Monday, December 16, 2013

12/2/13 - My cute 91 year old friend

freak im back on the computer emailing.... this week went by meggggga fast!

ill be honest sometimes i really hate emailing because my mind has to think so much about what to say and it stressed me out so much!
haha i always have headaches after emailing....


Mom you are the best mom out there!! you are the best billy goat i know :) the best hobby there ever was!
I GOT BOTH OF MY PACKAGES! andddddd they were soooooo sweet...
i love me some american candy
i gobbled those twix up in 2 seconds

and i cryed like a little baby girl reading your letter
being a missionary turns you into a tender little girl crying all the time
but then again thats how i was before my mission

ummm lets see what ive got for the week

so remember when i talked about the 91 year old grandma last week
oooo baby girl she is the cutest little grandma...
i dont think as cute as my gammy at home but shes pretty close
by the way give a shoutout to gammy at home! tell her to watch out for mr jones.... gammys a gold digger always looking for older men with money

anyways this little grandma here is soooo sweet
we are reactivating her back into church
but the only thing we needed to do was walk her to the church every sunday
so this sweet little 91 year hold takes my arm and we take baby steps all the way to the church
she tells me her whole life story and i repeat the things that she says that i can understand...
haha she is soooo awesome! she calls me her grandson

we were reading scriptures with her and i asked if she could read this verse.... the verse was kinda small and she got reallllllll flustered with me that i asked her to read such a small verse... "but this verse is tiny! i want a big verse"
ha shes dope... 91 years old and doesnt even need glassed to read! shes a real champ...

i made reallll good friends with this down syndrom girl... shes a real sweetheart. haha shes not a real big fan of was she calls "negros".... which just means darker skinned people.
so for that reason she loves me!! haha ive got some nice white skins so were realllll good friends.. i think she might like me a little bit more than friends... haha we chat it up and i crack jokes with her
its sweet because if i dont understand what shes saying she just keeps on going...
she was begging for a picture of me so i made a killer deal with her...
im going to give her a picture of me with my long hair in trade for something she is going to sew for me and i can put it in my scriptures.... EVERYBODY HERE LOVES MY LONG JEW HAIR!
i guess i look like some romantic argentine singer with super long jewy hair!

ummmm its soooo fetching HOTTTTTT
I just sweat
and sweat
and sweat
im cooking

i go to sleep..... and cant sleep... i just sit in my bed and sweat like a hot dog. haha im such a baby and cant sit still during lessons. i have to get up and walk around for a little bit....
this humidity is the death of me

i was sleeping the other night and it was really awesome because i woke up to something crawling up my leg.....
no big deal just a nice big cockroach.... so i smashed hit and gobbled it up cause i was hungry!
no, not really, that cockroach scared me! i dont think i went back to sleep for another 2 hours...
that little demon cockroach got the best of my sleep....

ive been bit a million times... ive got but bugs and they are eating me alive...
bug bites allllll over my body...
i kinda like it though so its okay.
haha im constantly scratching my whole body because there isnt a spot i havent been bitten!

ummmmmmm well i was in a meeting with all the missionaries and somebody said that it was thanksgiving in the states!
i freaking forgot about thanksgiving! hahah how could i do that???
so i hope all of you have a sweet thanksgiving and gobbled up some delish food!

i was thinking about thanksgiving and the main purpose behind it...
about being thankful

im so thankful for the opportunity that i have to be here.... to say its easy would not be telling the truth... its so hard but i am so thankful for it. there are so many things that i have learned about myself that wouldnt be possible without my mission
i am so thankful that i can take upon myself the name of jesus christ and respresent my name as well as the name of jesus christ on my missionary plack.
that everyday i have the opportunity to share with one another the love that jesus christ has for them
that i can share the truth

i am grateful for my family... i have beeen blessed with the sweetest people ever in my life... ive got a sweetheart for a mother... she may not be able to say the word wolf  but i love her anyway... shes a good billy goat.... i dont know a more loving caring person than my momma

ive got a dad who has a way nice give him some loving! haha but seriously im so grateful for a father figure... somebody to look up to... somebody who has given a perfect example to me my whole life.. someone who has taught me to be a man and never make excuses for myself

and ive got two sweet brothers who always picked on me... that because of them i flinch over every reaction because i always think somebody is going to hit me! haha but seriously im so thankful for my brothers and their examples for me... for serving missions and setting a path for me to follow

im thankful for my puppy lenny.
hes my best friend and he has jew hair just like me :) his breath stinks but hes my best bud... hes always taken care of me when im sick and picked me up when im down... thanks lenny your a good pooch

im sooo thankful for the people in my life and i wish i could write to all of you and give my thanks....

im thankful for the chance every day to increase my faith in jesus christ

in preach my gospel it says
faith is accepting jesus christ as your savior and redeemer

something that catches my attention there is the word accepting. the word accept can mean "to receive willingly". to willingly receive that we have 1 true thing in this world to save us.1 true thing to save us from our mistakes and sins. to save us of our pains, sufferings, and sorrows. our savior Jesus Christ is that 1 true thing. also to "willingly receive" or to accept that he is our Redeemer. Redeemer can be put into the words of "rescue by paying a price". those words hit me hard. that Christ is my Rescuer. that through christ he can rescue or set me free of all of my sins as well as my pains and sorrows. Jesus Christ is that kind of Rescuer because he payed a price. that christ payed the all time greatest sacrifice just so that i can be set free. so that i can be rescued by all of my short falling in this life. that i can be rescued of all the times i feel pain and sorrow. that i can be rescued or set free to fell that joy and happiness that he so desires me to have. i have faith that i do have that kind of savior. that kind of redeemer. I HAVE FAITH IN JESUS CHRIST

thats all i got for the week!!
some of these girls reallllly long "shonkees" or yankees in english... another word for "gringo"
so im keeping my distance and staying on the safe side!

keep it real
smell ya later


Elder Myers 

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