Wednesday, March 5, 2014


whats good in the hood

soooo i just got to the cyber which means computer place
and let me tell ya.... im sweating buckets out here! haha o baby girl my back is all wet and just about all of my clothes are drenched in sweat

but ya know... dont matter right??? 

my p day was snatched right from me! haha we werent able to do anything! we had some guys come over to fix some things in our apartment!
but goooood news we got our hot water back!

weeeee yaaa baby girl blessings from the heavens! hott water! hmmmm delicious

o by the way i got another haircut today.... and guess what? i put the confidence in one of the elders in my pension to cut it! i let somebody else cut the jew hair!?!?!?! who would have ever thought that would happen right! 
yeah im becoming a big boy out here... dont even care about my hair anymore.. thats a first.
i guess i stopped caring about it 2 months ago when that lady did a hackjob and a half on my head. 

anywhoooosle a ton of things happened this week and honestly i cant remember any of them!

but guess what!?!?!?!?! 
we had a baptism!

we baptized rosio... shes the girl thats been an investigator for 6 months but was always a little gun shy to pull the ol trigger and get baptized!
but we were able to have some real spiritual experiences with her and she decided she had gained a testimony and wanted to be baptized!
mannnn it was awesome seeing the change within her.
we saw somebody who knew all the doctrine of the church was true and said the church was true and she changed into somebody that felt the church was true... that really feels like her heavenly father loves her
thats such a good feeling to see that change in someone and i feel so blessed to have been apart of it

right now we have about 1 or 2 other investigators that are somewhat legitiment. haha i thought argentina would be a baptisms baptisms baptisms! haha boy did i think wrong!
but there is a lot of work to do to show the words how to function and active non active members and other bullpucky like that! sooo no matter where you are at you can always be effective as a missionary and do what the lord expects you to do! 

ramon and angela are active active! ramon was the one with alcohol problems that we were able to get active again!
mannnn o mannn i love them! we eat lunch with them every thursday...
time after time i have to tell them to give me less food..... freaking people are trying to get me reall nice and chunky.... i dont like it
but no worries i havent gained much :) 
anyways ramon is preparing himself to receive the priesthood... we just need to get him to completely stop drinking.... so get on your knees and give him a shoutout in your prayers! 

ahhh im sooo mad i had some funny stories to tell you all but i cant think of any today and i didnt prepare anything to remind me of what happened this week.
so im kinda just being a dumby right now writing on the computer trying to think!

but the biggest things i have learned is accepting the will of the lord 
many times in this life we have no idea why certain things happen
we may be mad or have hatred feelings towards something and just ask why would something like this happen??
but really it doesnt matter what we think. thats where true faith comes into play
true faith that the lord knows. and he knows whats best
our challenge is if we can really accept that or not
The lords time is his time and not ours.
we need to be patience and willingly accept his will
be willing enough to learn what he is trying to teach us
at times we dont know how we can do it
but real faith is just doing it even if you dont know how

i pray that i can continue to learn this lesson as well as all of you can apply what im trying to learn into your lives... because we all need to learn it
we will be such happier people when we can accept the will of the lord and simply do what he asks. 
that i can promise you 

well im doing good! 
being a jew boiii without jew hair
and slam dunking satan right in the face

love you all

Elder Myers 

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