Sunday, November 10, 2013

10/28/2013-I Had a Whole Spanish Conversation


hola hola....

whats good in the 801??? how is the carpet treating you guys??? because we dont have carpet here :) when i get home in a good 2 years im going to lick the carpet and sleep on it... carpet is meggggga awesome!! 

hey do ya´ll remember when i was a dumby and went motorcycle riding 4 days before i was supposed to go into the mtc and i got in an accident and was about as dumb as a box of rocks and couldnt remember what i do for the previous 2 weeks.... yeah im a tard
mom... remember when i was at disneyland and purposely peed my pants just so i could get some disneyland sweats.... man i was just a smart little devil
dad... remember this summer when we were in lake powell and you had to clean up the poop on the houseboat..... HAHAHA HALARIOUS.. IM GLAD I DIDNT HAVE TO CLEAN UP THE POO POO... CUCKA CUCKA

parker... remember when you made the all star team for baseball?? haha youre awesome!! 
taylor... remember when you were a little fat ginger boy and loved cheetos sooo much... you loved cheetos to the point where the only thing that you kept in your locked up treasure chest was cheetos! hahaha 
lenny... remember when you were the best pooch ever?? yeah i remember that

elena.. remember when your daughter sofia loved me?? yeah i dont remember that either... but remember when i got you and spencer to move into my house...THAT WAS AWESOME!

tammy... remember when me and your dad flipped the razor at your cabin right in front of you... and you almost pooped your pants and killed your dad...

hahahah o mannnn goood goood times!! remember when i was 18 hours away from my home by plane?? that THATS CRAYYYYY

hahah well anyway another week in the books! 

lets see what i can say here.... WE DONT REALLY HAVE MUCH GOING ON FOR US SO THAT SUCKS... haha but were working! 

the members are soooo awesome here though! im getting to the point with my spanish where i can talk to them a little bit more which oooo baby girl do i love that!! haa i hate being mute!! 

so my comp was sick on sunday so i took the phone and was answer calls..... it hit me that i had a whole conversation with this lady in our ward.... after the call i just about crapped my pants because i realized i just got my whole message across and everything in spanish!! hahaha freaking cray!! 

ive got a lot more to go but hey im learning! crazzzy!!! 

ummm i forgot to tell you guys this but two weeks ago we had a meggga awesome activity! sooo they set up a visitors center in our church... like the visitors center in salt lake! 

ooo it was sooo sweet! so i got all dressed up in my whites and me and another talked in the baptismal font...

this activity was for members and investigators of a couple different areas of the mission... 

its soo cool for me to see the members out here.. the strong members are sooo strong and such a great example to me in that sense. it really helps me realize the significance of the gospel in our lives.. so many people dont really have very much out here but they have the knowledge of the gospel and thats whats really important to them. ive loved seeing that.

haha so like i said my spanish is getting better... you kinda hit points where you see progression... and then other points where you realize how much more you need to learn!! but i am so thankful for how much i have freaking learned!! it goes to show that even a dumby like me can learn a language with the help of the lord!! the lord is a real good guy... hes helped me out quite a bit!  

so in our ward all of the children know me as the one who makes funny faces our funny sounds... in the middle of the prayer the other day a little kid came up to me and was yelling at me to make my hawk noise for him! haha classic! i love these little kids out here... 

the little kids are the only ones who accept that i cant speak much spanish! they´re just entertained by my face expressions which is always nice!! 

welllllll i continue to learn things out here... im so grateful for the opportunities that i have ever single day... hahah to say its easy would be a lie... ive definitely had some difficult times out here.. but there is something to always be learned

there have been fun days and there have been miserable days... but hey thats part of a mission right! but its pretty sweet!

haha my thoughts here are soooo scrambled and this letter probably suckkked but i dont have much time and im typing as fast as i can!!  

rely on the lord because he can get you through anything 

one love, stay sweet, if you want some new sweats just pee your pants and youll get them! 
elder myers 


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