Wednesday, March 5, 2014

02/17/2014--7 Months

my fam and all who cares to here from a jew boi out here in argentina

thanks to everybody who felt bad for me "el Pobre" out here and hittin me up with some birthday shoutouts! my birthday is coming in hot on saturday i guess and gonna be an old fart at 19 years old
dont you worry ive let my whole ward know its my birthday...

for the love i hope they dont make me eat dinners at every house because they just give food non stop... ive learned how to say no without offending them though sooooo its all good now :)

i just finished this transfer and slam dunked 6 months in argentina... 
6 months of cheeto chopping satan right in the face

its reyyyyy loco or way crayyy in others words to think ive been here 6 months... time goes by suppper fast and other times it feels like eternity since i used to take naps with my best pooch lenny at home or rubbb my dads way nice belly, or go out to lunch or dinner with my mommy

but its been 6 months of LEARNING! 
man have i learned so much.... so many things that have made me into such a better son to my heavenly father
and so many things ive learned of how i need to be so much better than i am right now.
ive learned that life is what we make of it. the mission is what you make of it
ive learned that every day we have opportunities.
opportunities to grow stay the same or decrease
we have the blessing of making our own desicions to take advantage of what life throws at us....
when it comes down to it.. are our decisions bringing us closer to our relationship with out heavenly father or not? 
are we following the example of jesus christ?

umm just to let you know what my ward is like...
we probably have a list of 400 members and about 50 are in the sacrament meeting.
if it rains... nobody comes to church... or at least a few do :) 
the members are so awesome and they love their missionaries
sometimes i just wish they would give me less food and more references to teach people! then they could kick satan in the shins along with all of the other missionaries... the lords work isnt just for missionaries.. its for members at home who work with the missionaries! 

ive learned so much this week about how much our heavenly father loves us
he gave us this gospel for the pure fact of that he loves us
he gave us family because he loves us
this gospel makes families strong! 
i have seen so many things this week of family having so many problems and honestly the gospel is the only thing that is keeping these families together right now! 

me and elder peterson are staying together for another transfer!! yehadfjasdñfjdsf wooooo  its soo cool right??
mega dance move when i heard we would be together for another transfer
i slammed a sweeet move down on the streets when we got the call

ooo yeah parker you are my brother and i havent gotten a letter from you for like 5 months soooo dont be a homo and write me

elena..... im calling you out... write me because i want to here how fifi is and i want to here how spencers big ol biceps are doing!

man o man baby girl do i love my family!! one of the greatest lessons you learn on a mission! i hope all is well at home and wellll yeah....

no kissing on valentines because thats cukkkkka

in a bit.
i love you
i love this gospel

-Elder Myers 

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