Tuesday, October 8, 2013

9/16/13 -- 3rd Week of Confusion


wellll what the heck is going on!!!
haha well ive had another week of straight confusion! haha but honestly its been good!

its raining right now just so you know..... my toeseeees are cold.... and my ears... buts i like it so dont worry
wellllll this week was a little bit more interesting with food...... ahhh i dread the unexpected of what i might eat... its always something new and ya just neva know what ya gonna get!

ha sometimes i look at the food and feel like im gonna crap myself because it scares me just a little bit... but then i try it and.... well.... it tastes good! haha so thats good!
so ill tell some food stories first..

so we are at this members house for lunch...

shes making this steak and my mouth is drewwwwwling because i looooove me some steak! hmmm so delicious

so then i see some onions and tomatoes kinda chillin by the steak.... just sitting there

in my mind im thinking ¨for all that is holy please do not put those onions or tomatoes on my delish stake,,, please please please do not do it´´

and...... about a minute later she ruined my steak by putting onions and tomatoes on it....

haha i was gonna poop my pants i was sooo scared to eat it...

well i picked through the tomatoes and decided to man up and eat the onions... haha so i ate the steak with potatoes and onions... and didnt eat the tomatoes.

haha and it was delicious... but for now the tomatoes will have to wait.. ewww cucky

another food story...

so its late at night and we are at a members house and they start making hot dogs...

so im thinking ´´okay hot dogs... this wont be bad!´´ YEP I WAS WRONG... DEAD FREAKING WRONG.... It was bad....

you would have all loved the hot dogs... but me... NOPE
so they bring out like 40 hots dogs for 6 people (they eat a lot)

and on these hot dogs is some substances that i have never had before and never really wanted to have before....

get ready to hear what was on the hot dogs

oooo i was sooooo scared... so im just staring these hot dogs down and praying for help to be able to gobble them up without thinking

so we ended the prayer to bless the food and without hesitation i ate the whole hot dog in 5 seconds trying not to think what i was even doing...

did the hot dog taste good? yeah it tasted really good!!!! did i eat another hot dog? NOPE!! haha even though it tasted good it still freaked me out....

ive got some serious issues. but ill get there!

haha well there are some funny food stories for the week!! haha every week is crayyyy... something always new happens.. i never really know what that new thing is because i dont know what is happening... haha i dont understand anything whatsoever.... its non stop confusion. but like i said... Ill get there...
have these past 3 weeks been hard? yeah its been the hardest thing i have ever done.... there have been times where i have felt completely on my own and dont have anybody to talk to... anybody to answer what we are doing... anybody to tell me what im doing.... or anything!! haha its been hard...

but i do know that great things never come easy... i know its hard right now and thats why this mission will be so great.
last week was a little harder than this week and ill tell you why. this week was better not because my spanish was necessarily better, or that i could understand more. this week was a lot better because of this scripture...

´´wherefore, be of good cheer, and do not fear, for i the lord am with you, and will stand by you´´ D&C 68-6
heres what i wrote in my journal about hope (im studying hope for the 1st six weeks of my mission, its a christlike attribute)

´´i think a characteristic of real hope is to always ´´be of good cheer´´. our attitude towards anything can really reflect what we actually want. i think that if we have good cheer, a hopeful attitude, and a bright smile even when things may seem to be at their hardest then we will be able to more clearly see that the lord is going about our face helping us as well as proving to us that we need not to fear-

    hope is a reflections of happiness. being of good cheer, having a hopeful attitude, and a bright smile cultivate happiness even through times of despair. gods plan of salvation can also be called the great plan of happiness. our purpose on this earth is so that we can be happy and receive a fullness of joy. through hope you can be happy. your bright smile of hope can be contagious to those who are around you. always carry a bright smile of hope. for within that smile of hope contains the light of jesus christ. everywhere you go carry a smile. you simply smiling just might make a difference in the life of another. your smile will bring joy and happiness upon someone else. what is said of your face or the appearance of your facial expressions is a distinct description of what you are feeling at that moment. if you are smiling you are giving a distinct description that you are happy and that you have joy. you are also giving an example to others that by smiling they may find more happiness and joy in their life. always try to find a reason to smile and always try to find a reason to be happy. our heavenly father always wants us to be happy but its up to our decision every single day whether we want to be happy or not´´.
welllllll some of you might be thinking again.... GAYYYYYYYY.... HAHA but that right there made the difference in my week.... i realized that last week i wasnt smiling as much as i normally do..

so this week i tried to find a reason for everything of why i should be happy... you can best believe i had a big dumb grin on my face everywhere i want... and yes it was a grin of confusion but heyy i was happy!!
haha so thats my story of the week...

well last thing..

i dont think i have ever felt more pain for another person in my life than i did this week...
2 months ago a family in our ward house caught on fire... the family had a mom and a dad along with 5 children. i believe the mom and dad were about 32 years old and the oldest child of 5 is probably 8.
in the fire, half of the house burnt down. the mom died along with 2 of the children that were twins...
the father is left with 3 children and lost his wife and 2 of his twin children...
on saturday we had a service project building the half of his home back up.
i dont think i have ever kept somebody in my prayers as much as i did for this father this past week... at the service project i couldnt even look at the father. every time i did i couldnt help but just cry...
i could see the pain written on his face and i couldnt even comprehend what he was and is going through....
to make the story even worse his wife who passed aways father just went paralyzed from the neck down and is mental sick 1 month after the accident took place....

at church this man bore just testimony and i can see that he is trying to make the best out of his situation.. i personally have never seen somebody walk in faith as much as this man is right now... he is doing everything he should be in a trial like this.
after i saw the example that he had given to me i stopped worrying about not knowing spanish...

welll i hope i gave you some details!! that was my week along with a bunch of others stories i dont have time to tell!!!

smell ya later
-Elder Cole Meeeeyers or meeeeshers.

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