Monday, December 16, 2013

11/25/13-Happy Birthday Taylor

yoooo what the freak is going on!

so after my last letter ill write a little one of my week!


i hope you get a ton of cheetos for your birthday! that would be so awesome! then you could wear dads sweet cheetoman shirt! and you could be eating cheetos with your cheeto red hair! 

well this week was dope...

in this area with have 3 baptisms that are coming up in 2 weeks

soooo pumped for that!! oooo man soooo excited!! 

we were able to get 2 inactive people to church this week! that was awesome!

one of the inactive ladies was 91 years old
ooo man she was such a sweetheart!
we picked her up and she grabbed tight old to my arm while i walked her to church
it was only 3 streets to walk and she took a good 30 minutes
i wanted to say "come on gammy!! giddy up lets go! hop on my back and ill give you a piggy back ride!!" 
that would have saved us a lot of time! 
haha but its all good... she told me her life long story but i couldnt understand a whole ton so i just kept my mouth shut and said "si, si, si" every once in a while and we were good
o  she is such a sweetheart :)
she had a little crush on me so maybe ill get the opportunity to walk her to church next week :) ;)

ummm its hotter than hot

im sweating like a pig out here...
my whole body is soaked.. 
pants and all
its disgusting

dont get me wrong like i love sweating in my sleep and stuff
waking up with a sweaty forehead is awesome!! 

haha ooo man december january and february will be miserable here! i guess its not even hot right now and im dying! 

ooo baby girl where is the air conditioning! sometimes i just want to preach the gospel with my shorts and a tee shirt but i dont think that would fly with president monson...

haha well i shared some of my more spiritual experiences in my last letter...

my letters will be really short to you all this week because i dont have any time at all

love you! 

be thankful for your air conditioners even though it probably real cold at home

-Elder Myers 

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