Sunday, November 10, 2013

10/14/13 - Seventeen Miracles



well the other day i looked up at the sky and realized that i was sooooooooo far away from home! and i thought what the freak am i doing!!! haha im in another country speaking some freaking weird language in a white shirt and tie preaching the gospel!!! if thats not crayyyyyy i dont know what is!!! haha o mannnn this experience is megggga dope!

well here are some stories from this week! soooo we had this meeting with the bishop and some of the other ward leaders and the bishop walked in with this oooo soooo sweet pink tie! so i asked him:::: yoooo bishop you wanna change ties because i like yours more--*-- so right then and there he took of his tie and gave it to me!! haha he wouldnt give me my tie back either after the meeting was done--- so ive now added a sweet pink tie to my collection

we had a movie night at the church and watched seventeen miracles: (this computer wont do periods by the way or anything else so if it looks weird that is why) soo we start watching this movie and i go and sit by all the kids--- in the movie there are some wolves that might scare the weee little kids--- so when they got scared they would all jump on me and close there eyes! hahaha it was meggggga awesome!

ummmm we didnt get to finish the whole movie because we had to go! which was definitely a good thing that we didnt finish the movie because right when we left was getting to the parts in the movie where i would have started balling like a little baby---- i dont want these argentines to know im a baby and have a real sensative heart to movies or anything that tugs at my heart! so we bolted out of there right when the movie was getting emotional!! haha so that was a good thing----

ummmm i miss my other comp more than i can express:::::: not in a gay way ya know??? he was just sweet-----

ummmm ive learned a whole lot on my mission---- and this week i learned about trusting in the lord more than i ever have in my life--- im constantly taught lessons every day on my mission- we didnt really have much this past week so i cant give you any spiritual experiences or anything else--- haha sorry! i hope some of those stories were good!


elder myers

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