and am soo thankful that i was able to listen to it and hear what my heavenly father had to say through his leaders of the church..... and to hear it in english!! haha i try and laugh and smile all the time! i try to play with this kids as much as i can! 

hope and pray i can explain to my new companion what our area is like because i have no clue what its like! ive been in a daze of confusion for the past 6 weeks! haha will be fun!!

love you all...... dont get fat at home.... i know im trying not to!

love love meow meow

Elder Myers 

ps im still not used to how open everybody is about women feeding their babies in public.... 

10/7/13 - Pics

9/30/13 - Demon Dogs


yoooo what up what up!!!

hollllly freeeak i feel like i was just here yesterday writing an email home!! times absolutely flies by!! oooo man i hate this keyboard that im typing on....

well i got my last shots for rabies today! :) these little demon dogs dont have anything on me now! oooo man there are dogs everywhere!! i bonked one right on the top of the head with my foot the other day because he almost bit me!!

i got the little devil reeallll good!

people in argentina are always giving me food!!! im like woah woah easy easy.... i dont want to weigh 500 pounds when i go home! haha they´re trying to fatten me up!! 

things get realllll cray out here momma! i mean im making my own food in the mornings! you never thought that would happen did ya.... well i can make all sorts of foods now.... cereal and eggs... thats about it :) 

then for lunch we eat at a members house and they just try to stuff my face with food.... when in doubt you will have seconds even if you say no.... i gotta find a way to tell them not to give me sooooo much food!

its hard because the food is delicious!! i dont think ive gained more than 5 pounds out here so thats good.... tubby tubby

but i still get scared of the food.... they will bring it out and my mind starts to get reallll scervy.... real nervous! then i just say a quick little prayer and try not to think..... then i let her loose and just eat it! and its always good! they have real simple foods here though so thats good for me.
well i dont really talk to the people because i cant... haha but whenever there are little kids i spend most of my attention on them..... i think i do that because they dont seem to care that i dont know what the heck they are saying!!

ha i just smile and joke around as much as i can without being able to talk to the little kids... most of the time ill make funny faces with them...and they always freak out when i wiggle my ears! soooo i just smile, wiggle my ears, and laugh and then they seem to like me! 

well this week i was mainly just grateful.... in these letters i talk about not knowing the language a lot.... and to be honest its reallly realllly realllly hard for me... i love talking to people and joking around with them and showing them my true personality... and as of right now i simply cant do it the way id like to. its frustrating that i really cant share all of my thoughts about this gospel and i cant teach the way id like to right now..

yeah thats all frustrating but this week i had to look at what i should be grateful for!!
5 weeks ago i didnt really know anything about spanish! hollllly molllly i have learned soooo much in 5 weeks! i can say somethings and understand a little bit of whats going on! ive recieved so much help from the lord at learning this language and i cant deny that.

i realize that the language will come with time i just need to be patient....... sometimes it frustrating because i am not a patient person when i want something! haha but its allllllll goooood....

well we dont have very many people that we are teaching right now which is a downer but we are trying to find people. we gottttta get some investigators and dunk them in that water! 

well ive learned so much in these 5 weeks...... holy cow im i grateful for the life i have!!!! i mean im in another country speaking spanish! haha now thats cray!!! haha im so thankful that i have this opportunity! BECAUSE ITS A MEGA AWESOME OPPORTUNITY!!

i have realized how blessed i am! these people dont have nearly what we have at home! but they are always happy! SO BE HAPPY

WELL thats all i got for this week...... i found some peanut butter out here soooo that made my week! haha theres like a couple of spots in the whole mission where you can find it.... i had another missionaries get it for me! i was licking my last jar off peanut butter clean.... i love me some peanut butter

wellllll love you all.. 

hasta la taco

-Elder Dole (fifi would say) Myers

9/23/13 - 4th Week

wellll hello hello to all of you who are at home living in nice heated homes..... while my bunns are FREEZING in my apartment! oooo baby girl it can be bitterly cold... kinda nice though right??

ive been here a month now and man is that weird to say!! holy freak thats weird to say! 

at times i feel like ive been gone my entire life and at other times it feels like i just got here yesterday. 
i still dont feel like i know anyyyyyything about spanish but then i realize how much ive learned in such a little amount of time! 

 i wish i could give more details in my letters but i myself am trying to figure out what is going on! 

haha its been a really different experience trying to figure out all details for myself and not receiving any information... at times i hate that my companion doesnt speak english but i can see its soooo much better that way because im forced to speak spanish 24/7.

 wellllll ill share some stories here

 soooo my comp tells me that we need to get our haircut right??? and im like woahhhh woahhh thats bad news.... the last time i got my haircut my precious curly locks were buzzed right off and i looked like a tard.. haircuts just arent the same when tammy ogden is cutting your hair... (your welcome for the shoutout tam)

so we start going to this ladies house where she´s gonna cut our hair... im not in the best mood because im thinking ill walk out of there with a buzzed head and no curls....

turns out the lady cuts hair for a living and she did a reallll nice job!! haha she kept my curls in check.... WHICH IS ALWAYS A MUST! 

i mean shes not as good as tammy but she did a good job!

i also found a girlfriend here...... shes about 4 years old and is the cutest little girl.... haha i cant talk with her but shes the ward missionary leaders daughter so we are at their house quite a bit... we always play and have a good time... she kissed me on the cheek like 5 times!! it was like a sneak attack kiss! i wasnt even expecting any of them and she would sneak it right on there!! i told my comp not to tell our mission president cause that would be bad news if he knew girls were kissing me.......

well last week was rough with teaching... we dont have any investigators and our baptism fell through on saturday :(

i wasssss sooooo pumped for the baptism! it was gonna be my first one! andddddd she didnt show up to the baptismal interview :( 

well whenever i see food being prepared for us i get real scared! haha you just never know what youre gonna get!! but the truth is that ive never gotten something too different for my standards and its always been DELICIOUS..... ive had to say some prayers here and there to help me try the food but it always works out! 

heres my effort at writing something good for the week

´´every day move your life forward with hope. i always hope to have more out of my life. i always hope that i can have more of something if i work for it. we always hope for something greater in our life. but nothing great can be obtained without patient perserverance of constant hard work. right now i dont think i could have more hope of wanting to be able to speak spanish. i hope so badly that i can learn this language. i hope for that because i want to be able to actually teach this gospel with everything that i have. more than anything i hope for that. i hope to have the ability to be able to talk to these people so that i can more fully show my love for them. so that in some way i might be able to uplift their lives through the teachings of jesus christ. i really do hope for that day to come. i hope for that because it is something great. and we all hope for great things in this life. but nothing great can be obtained without constant hard work. we have to act every single day. we have to set goals every single day. set goals that we can have the strength to work harder and constantly act towards the great things that we want to obtain. every day taking steps of constant work so that your future hope may actually become reachable. real hope is more than just a desire. its taking action´´

welll this week i have been working at the language...... i set constant goals for myself.... haha i look like a tard walking down the streets staring at words and spanish concepts trying to memorize and understand them... but i know that my spanish has also gotten a lot better this week.

to be honest right now its really hard... i cant explain what its like to not have anybody to really talk to... at times i feel like im completely on my own and i have to figure it all out by myself because i simply just cant get explanation

that makes me sad because i honestly dont know very much about these people.. i dont know the details of people we talk to or i dont know much about the lives of our investigators or really anything... that makes me sad because i feel like its soooo much harder to love a person when you dont really know them

although its hard right now i realize that the work i put in will make all the difference in the end.... not the difference in just my life but the difference in these peoples lives. i am sooo grateful for this experience. i cant express how amazing this has been... has it been hard?? yeah its the hardest thing ive done. but its been amazing and i feel so blessed to be able to be one of the 75,000 missionaries in the world for the one and only true church on the earth

well thats all i got! there are a lot of dogs here.... they are everywhere!!! oooooo man does it make me miss my pooch lenny sooooo much.... he is such a good little puppy... i bet hes taking a nice nap right now!

love you all and dont let any little satan dogs bite you at home.... because you might have to get rabies shots like me every monday! you all have one good week :)

smell ya´ll later
 Elder Cole Myers

9/23/13 - Pics - My 4 yearold girlfriend

9/16/13 -- 3rd Week of Confusion


wellll what the heck is going on!!!
haha well ive had another week of straight confusion! haha but honestly its been good!

its raining right now just so you know..... my toeseeees are cold.... and my ears... buts i like it so dont worry
wellllll this week was a little bit more interesting with food...... ahhh i dread the unexpected of what i might eat... its always something new and ya just neva know what ya gonna get!

ha sometimes i look at the food and feel like im gonna crap myself because it scares me just a little bit... but then i try it and.... well.... it tastes good! haha so thats good!
so ill tell some food stories first..

so we are at this members house for lunch...

shes making this steak and my mouth is drewwwwwling because i looooove me some steak! hmmm so delicious

so then i see some onions and tomatoes kinda chillin by the steak.... just sitting there

in my mind im thinking ¨for all that is holy please do not put those onions or tomatoes on my delish stake,,, please please please do not do it´´

and...... about a minute later she ruined my steak by putting onions and tomatoes on it....

haha i was gonna poop my pants i was sooo scared to eat it...

well i picked through the tomatoes and decided to man up and eat the onions... haha so i ate the steak with potatoes and onions... and didnt eat the tomatoes.

haha and it was delicious... but for now the tomatoes will have to wait.. ewww cucky

another food story...

so its late at night and we are at a members house and they start making hot dogs...

so im thinking ´´okay hot dogs... this wont be bad!´´ YEP I WAS WRONG... DEAD FREAKING WRONG.... It was bad....

you would have all loved the hot dogs... but me... NOPE
so they bring out like 40 hots dogs for 6 people (they eat a lot)

and on these hot dogs is some substances that i have never had before and never really wanted to have before....

get ready to hear what was on the hot dogs

oooo i was sooooo scared... so im just staring these hot dogs down and praying for help to be able to gobble them up without thinking

so we ended the prayer to bless the food and without hesitation i ate the whole hot dog in 5 seconds trying not to think what i was even doing...

did the hot dog taste good? yeah it tasted really good!!!! did i eat another hot dog? NOPE!! haha even though it tasted good it still freaked me out....

ive got some serious issues. but ill get there!

haha well there are some funny food stories for the week!! haha every week is crayyyy... something always new happens.. i never really know what that new thing is because i dont know what is happening... haha i dont understand anything whatsoever.... its non stop confusion. but like i said... Ill get there...
have these past 3 weeks been hard? yeah its been the hardest thing i have ever done.... there have been times where i have felt completely on my own and dont have anybody to talk to... anybody to answer what we are doing... anybody to tell me what im doing.... or anything!! haha its been hard...

but i do know that great things never come easy... i know its hard right now and thats why this mission will be so great.
last week was a little harder than this week and ill tell you why. this week was better not because my spanish was necessarily better, or that i could understand more. this week was a lot better because of this scripture...

´´wherefore, be of good cheer, and do not fear, for i the lord am with you, and will stand by you´´ D&C 68-6
heres what i wrote in my journal about hope (im studying hope for the 1st six weeks of my mission, its a christlike attribute)

´´i think a characteristic of real hope is to always ´´be of good cheer´´. our attitude towards anything can really reflect what we actually want. i think that if we have good cheer, a hopeful attitude, and a bright smile even when things may seem to be at their hardest then we will be able to more clearly see that the lord is going about our face helping us as well as proving to us that we need not to fear-

    hope is a reflections of happiness. being of good cheer, having a hopeful attitude, and a bright smile cultivate happiness even through times of despair. gods plan of salvation can also be called the great plan of happiness. our purpose on this earth is so that we can be happy and receive a fullness of joy. through hope you can be happy. your bright smile of hope can be contagious to those who are around you. always carry a bright smile of hope. for within that smile of hope contains the light of jesus christ. everywhere you go carry a smile. you simply smiling just might make a difference in the life of another. your smile will bring joy and happiness upon someone else. what is said of your face or the appearance of your facial expressions is a distinct description of what you are feeling at that moment. if you are smiling you are giving a distinct description that you are happy and that you have joy. you are also giving an example to others that by smiling they may find more happiness and joy in their life. always try to find a reason to smile and always try to find a reason to be happy. our heavenly father always wants us to be happy but its up to our decision every single day whether we want to be happy or not´´.
welllllll some of you might be thinking again.... GAYYYYYYYY.... HAHA but that right there made the difference in my week.... i realized that last week i wasnt smiling as much as i normally do..

so this week i tried to find a reason for everything of why i should be happy... you can best believe i had a big dumb grin on my face everywhere i want... and yes it was a grin of confusion but heyy i was happy!!
haha so thats my story of the week...

well last thing..

i dont think i have ever felt more pain for another person in my life than i did this week...
2 months ago a family in our ward house caught on fire... the family had a mom and a dad along with 5 children. i believe the mom and dad were about 32 years old and the oldest child of 5 is probably 8.
in the fire, half of the house burnt down. the mom died along with 2 of the children that were twins...
the father is left with 3 children and lost his wife and 2 of his twin children...
on saturday we had a service project building the half of his home back up.
i dont think i have ever kept somebody in my prayers as much as i did for this father this past week... at the service project i couldnt even look at the father. every time i did i couldnt help but just cry...
i could see the pain written on his face and i couldnt even comprehend what he was and is going through....
to make the story even worse his wife who passed aways father just went paralyzed from the neck down and is mental sick 1 month after the accident took place....

at church this man bore just testimony and i can see that he is trying to make the best out of his situation.. i personally have never seen somebody walk in faith as much as this man is right now... he is doing everything he should be in a trial like this.
after i saw the example that he had given to me i stopped worrying about not knowing spanish...

welll i hope i gave you some details!! that was my week along with a bunch of others stories i dont have time to tell!!!

smell ya later
-Elder Cole Meeeeyers or meeeeshers.

9/16/13 - Pics