Wednesday, March 5, 2014

02-24-2014--Working on the Members

well im an old fart now

the big 19 right??? its cool like im wayyyy old now..
i have to shave more often and that sucks
and more hairs are starting to come in hot on my chest... THATS NASTY
ill be looking like biggins (my dad) before you know it

wellllll freaking freak thank you all so much for the letters!
you guys are some meggggga awummmm people and i promise you the lord will shed some sweet blessings on you for wishing his curly headed servant a happy birthday! 

well ill tell you how my birthday went

then i opened a package from mis padres biggy and gobbles (dad and mom)
i got hooked up phat in the package with some nice treats to slam down my throat and an awesome make my own birthday party kit

so lets just say that my members in my ward are garrrrrbage!
nah just kidding.... but for realzzzz they didnt even throw me a suprise birthday party??? MESSED UP 
all ive wanted my whole life was a surpise birthday party slam and nobody will ever give it to me! 
i dont get it??? i told the ward like 50 million times that my birthday was coming in hawt! anddddd nothing

so i made my own fun..... when we did our working and tracting on my birthday i carried my slumber birthday party hats with me everywhere
i had to tell people it was my birthday and they scrambled up some garbage treats and we took a picture... i even had to carry my own candles around too! 
messed up right?? nah just playing i had a sweeeeet birthday!

haha ill give some stories here

sister leonord fidalgo
shes inactive for a long time
she was the person who said she had demons in her house..... we casted those demons right out of there... slam dunk right on satans face!
anyway shes awsummm... she has schizophrenia or however you spell it
she has been smoking for 30 years and because of her schizo disease its pretty hard to overcome
anywhooosle we made an awesome plan for her to quit smoking. and shes doing it! she has reduced her cigggys and not smoking the puff puff so much anymore!
man shes crazy but so sweet... 
anyways i went to her house on my b day and we sang her some hymns
turns out my voice still sucks.... but she says its good :)
anywhoosles she felt like she needed to give me a present for my b day! 
soooo what do you know she goes and finds a book and giftd that to me!
mega sweet old timers book... probs like 100 years old 
we got her to churh the other way by the way and were getting there! 

ummm man so many things id like to say but i dont know how my time is looking her on email!

shes 19 and im still trying to figure if shes a little cooky in the nogging
she has assisted the church for 6 months but has a problem with baptism
yet she wants to go on a mission??? not sure how that works but we have a baptism date this saturday!
she has passed baptism dates all the time because she says no
but we had some super spiritual experiences with her this past week
she was almost scared in one lesson because she had never felt the spirit like that
she wouldnt talk and kept saying "i hate you guys" "you make me feel bad"
little did she know the feeling what she had was her gaining a testimony
she has completely changed within this past week.
honestly its been a complete miracle to see the difference within her
she always says there is something different about the lessons that we have with her
she has had billions of lessons with a bunch of missionaries
yet this time its different
i thank the lord for that

ramon and angela
ramon is the guy that we were able to get back to church
he was baptized about 7 months ago and never fully gave up drinking
it lead him into saying he was done with the church
we worked on teaching him for weeks and he said he wasnt coming back
it literally broke my heart seeing how much pain that put his wife in because she is completely active and the gospel has changed her life
she said if he didnt come back to church and stop drinking she would leave him
one lesson we had with him was really special
he said he was done with the church
in this lesson i had no idea what the heck to say
i prayed and prayed in this time to feel something... some sort of words that could help him out... to get him back on the right path
i bore my testimony and started crying pretty much beggin him not to throw his life away... i have seen what drugs and alcohol to do people and i begged for him not to make that desicion and see his life be wasted off of drinking... after i bore my testimony i didnt know if it did anything
well he has been to church 3 weeks in a row since then
hes a new person... and has such a strong testimony
he still drinks a little bit here and there but hes getting there
yesderday we were at there house and he looked at me and said "you changed my life with your testimony, im not throwing my life away with alcohol, thank you for being the angel in my life"
in this moment i thought... wow thats pretty cool... my testimony really helped him out... MY words helped him out
then 10 seconds later i thought.. "wow cole you are a really big dumby arent ya"
i remembered that i had no idea what to tell ramon... i begged to the lord that he would help me out... he would help me say something to ramon that would make a difference... and it did.
i didnt do that at all... pure guidance from the lord

well i gotta get going here!

man i love you guys! slam dunk of a family and friends

you best believe i broke out some sweet dance moves when people were singing me happy birthday! #slamdunk #ooooyeahbabygirl #sweetdanceslams

in a bit
smell ya later


Elder Myers 


another week in the bag! man these weeks really just fly by and you have know idea what the heck you did!

and once again i was lazy and forgot to write out what i did this past week so this letter might be all over the place!

well thanks to all that wrote me.... if i could personally give you a high five and show you some sweeeeet dance moves.... THEN I WOULD :)

speaking of sweet dance moves we had a ward activity and the members were soaking up my eagle hawk noice,,,, my sweet dance moves,,,, and the various things i can do with me face... ya know like wiggle my ears and stuff like that!
sooo yeah thats awesome!

this week we had some really cool experiences with some people on the streets
its so amazing how sharing the gospel can bring so much joy in your life
it really makes you realize how blessed you are for having the gospel when other people literally have no idea about the comforting things we know that come from the church

so we went hitting up the villa one of the days
a villa is a place where its all dirt roads there arent any street signs and considered more of the ghetto dangerous parts... and thats where you find your best stories as well
anywhoosle this little kid like 4 years old comes out of his house and tells us.... hey my dad is home
so im thinking.... well sweet little bruski thanks for telling me do you want to go get him....
and before you know it we taught a lesson to the whole family. 
the mom and dad are like 32 years old with 3 little kids.... it was so awesome to think that they had never heard the gospel in their life and after the lesson we taught they now had some sort of knowledge to raise a happy family!

there were a lot of things that i thought about this week.
ive learned that baptisms do not come easy whatsoever here.... and some missionaries dwell upon that... but then i started thinking about all the good things that we do even if we dont have baptisms.
the simple idea of that we have taught so many people how to truly pray
how to truly have a communication with god. they can talk to him and he will respond back. and before these people really didnt have an idea that was possible.
we are able to help people overcome addictions. or at least find comfort in difficult times that they are facing.
its true that i dont have very many baptisms on my mission. but honestly ive seen so many miracles and so many lives changed through the gospel that doesnt really matter a whole lot to me. 

on the exchange that i did with another missionary we went to a recent converts house. he was baptized about a month ago and one of the best conversions ive seen in a person on my mission
he bore his testimony to me about how true the church is. how it completely changed his life. how 2 elders with 20 years of age came to his house and brought him the truth. he said he will be forever grateful for that
he looked at me and started crying and said "why couldnt i have known the gospel earlier in my life to help me out with the trials that ive gone through" 
i realized how blessed i truly am to have had this knowledge for my entire life. something i really never had to go looking for. 
but then this man finished saying i may wish that i could have this knowledge of the gospel earlier in my life but that doesnt really matter. BECAUSE I HAVE IT NOW. I HAVE THE TRUTH.

That was a really spiritual experience for me. i hope that all of you can look at the blessings in your life and realize how much you really do have. 
to think about what your life would be like without the gospel. 
what would your families be like?
and what would your trials be like without the comforting knowledge that youre heavenly father loves you and jesus christ payed for that trial?

to whoever reads this letter i hope you know that i love my savior jesus christ
i love what he did for me
the scriptures talk a lot about coming unto christ like a child
we should all think about the attributes that children have. they are young, innocent, always ready to learn, and most of the time always ready to be instructed on how to do the right thing.
but to me the most important thing is that a child is willing to accept love
we have our savior jesus christ who is our savior... he is the only person that can truly save us.
he came to this earth and payed for every single one of our sins. he suffered through our trials and our pains. and i believe when he was suffering he thought of my name and my face. 
christ knows us perfectly and he understands us for what he went through
because of that he is the only person who can TRULY love us for who we are.
i know that if i truly come unto my savior as a CHILD i can accept his love and feel so much more joy in my life. 
i hope you can all think about what that means to you personally of coming unto christ like a child

i love you all and ill smell ya later :)


Elder Myers


whats good in the hood

soooo i just got to the cyber which means computer place
and let me tell ya.... im sweating buckets out here! haha o baby girl my back is all wet and just about all of my clothes are drenched in sweat

but ya know... dont matter right??? 

my p day was snatched right from me! haha we werent able to do anything! we had some guys come over to fix some things in our apartment!
but goooood news we got our hot water back!

weeeee yaaa baby girl blessings from the heavens! hott water! hmmmm delicious

o by the way i got another haircut today.... and guess what? i put the confidence in one of the elders in my pension to cut it! i let somebody else cut the jew hair!?!?!?! who would have ever thought that would happen right! 
yeah im becoming a big boy out here... dont even care about my hair anymore.. thats a first.
i guess i stopped caring about it 2 months ago when that lady did a hackjob and a half on my head. 

anywhoooosle a ton of things happened this week and honestly i cant remember any of them!

but guess what!?!?!?!?! 
we had a baptism!

we baptized rosio... shes the girl thats been an investigator for 6 months but was always a little gun shy to pull the ol trigger and get baptized!
but we were able to have some real spiritual experiences with her and she decided she had gained a testimony and wanted to be baptized!
mannnn it was awesome seeing the change within her.
we saw somebody who knew all the doctrine of the church was true and said the church was true and she changed into somebody that felt the church was true... that really feels like her heavenly father loves her
thats such a good feeling to see that change in someone and i feel so blessed to have been apart of it

right now we have about 1 or 2 other investigators that are somewhat legitiment. haha i thought argentina would be a baptisms baptisms baptisms! haha boy did i think wrong!
but there is a lot of work to do to show the words how to function and active non active members and other bullpucky like that! sooo no matter where you are at you can always be effective as a missionary and do what the lord expects you to do! 

ramon and angela are active active! ramon was the one with alcohol problems that we were able to get active again!
mannnn o mannn i love them! we eat lunch with them every thursday...
time after time i have to tell them to give me less food..... freaking people are trying to get me reall nice and chunky.... i dont like it
but no worries i havent gained much :) 
anyways ramon is preparing himself to receive the priesthood... we just need to get him to completely stop drinking.... so get on your knees and give him a shoutout in your prayers! 

ahhh im sooo mad i had some funny stories to tell you all but i cant think of any today and i didnt prepare anything to remind me of what happened this week.
so im kinda just being a dumby right now writing on the computer trying to think!

but the biggest things i have learned is accepting the will of the lord 
many times in this life we have no idea why certain things happen
we may be mad or have hatred feelings towards something and just ask why would something like this happen??
but really it doesnt matter what we think. thats where true faith comes into play
true faith that the lord knows. and he knows whats best
our challenge is if we can really accept that or not
The lords time is his time and not ours.
we need to be patience and willingly accept his will
be willing enough to learn what he is trying to teach us
at times we dont know how we can do it
but real faith is just doing it even if you dont know how

i pray that i can continue to learn this lesson as well as all of you can apply what im trying to learn into your lives... because we all need to learn it
we will be such happier people when we can accept the will of the lord and simply do what he asks. 
that i can promise you 

well im doing good! 
being a jew boiii without jew hair
and slam dunking satan right in the face

love you all

Elder Myers 

02-17-2014--Temple & Happy Bday Pics

02/17/2014--7 Months

my fam and all who cares to here from a jew boi out here in argentina

thanks to everybody who felt bad for me "el Pobre" out here and hittin me up with some birthday shoutouts! my birthday is coming in hot on saturday i guess and gonna be an old fart at 19 years old
dont you worry ive let my whole ward know its my birthday...

for the love i hope they dont make me eat dinners at every house because they just give food non stop... ive learned how to say no without offending them though sooooo its all good now :)

i just finished this transfer and slam dunked 6 months in argentina... 
6 months of cheeto chopping satan right in the face

its reyyyyy loco or way crayyy in others words to think ive been here 6 months... time goes by suppper fast and other times it feels like eternity since i used to take naps with my best pooch lenny at home or rubbb my dads way nice belly, or go out to lunch or dinner with my mommy

but its been 6 months of LEARNING! 
man have i learned so much.... so many things that have made me into such a better son to my heavenly father
and so many things ive learned of how i need to be so much better than i am right now.
ive learned that life is what we make of it. the mission is what you make of it
ive learned that every day we have opportunities.
opportunities to grow stay the same or decrease
we have the blessing of making our own desicions to take advantage of what life throws at us....
when it comes down to it.. are our decisions bringing us closer to our relationship with out heavenly father or not? 
are we following the example of jesus christ?

umm just to let you know what my ward is like...
we probably have a list of 400 members and about 50 are in the sacrament meeting.
if it rains... nobody comes to church... or at least a few do :) 
the members are so awesome and they love their missionaries
sometimes i just wish they would give me less food and more references to teach people! then they could kick satan in the shins along with all of the other missionaries... the lords work isnt just for missionaries.. its for members at home who work with the missionaries! 

ive learned so much this week about how much our heavenly father loves us
he gave us this gospel for the pure fact of that he loves us
he gave us family because he loves us
this gospel makes families strong! 
i have seen so many things this week of family having so many problems and honestly the gospel is the only thing that is keeping these families together right now! 

me and elder peterson are staying together for another transfer!! yehadfjasdñfjdsf wooooo  its soo cool right??
mega dance move when i heard we would be together for another transfer
i slammed a sweeet move down on the streets when we got the call

ooo yeah parker you are my brother and i havent gotten a letter from you for like 5 months soooo dont be a homo and write me

elena..... im calling you out... write me because i want to here how fifi is and i want to here how spencers big ol biceps are doing!

man o man baby girl do i love my family!! one of the greatest lessons you learn on a mission! i hope all is well at home and wellll yeah....

no kissing on valentines because thats cukkkkka

in a bit.
i love you
i love this gospel

-Elder Myers 

Monday, February 10, 2014

02-10-14--Pics of Missionaries in our Pension

02-10-14--Life is What We Make of It

my fam and all who cares to hear from a jew boi out here in argentina

thanks to everybody who felt bad for me "el Pobre" out here and hittin me up with some birthday shoutouts! my birthday is coming in hot on saturday. i guess im gonna be an old fart at 19 years old
dont you worry ive let my whole ward know its my birthday...

for the love i hope they dont make me eat dinners at every house because they just give food non stop... ive learned how to say no without offending them though sooooo its all good now :)

i just finished this transfer and slam dunked 6 months in argentina... 
6 months of cheeto chopping satan right in the face

its reyyyyy loco or way crayyy in others words to think ive been here 6 months... time goes by suppper fast and other times it feels like eternity since i used to take naps with my best pooch lenny at home or rubbb my dads way nice belly, or go out to lunch or dinner with my mommy

but its been 6 months of LEARNING! 
man have i learned so much.... so many things that have made me into such a better son to my heavenly father
and so many things ive learned of how i need to be so much better than i am right now.
ive learned that life is what we make of it. the mission is what you make of it
ive learned that every day we have opportunities.
opportunities to grow, stay the same or decrease
we have the blessing of making our own decisions, to take advantage of what life throws at us....
when it comes down to it.. are our decisions bringing us closer to our relationship with our heavenly father or not? 
are we following the example of jesus christ?

umm just to let you know what my ward is like...
we probably have a list of 400 members and about 50 are in the sacrament meeting.
if it rains... nobody comes to church... or at least a few do :) 
the members are so awesome and they love their missionaries
sometimes i just wish they would give me less food and more references to teach people! then they could kick satan in the shins along with all of the other missionaries... the lords work isnt just for missionaries.. its for members at home who work with the missionaries! 

ive learned so much this week about how much our heavenly father loves us
he gave us this gospel for the pure fact of that he loves us
he gave us family because he loves us
this gospel makes families strong! 
i have seen so many things this week of family having so many problems and honestly the gospel is the only thing that is keeping these families together right now! 

me and elder peterson are staying together for another transfer!! yehadfjasdñfjdsf wooooo, its soo cool right??
mega dance move when i heard we would be together for another transfer
i slammed a sweeet move down on the streets when we got the call

ooo yeah parker you are my brother and i havent gotten a letter from you for like 5 months soooo dont be a homo and write me

elena..... im calling you out... write me because i want to hear how fifi is and i want to hear how spencers big ol biceps are doing!

man o man baby girl do i love my family!! one of the greatest lessons you learn on a mission! i hope all is well at home

no kissing on valentines because thats cukkkkka

in a bit.
i love you
i love this gospel

-Elder Myers 

Note from Julie:  I heard from one of the missionary mom’s in Cole’s group that last week the missionaries put together a big ward party.  I had sent Cole the movie, “Ephraim’s Rescue” for his b-day, hoping at some point he would be able to show it to the members.  Wham, it sounds like he did.  They invited everyone and put up a makeshift movie screen and popped popcorn and watched the movie.  That’s my boyJ