heyyy what the freak is going on!!!
another week in a crazy country!
sometimes i just freak out thinking that im in argentina!!
holy freak its crazyyyy!!! and sometimes i freak out thinking.... WOW IM EATING
sooo when you learn another language your spelling and
grammar in english goes to crap.... so if my spelling and grammar is bad that
is why!
welll lets see here what can i say...
so ill start off with a funny story here...
so we went to see this lady who is a member... turns out her
husband was in the hospital for 11 days and just got out... he was in pain and
recovering so we went to go talk to him for a little bit to see how he´s
doing..... keep in mind this is the same guy that said ´´f you´´ my 1st day in
argentina.... hahah hes CLASSIC!
so im talking to this guy... or at least trying ya know...
haha and all the sudden he gets out of his bed and says i gotta go to the
bathroom...... so he picks up this bowl from the floor and well.... starts
going to the bathroom.... 2 foot in front of me :) hahahahahah i was dying it
was sooo funny.... and my companion.... was not laughing.... i thought he was
going to crap his pants he was soooo scared... ya know that stuff doesnt really
bug me... i just think its funny.. i dont blame him. if he had to go then he
had to go! aint nobody got time to walk to the bathroom right??? hahaha
sorry for the potty talk mom... that was a potty talk story
huh?? sorry ill try not to potty talk
ummm lelts see what else do i have... so my comp is real
quiet.. doesnt talk much... and for that i HAVE TO TALK TO ALL THE MEMBERS!
HAHA so im the one always talking to them... or at least trying to talk and if
i dont get what they are saying... which is a good amount of time then ill try
and get my comp to explain it to me
haha the members always come up to me for questions... and
most of the time i really dont fully understand what they are saying.. but its
all good because im talking to them! who would have ever thought this curly
headed kid would be speaking the espanol! im doing it... KINDA... haha watch
out elena because in about 6 months ill be spitting spanish left and
so another story... there were these guys drinking on the
street and they called me to come over... so i go over to them and im joking
around being all giddy and they were laughing... then i swurved my way into
saying why i was learning the language... PERFECT OPPORTUNITY TO BEAR MY
TESTIMONY!!! So i had the guys laughing and then i switched gears on em.... i
just talked about how if they wanted to have a difference in their life they
could find that difference by coming unto christ...
IT WAS AWESOME! they all were dead silent and i looked over
at one of the guys girlfriends and she was crying a little bit... it was an
awesome experience for me... my spanish isnt the best and its still garbage
but i can say some stuff now in order to express how i truly feel about this
as a missionary i am so grateful to be able to tell people
that they have the opportunity to feel the love of their heavenly father...
everybody in this world wants to be loved and everybody has the chance to find
that love if they really want to.... JUST GOTTA GET DOWN ON YOUR KNEES AND PRAY
im happy at how much spanish ive learned because i can
actually start to get to know this people just a little better... its still not
good at all but im so grateful for the lords hand in my life and in my mission...
im starting to feel like i can love these people just a little bit more because
i can actually know things about their lives...
UMMM our mission leader is wayyyy awesome... hes incredible! and his wife is having a baby today! haha so at church i was telling everybody that brother franco is having a baby!! haha i was letting everybody know it! its funny because all the members laugh at me because im always trying to crack jokes or do something dumb but i can never fully do it because of my spanish! haha its nice to get a good laugh out of them
but anyway brother franco is mega sweet so keep him in
your prayers because hes been an answer to my prayers and he is a very special
person in my life right now... they dont come much better then him... and his
wife does the laundry for my socks... so thats awesome!
well i hate emailing sometimes because my brain is thinking
5 million miles an hour and i never know what to say... haha i havent really
been writing spiritual things in the past weeks... my bad my bad....... ill try
and get something for next week....
but i do know that the love our heavenly father is greater
than anything else.... if you want to feel his love get on your knees and ask
for it... his love is always there... through good times and bad.
ive learned so much in these past 4 weeks... a lot of things
i have learned havent been in the way that i wanted to learn it but our ways
arent the ways of the lord... be thankful for trials because there is always
something to be learned from them.
hope you all had a good week!!
smell ya later
elder cocoa myers
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