Wednesday, March 5, 2014


another week in the bag! man these weeks really just fly by and you have know idea what the heck you did!

and once again i was lazy and forgot to write out what i did this past week so this letter might be all over the place!

well thanks to all that wrote me.... if i could personally give you a high five and show you some sweeeeet dance moves.... THEN I WOULD :)

speaking of sweet dance moves we had a ward activity and the members were soaking up my eagle hawk noice,,,, my sweet dance moves,,,, and the various things i can do with me face... ya know like wiggle my ears and stuff like that!
sooo yeah thats awesome!

this week we had some really cool experiences with some people on the streets
its so amazing how sharing the gospel can bring so much joy in your life
it really makes you realize how blessed you are for having the gospel when other people literally have no idea about the comforting things we know that come from the church

so we went hitting up the villa one of the days
a villa is a place where its all dirt roads there arent any street signs and considered more of the ghetto dangerous parts... and thats where you find your best stories as well
anywhoosle this little kid like 4 years old comes out of his house and tells us.... hey my dad is home
so im thinking.... well sweet little bruski thanks for telling me do you want to go get him....
and before you know it we taught a lesson to the whole family. 
the mom and dad are like 32 years old with 3 little kids.... it was so awesome to think that they had never heard the gospel in their life and after the lesson we taught they now had some sort of knowledge to raise a happy family!

there were a lot of things that i thought about this week.
ive learned that baptisms do not come easy whatsoever here.... and some missionaries dwell upon that... but then i started thinking about all the good things that we do even if we dont have baptisms.
the simple idea of that we have taught so many people how to truly pray
how to truly have a communication with god. they can talk to him and he will respond back. and before these people really didnt have an idea that was possible.
we are able to help people overcome addictions. or at least find comfort in difficult times that they are facing.
its true that i dont have very many baptisms on my mission. but honestly ive seen so many miracles and so many lives changed through the gospel that doesnt really matter a whole lot to me. 

on the exchange that i did with another missionary we went to a recent converts house. he was baptized about a month ago and one of the best conversions ive seen in a person on my mission
he bore his testimony to me about how true the church is. how it completely changed his life. how 2 elders with 20 years of age came to his house and brought him the truth. he said he will be forever grateful for that
he looked at me and started crying and said "why couldnt i have known the gospel earlier in my life to help me out with the trials that ive gone through" 
i realized how blessed i truly am to have had this knowledge for my entire life. something i really never had to go looking for. 
but then this man finished saying i may wish that i could have this knowledge of the gospel earlier in my life but that doesnt really matter. BECAUSE I HAVE IT NOW. I HAVE THE TRUTH.

That was a really spiritual experience for me. i hope that all of you can look at the blessings in your life and realize how much you really do have. 
to think about what your life would be like without the gospel. 
what would your families be like?
and what would your trials be like without the comforting knowledge that youre heavenly father loves you and jesus christ payed for that trial?

to whoever reads this letter i hope you know that i love my savior jesus christ
i love what he did for me
the scriptures talk a lot about coming unto christ like a child
we should all think about the attributes that children have. they are young, innocent, always ready to learn, and most of the time always ready to be instructed on how to do the right thing.
but to me the most important thing is that a child is willing to accept love
we have our savior jesus christ who is our savior... he is the only person that can truly save us.
he came to this earth and payed for every single one of our sins. he suffered through our trials and our pains. and i believe when he was suffering he thought of my name and my face. 
christ knows us perfectly and he understands us for what he went through
because of that he is the only person who can TRULY love us for who we are.
i know that if i truly come unto my savior as a CHILD i can accept his love and feel so much more joy in my life. 
i hope you can all think about what that means to you personally of coming unto christ like a child

i love you all and ill smell ya later :)


Elder Myers

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