another week down! ive got one more week left in this
transfer.... so yeah!
before i start i heard that it was my girl laina´s birthday
last week!!! so mega shoutout to my girl laina ogden for turning 8 years old...
laina remember when we went on that way sweet date to the movie monsters
university.. best date ive had for sure.... save a date for me in two years
please laina! haha
wellll i have a freaking awesome story to tell you
so we had a talent show this week.... and o boy do i have
some talents.. nah just kidding i cant do jack
but anyway it was with all the missionaries in our zone and
all of their wards!
so we all did this little skit together that we made up on
the spot.. somebody had some music and we went for it
so we were lip singing to the music.... so it wasnt very
funny at the beginning.... so i decided to spice it up a little bit... PRIME
TIME TO THROW OUT MY DANCE MOVES! so i start doing my thing dancing all homo
like (sorry for the potty talk) and then all the missionaries took my
then the music went more into a magestic style.... PRIME TIME
OPPORTUNITY TO DO MY HAWK NOISE! soooo all of a sudden i bust out the hawk noise
and start dancing around like an eagle / hawk!! haha CLASSIC! everybody was
dying laughing... no biggie... i saved the talent show with my hawk noice... mega
that definitely brought back some high school memories and
im sure that you guys can imagine i was soaking it up... loving every second of
dancing around being a weirdo... haha it was sweet that i could be myself like
another story... we went to find this inactive member.. she
was like 90 years old and a good 3 feet tall... o man she was the cutest old
lady.. she kept calling me her sweet child... when we were leaving i went to
shake her hand and she told me to bend my head towards her... BEFORE YOU KNOW
IT I GOT A NICE KISS ON THE FORHEAD!" HAHA Bless her heart what a
so here was a really spiritual moment for me this past week
we went to my mission leaders house to see his brand new
babyso i walk into the baby's room where he's sleeping in hiscrib... as im standing over the baby's crib watching it sleep tears start to fill my eyes...
as im looking at this baby so many thoughts started coming into my head... it hit me that this sweet precious little baby was just in the presence of our heavenly father... i realized how true it is that we are literally our heavenly fathers children. i realized how precious this lady's baby was and what a blessing it is.
then i started to think how proud my missionary leader and
his wife are for having this baby... it made me think that i used to be
that baby in the crib... that now ive grown up into the person that i am today.
a missionary. i realized how much of the fact that my parents raised me every
step of the way. they loved me every step of the way... it hit me how much my
parents mean to me and how much they have given me in my life.. they have given
my everything they have in order to raise me...
then i started to think that one day that baby sleeping in
the crib will be my own.... haha probably a little curly headed jew baby! haha
but anyways i realized that one day god will give me one of his children for me
to act as its father.. to be able to love that baby with everything i have
within me!
my thoughts are so scatter brained here as i am trying to
type as fast as i can... but i learned so much from this experience that we are
all children of god.,.. that before this life we lived with our father in
heaven... that he literally is our father and we are his children... i hope i
can do all that i can to make my father proud... life is a special gift... its
a gift that we have to live our own lives as well as it is a gift to be parents
to our children our future children....
haha i was standing over this crib just crying..... no
surprise that i was crying right... freak i hate crying! haah im such a baby! no
homo in saying all that stuff but it was a real special moment for me! and dont
worry mom im not having babies anytime soon... probs in like 2 years ill have
my first child... nah nah just kidding
keep it real at home...
love you all
smell ya later
-Elder Myers
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