wellll hello hello to all of you who are at home living in
nice heated homes..... while my bunns are FREEZING in my apartment! oooo baby
girl it can be bitterly cold... kinda nice though right??
at times i feel like ive been gone my entire life and at
other times it feels like i just got here yesterday.
i still dont feel like i know anyyyyyything about spanish
but then i realize how much ive learned in such a little amount of time!
haha its been a really different experience trying to figure
out all details for myself and not receiving any information... at times i hate
that my companion doesnt speak english but i can see its soooo much better that
way because im forced to speak spanish 24/7.
so we start going to this ladies house where she´s gonna cut
our hair... im not in the best mood because im thinking ill walk out of there
with a buzzed head and no curls....
turns out the lady cuts hair for a living and she did a
reallll nice job!! haha she kept my curls in check.... WHICH IS ALWAYS A
i mean shes not as good as tammy but she did a good job!
i also found a girlfriend here...... shes about 4 years old and is the cutest little girl.... haha i cant talk with her but shes the ward missionary leaders daughter so we are at their house quite a bit... we always play and have a good time... she kissed me on the cheek like 5 times!! it was like a sneak attack kiss! i wasnt even expecting any of them and she would sneak it right on there!! i told my comp not to tell our mission president cause that would be bad news if he knew girls were kissing me.......
well last week was rough with teaching... we dont have any
investigators and our baptism fell through on saturday :(
i wasssss sooooo pumped for the baptism! it was gonna be my
first one! andddddd she didnt show up to the baptismal interview :(
well whenever i see food being prepared for us i get real
scared! haha you just never know what youre gonna get!! but the truth is that
ive never gotten something too different for my standards and its always been
DELICIOUS..... ive had to say some prayers here and there to help me try the
food but it always works out!
heres my effort at writing something good for the week
´´every day move your life forward with hope. i always hope
to have more out of my life. i always hope that i can have more of something if
i work for it. we always hope for something greater in our life. but nothing
great can be obtained without patient perserverance of constant hard work.
right now i dont think i could have more hope of wanting to be able to speak
spanish. i hope so badly that i can learn this language. i hope for that
because i want to be able to actually teach this gospel with everything that i
have. more than anything i hope for that. i hope to have the ability to be able
to talk to these people so that i can more fully show my love for them. so that
in some way i might be able to uplift their lives through the teachings of
jesus christ. i really do hope for that day to come. i hope for that because it
is something great. and we all hope for great things in this life. but nothing
great can be obtained without constant hard work. we have to act every single
day. we have to set goals every single day. set goals that we can have the
strength to work harder and constantly act towards the great things that we
want to obtain. every day taking steps of constant work so that your future
hope may actually become reachable. real hope is more than just a desire. its
taking action´´
welll this week i have been working at the language...... i
set constant goals for myself.... haha i look like a tard walking down the
streets staring at words and spanish concepts trying to memorize and understand
them... but i know that my spanish has also gotten a lot better this week.
to be honest right now its really hard... i cant explain
what its like to not have anybody to really talk to... at times i feel like im
completely on my own and i have to figure it all out by myself because i simply
just cant get explanation
that makes me sad because i honestly dont know very much
about these people.. i dont know the details of people we talk to or i dont
know much about the lives of our investigators or really anything... that makes
me sad because i feel like its soooo much harder to love a person when you dont
really know them
although its hard right now i realize that the work i put in
will make all the difference in the end.... not the difference in just my life
but the difference in these peoples lives. i am sooo grateful for this
experience. i cant express how amazing this has been... has it been hard?? yeah
its the hardest thing ive done. but its been amazing and i feel so blessed to
be able to be one of the 75,000 missionaries in the world for the one and only
true church on the earth
well thats all i got! there are a lot of dogs here.... they
are everywhere!!! oooooo man does it make me miss my pooch lenny sooooo
much.... he is such a good little puppy... i bet hes taking a nice nap right
love you all and dont let any little satan dogs bite you at
home.... because you might have to get rabies shots like me every monday! you
all have one good week :)
smell ya´ll later
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