Monday, November 18, 2013

11/18/2013-I got a cool comp from Paraguay

what is going on!! 

sorry this letter will probably not be very long or very good at all... i didnt have time to think out what i wanted to say but i have some sweet things to tell you all!!

sooooo i got transfered! and my english already is GARBAGE! haha spanish gets to you and you forget how to spell or how to talk... or im just a dumb curly headed kook that cant spell or talk anyway.. i dont know which is which....

well i got transfered! i think that isnt the correct way to spell transfered but im not really sure.. so i dont really care :) 

i moved areas and got a new comp :) 

im in the city of banfield which is super close to the mission house

and my new comp is from paraguay... 



haha ive been with him for a good 4 hours and ive loved it... 

im having converstations and understanding a good portion of everything!

holy freak is that soooo awesome to say!! 

in no way whatsoever am i close to being fluent but im getting by! 

whoever thought a tard like me could speak spanish??? 

well lets see.... i left the area of el cruce...

im not a person to say goodbyes very well


im such a cry baby holy freak! 

in the 3 months that i spent in el cruce i was reallll confused! 

haha but in the past month i felt like i had really started to get to know the members

they loved me for the pure reason that i loved to try and talk to them... i couldnt do it that well but they could always see that i was trying

haha the last month i was able to be myself and joke around with them!

i got some good laughs in... 

its crazy how you can come to love people so much without clearly being able to communicate with them...

there were families that were real rough to say goodbye too... 

did i cry?? YES OF COURSE I CRYED... 

I HATE CRYING! i feel like such a homo crying... 

ummmm like i said this letter isnt going to be very good because my thoughts are being typed as i think them! 

freak we had the most sweetest, dopest,,, sickest, coolest, experience on saturday!!!!!


live!!! in the chapel!! the great elder holland was freaking like right in front of my face stabbing my heart with his words! o my gosh it was so sweet

the buenos aires north, west, and south missions all met at this mega big church and listened to him along with two others from the 70...

wow it was such an incredible experience... one that constantly reminded me of the missionary i want to be

one of the things he said was the impact that the mission will have on your life... what you put into your mission will determine who you will become as a person..

also that you must never forget your mission... my encouragement to those who read this letter is to NEVER FORGET the two years that you gave to the Lord

never forget the bad things that happened and never forget the good things that happened

take your mission with you wherever you go

i honestly hate writing this letter write now because i cant think... my words seem like crap right now... haha there is so many things i want to say but simply dont know how to express it...

i cant wait to write next weeks letter because there are so many things that i have to say about my last 6 weeks.... and elder hollands words on saturday can sum up a good portion of my last 6 weeks

"salvation means going through gethsemane- as a missionary you will go there"

my last 6 weeks, i went through of what i personally know as gethsemene...

i love you all

stay jewyyyyy... even if you dont have curly hair! ooo yeah i got a haircut... no worries they savored the curls.... 

Elder Myers

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