Saturday, August 24, 2013


yo what is up!!! man time has absolutely just flown by!! this is my last letter in the united states and the last letter in the mtc.... so i guess i should share the change within me through my mtc experience and the change within me in my first 6 weeks as a full time missionary... haha that still feels weird to say that im a missionary!! Ha i don't know if im your typical missionary though! i laugh a little bit more than i probably should! 

 welll it feels like i left home yesterday and at the same time it feels like ive been here my whole life! ive gained so many friendships with some elders that i want to continue a friendship with.... i was truly blessed with being in the mtc with the 9 other elders in my district! i FREAKING LOVE ALL OF THEM!!!  hahaha i have had so many good times in here and i have laughed more than i ever have in my life... im still the same kooky person that i am and i think that will stay with me my entire mission :) i love to work hard but definitely having fun while doing it.... haha some of the other elder just laugh at all the dumb things that i do. 

-they laugh when i cant even eat salad

-they laugh at me when i carry a jump rope with me everywhere i go

-they laugh at me when i dress up in my all black thermals and black beanie and scare other elders in other rooms

-they laugh at my ridiculous comments

-they laugh at my jew hair

-and we all just laugh together!!! man its been so fun and im so happy!

well for those of you who haven't heard i am leaving for Argentina Monday morning!!! hahaha oooooo man am i scared out of my mind! haha i guess scared isnt the right word but i am seriously so anxious and excited!!!
some of my thoughts for leaving....

i seriously cannot believe that i didnt get reassigned to another state until my permanent visa came for argentina. i feel beyond blessed to be able to go right into argentina..... my thoughts are that there is a purpose me getting to go into argentina right away.

i know when i get there i wont know what the heck is going on and i wont be able to teach very well at all or even know how to tie my shoes. ill be so confused! haha but i know that the lord has a plan for me.... and for some reason he made it possible for me to be in argentina next week and not in 3-6 months.... i know that there is some argentinian that is waiting for me and is waiting to see my big dumb smiling face ready for me to spread the message that i have for them...

 hahaha ooo im going to be so confused the first couple of months!!! but my attitude is that im going to try as hard as i can and just do my best.... when they laugh at how awful my spanish is ill just give them the "big thumbs up" and a huge smile laughing right back at myself! i seriously cannot wait! i hope they put me in the most ghetto area there is... then i can just chill with the argentinian thugs and before they know it im dunking them in that baptismal font and their life is changed through jesus christ! hahah that would be craaaayyyy!!! 

i was reading in the book of mormon about faith... here is what my thoughts were when studying... i wrote them down in my journal 

Faith Is Greater Than The Miracle Itself

 "i have come to realize that nothing makes me more happy than the idea of my actions making my father in heaven happy. that my actions make my father proud of the son that i am to him. i say that faith is greater than the miracle itself because faith is what truly makes my heavenly father happy. i know when i do things in my life that show faith that is what puts the smile on his face. i know that my father could give me any miracle but i believe that that is not what makes him the happiest-to give us miracles. i believe he is the happiest as my father when i show him how much faith i have in him. faith that he can help me through anything i am going through, humble myself to know that he knows what is best for me. and to work as hard as i possible can for him to show how much i love him-especially as a missionary. as a missionary to give it absolutely everything that i have within me for the next two years. to give every ounce of effort within me to do his work. for that is what makes him happy. for that is my purpose. that is my goal. to make him happy. to make him proud. for i do not need miracles given to me by the lord because the miracle within itself is shown by the joy i receive knowing that i made my father happy from the faith of which i have shown".

haha sorry if that was a little much to share!! haha i was getting mad revelation dropped upon my head when i was writing this... haha or at least i thought i was!

you should have seen elder pace’s face when I gave him those shoes…it was so awesome!!he couldn’t stop saying thank you and he said that’s one of the few times somebody has actually done something nice for him..i am so happy we could make that was cool to see.i think i got more joy out of it then he did.that’s what i love about service..

well i dont know if you will hear from me in a week. it'll probably be like a week in a half.. thats just my guess. i hope i have time to write you all back today.. thank you so much for all of your letters and love from home... MY FAMILY IS DOPE!! haha mom that package absoultely made my day!! these new phat ties are sooooooo dope! haha phat tie friday is gonna be epic tomorrow!! all the elders are soooo jealous of my ties. i think 2 districts will be wearing my ties tomorrow for phat tie friday...... 
well wish me luck for argentina! pray that i wont screw up some lesson by saying the wrong spanish word! haha and pray that some member doesnt give me some nasty food to eat! but most importantly pray for the people that i am going to be teaching... i can get by on my own :)

love you all so much and i am so grateful for the support that i receive from home!

peace out United States, I'll smell ya later!

hola Argentina, you've got a curly headed missionary coming your way!


Elder Cole Myers 



Sunday, August 18, 2013


i love your letters to me. they make my days for sure.. and i love the packages that you have sent me!!! they are sooooooo good... seriously i cant thank you enough,....
any questions that you specifically have just let me know and ill try and remember them to write for next week.........

being in here ive realized how incredible my family is.. ive always known it but it just hits you harder when you leave... there are a lot of elders in my district with some messed up family lives. ive never had any family issues and thats been such a blessing in my life. i seriously love you guys like lenny loves maddie. thats a lot.

ive also more fully realized that i have the best gobbles mom ever... i always brag to the other elder about how awesome my mom is and how shes the sweetest little hobble hobblin around....

give biggie a bean dip for me.

i hope everything is going well at home!

love you momm
-Your baby boy

8/15/13 - MTC Letter

yoooooo what is going on!! hows everything going!! 

welllll lets see what to write about..... slowly less things start to happen as you get used to the mtc.... you get used to eating a lot... studying a lot... not understanding what the freak your teachers are saying a lot...... laughing a lot... smiling a lot.... wearing the same clothes a lot... 

well lets see, lets see, i feel really anxious to get my reassignment!! im hoping it'll come next thursday but we will see! hopefully they send me to Wyoming.. then i could rep my cowboy boots out on the ranch.... yeee haaa baby girl!!! that would be way crayyyyyyy

im getting real anxious!! haha its freaking scary to think ill be out of prison walls and in the real world teaching the gospel in spanish!!! 

welllll im about as tired as a one eyed goose all the time!!! haha the days are so long and i get sleepy sleepy... once its 10:30, im out cold asleep.... snoring away.. 

ive had some saweeet dreams in the mtc! ha i dream like every night. 

i had a nightmare the either night... when i woke up i thought i wet my bed i was so scared... my dream was that lenny was dying and i had to take him to texas for some doctor... so i took him on my bullet bike and we cruised on down to texas! man it was scary!

my other dream was that me, biggins and taylor were going to some crash car derby thing and biggie was yelling at me when we were at a gas station and was telling me i was an idiot for not knowing how to fill up the truck or something like that!! hahahha i hope biggie is chilling at home with his shirt off.... that would be WAY NICE!!!

well i have the best news you have ever heard.... MY CURLS ARE COMING BACK!! AND THEY ARE COMING BACK REAL NICE!! even though that lady totally botched my hair two weeks ago its coming back.. i know you were all worrying about that.

haha i'll walk around the mtc and random people will be like "hey its you! the kid who tried the salad!!! hows the salad going!!!" hahaha i just laugh and tell them that it scares me..... haha it still scares me.. mom you should have put me in counseling for the salad... that was messed up for you not to care about me and get me over my fears.... bahahaha just kidding billy goat... you're a good goat.

im still doing meditation sessions every day.... haha o man its awesome!! coming in peace with my inner self.. me and ghandi are getting real tight... my next step to becoming like ghandi is shaving my head bald... i think ill pass on that one... o man i hope i dont go bald..... haha

welll tomorrow is phat tie friday which is the best day of the week... i give all of the elders in my district my phat ties to wear for the day... man do we look DUMB... yet.... AWESOME! haha we got all the teachers to do it too... they always laugh at me and the things i do... i try and keep things real and have a good time. ALWAYS SMILING

well there was an elder that was having a hard day in the mtc... he was really frustrated with the spanish and he was just not happy with everything... so i was talking to him and i was trying to comfort him.. i talked about faith and that the language would come.. the day before i had studied ether 12 which is about faith. i wrote a little journal entry when i was studying it... so i shared that entry with the elder who was struggling.... ill share what i wrote:


"i was just reading in ether chapter 12. it is talking about faith and how faith relates to miracles that God grants unto us. if we have hope and faith then miracles will be given. but these miracles will not be given until God sees the faith that we have. always have your faith in God that he will help you with whatever you are going through. for you will not receive that help until you have endured through the trial of your faith. faith is things which are hoped for and not seen.. HOPE FOR ALL and practice your faith in that hope. for when this is done God will grant unto you many miracles. this is very applicable in my life right now. spanish has been very hard for me and i get very frustrated over it. but I’ve realized that if i don’t have faith and endure through my trial of faith knowing that the lord will help me with the language then i won’t be granted the miracles of the gift of tongues. he has given me the trial of practicing my faith and putting my trust in him. i need to keep enduring through this trial and once i have shown the lord that i have faith, then he will give it unto me. after my faith has been shown then i will be a partaker of the gift".

so i shared that with this elder and he came to me the next day and said that me talking to him was an answer to his prayers and that it helped him out a lot... it was a really tender moment for me and i was thankful for the lord giving me that opportunity to share what i knew to be true...

ummmm mega awesome thing that happened this week!!!! even better than my curls growing back!! haha for our tuesday night devotional the apostle elder richard g scott spoke to us!!!! it was so awesome!!! we got like front row seats... when he entered the room the spirit instantly stabbed me right in the heart! ha i could totally feel the love of god through elder scott. it was sooooo crayyyyyyyyyy.. i loved it! he gave a talk on prayer as well as other missionary things. i wont share very much because i dont have time but it was awesome! maybe ill send my notes home on it or something... but he also gave an apostolic blessing on all the missionaries learning a language... so that was sweet!!! he said he was very emotional for this talk because he could feel the presence of his wife in the room (she passed away 15 years ago)... it was awesome!! 

we had our district devo after his talk and one of the elders in my district said something about angels watching over us and he felt like his uncle who died watches over him....

RIGHT WHEN HE SAID THAT  i had the feeling that my grandpa dale was watching over me and that he was in my presence... i dont know if that sounds weird but i know that to be true.. i dont know if i have ever felt the spirit stronger then i did then.....I wrote the following in my journal after the devo:

as i sit here right now after our tueday night devotional i can feel the pure love of christ. as im sitting here with my district nothing but tears are streaming down my face and i have such an overwhelming feeling of the spirit. i feel that my grandpa dale is especially watching for me. i know hes here and i know he is here to act as a guardian angel on my mission . i know that i can feel the love of grandpa right now. i know hes with me and giving me comfort. in my patriarchal blessing it talks about the guidance that i will have from my ancestors in my life and especially on my mission. i know dale is helping me and the only thing that is coming to my head is him telling me that he’s proud. he wants me to be the best missionary that i can be and he will assist me in every way in doing my work. im thankful to my lord for the feelings that i have right now.... 

wellllll im keeping on keeeping on here in the mtc!!! things are way fun and i love it!! Some days suck but nobody said a mission is easy....... im lettin her buck and gettin the job done! 

tell lenny not to look at other girl dogs... and for lenny not to have potty talk 

much love,

Elder Cocoa 



Pics in MTC

what upppppp!!! yo yo yo!

well another week is in the bag and pounds are still being put on my body!!! haha we eat so much here that lately ive had to stop eating as much.... i dont wanna have a big belly like biggins... NO BUENO. im not getting fat on my mission i'll tell you that much. i figure if the lord loves me and if i work hard on my mission he wont allow me to be a fatty or go bald.... haha is that a bad thing to say??? well hopefully it doesnt happen.

last thursday i got a haircut... NO BUENO. Never let the mtc hair salon cut your hair..... i walk in and she goes "how long do you want it" my response was "as long as possible to make missionary standards"..... yeah she pretty much shaved my head. NOT COOL OF HER. she was satan cutting my hair. she took that electric shaver and started going to town on my curls! i was pisssssed!! haha i was trying to crack jokes to her saying that she cut all of my luscious curls off. SHE DIDNT THINK THAT WAS FUNNY. i thought it was pretty messed up of her to not respect my sexy curly hair and cut all of it off. she messed my day up for sure. hahah you gotta respect the girls! how else am i supposed to convince people to get baptized. the curls will get em.

well being on a mission still doesnt seem real to me. i still dont seem old enough to be a missionary or that its that point of time in my life right now. i can promise you im giving it my all. i feel like i work as hard as i can. sometimes i want to punch spanish in the face but i feel that i am somewhat patient with it... im still walking around with a big dumb smile on my face loving life... sometimes its a fake smile but hey whatever it takes to be positive right?? its really weird being in the mtc..... you have the same schedule on the majority of your days so i feel like the 3 weeks that i have been in here has all meshed into 1 day..... days seem like weeks and weeks seem like days. its goes by super slow sometimes and other time its breezing right by me. i love my district though.. they are all way cool and we have a good time... i can joke around in there so it keeps me sane... all the teacher get a kick out of me because i try and keep things fun.  hahah my spanish sucks and i always try and say sweet things in spanish that they laugh at.
on a more serious note one thing that i have learned in here is how to love people.... that is one of the characters of christ is to really love people and love them for who they are. ive really tried to look for positives in every person that i encounter and i always try to do things that might brighten their day in one way or another.... i dont know if i make a difference in their life but i do know that im trying to do things for other people that it has made a difference in my life... its crazy how much happier you are when you love the people around you and try and truly attend to their needs. im not trying to sound like im a good person or anything like that but i know that i have become a much more happier person because of it. ALL I KNOW IS THAT JESUS CHRIST IS PRETTY AWESOME!! haha i bet jesus balled hard when he was on the earth. biggest stud ever. i bet we would have been good friends and had a good time.. ahaha i dont know if that is appropriate to say... ooooops.

hahaha so we are teaching this mock investigator and i got the impression for me and my comp to sing families can be together forever to her..... And we would be singing this in spanish... hahahahahaha it was a train wreck!! it doesnt help that my voice sounds like a one eyed elephant voice. so we start singing the song and me and my comp both forget how it goes because its in spanish... so we cold turkey stopped singing because we couldnt remember how it went... IT WAS BAD..haha it was still cool though.. i just laughed and said "lo siento" which means sorry to the investigator. it was funny.

and for the first time i cryed when bearing my testimony in spanish...... haha i could barely spit out the words i wanted to say because it was in spanish and i dont know how to say them but i just felt the spirit so strong and couldnt help but be a baby and shed some tears here in there.... mom you cursed me with crying when bearing testimony.. ha you are probably crying as you read this... your a good hobby you know that!! good ol gobbles crying every week in church.

 well i have meditation session with 2 other elders in my district just about every day.... im like ghandi now. things get crayyyyyy in those med sesh's.... breathe in breathe out.... get your inner peace on . its dope. one time we were doing a meditation session and one elder was sitting on my bed and on my pillow.... in the middle of the session he farted on my pillow!!!! NOT COOL.... i threw him right off my bed. nobody can fart on my pillow... thats messed up right???? haha it was actually way funny.... sometimes i feel like i have never laughed harder then in the mtc.. and other times the mtc sucks... haha its a good kind of suck though i guess..

well today i was able to clean the temple for 3 1/2 hours which was awesome!

o yeah i ate some more salad this week. and it was way gross. i still gagg just about every time.... i ate pineapple too.. things get crayyyyy in the lunch room when i start trying food. its funny to everybody else but me.hahah

mommm thank you so much for the package again!!!! totally made my day... the brownies were delicious, the xbalm was awesome!! i love the handgrips! the candy also delish.... i cant remember on the top of my head what else was in there but i loved it!! o yeah the curly sexy hair shampoo and conditioner was in there.... that was the best thing!! once my curls grow back it'll come into effect ;)

well i love hearing from you and i love getting your letters. i hope all is going well..... Bob liking boys, gobbles giving fifi treats, biggins eating ice cream, and lenny talking to cats.... o yeah and taylor and savannah being married and doing married things........... so thats sweet...

Elder Jew Boi




this is elder krauss... he is a little bit socially awkward and couldnt talk to people very well.. just didnt have a lot of social skills. when i was in the gym one day i started talking to him for about 2-3 minutes. when i walked away from him i got the impression that the spirit was telling me i needed to go back and talk to him for a lot longer and be a friend to him. ever since that day i worked out right next to elder krauss and we talked the whole time. i would do my leg workouts and he would workout on a running machine right next to me. i dont know if the spirit was telling me to go back to help him or if the spirit was telling me to go back and talk to him because i would find great joy doing so. he left for mexico last week...

yooooooooooooooooooo what up what up!!!! hows things going mis amigos? yeah im way freaking good at spanish now after being in here for 12 days! haha 12 days seems like its been eternity but at the same time the 12 days has gone by sooooooo quickly!! well if you dont want to read this long letter go to the very bottom and read about my food story..... its some crazy stuff!!!!!

email time is the most stressful time for me because i want to write all of you and write you good letters but i just dont have a ton of time.... I’m a mad man mgee typing away when we get on email because i dont have that much time... ive definately got to put my game face on when i get on email....  so the dearelders are way nice...

thank you all for your letters!!! i love hearing what you guys are doing and it makes my day when our district leader goes to get the mail for the day and he comes back with a letter for me!! yipppppy kaiiiii ayyyy cowboy..... hahaha the other day our district leader said he had a letter for me but it turned out to only be a blue immunization sheet saying i needed to go talk to the office...i got my hopes up for nothing... so thanks a lot for writing me that day!! Haha

 well things are going way good!!!! im super happy and i dont know if it could be going much better considering the fact that im in the mtc prison... its super weird for me to have all these rules and have a companion who has to follow me around everywhere i go.... id least i get some privacy when ive gotta go to the bathroom... so THATS WAY NICE. ummmm i pretty much go to the bathroom every hour because of the gingers advice to bring a cambleback... that cambleback was the greatest thing that i brought here.... im always guzzlin that water just like a camble.... hmmm delicious....

all of my thoughts will kind of be scattered around here on this email.....

sooooo hobbles i got your package!!!!!! the greatest day of my life... i was jumping around like a giddy school girl when i got the package and opened it... YOU ARE ONE GREAT MOM... OR SHOULDI SAY ONE GREAT GOBBLES!! You hooked me up fat with my favorite goodies... sour punch straws and airhead extreme pulls....... hmmmmmm sooooo yummy!!! i loved the blue snowman blanket,,, very childess blanket but it lulls me to sleep at night.... and i really like the watch you sent me.. i like it a ton! o man that package made my day... i definately felt lots of love from it... you da best mom out there gobbles.

elder jones the companion that i wasnt the most fond of got transferred to an intermediate spanish class... i guess he was way to smart for being around a dummmmmby like me.. im a tard i know. so things have been 5,00000 times better since he left... hahah thats not very christlike of me to say.. but my other companion is pretty cool. we get a long... hes from davis and really likes the way he looks.. hahah he takes forever to get ready in the morning. takes a longtime to do his hair... good thing i have jew hair so it doesnt take me very long... man my hair is SEXY!!!


i love my district... all the guys are way dope and we all get along and like each other... well at least i like everybody... who knows if they like me.. my favorite guys in there are elder pace and elder berger... o man they are funny... we have such a good time but work way hard. i can joke around with them and crack jokes and just be me. i dont know if i have laughed so much in one week after being around these guys. elder pace is even weirder than i am.. which is kinda hard to be. hahahah so our goals are to be able to do the splits by the time we leave the mtc. we've been stretching very thoroughly every night.. can you imagine biggie trying to do the splits??? that would be so hawt!! so biggie you should start stretching so you can do the splits... o man would i like that...

we also do meditation sessions like once a day.... its freaking sweet.... clear that mind up so we can start preaching the gospel and throwing book of mormons right at peoples face so they can know the truth!!!

i also started phat tie friday which is in effect for the 2nd time tomorrow... all the guys in my district wear my vintage phat ties on friday... its MEGA AWESOME!

haha the other day we were in the computer lab and i fell asleep so my companion, elder pace and elder berger thought it would be WAY FUNNY to turn off all the computers in the lab and turn the lights off.... then they found two sister missionaries to come wake me up saying that it was 9:00 at night and my companions left me..... O MAN WAS I CONFUSED WHEN THEY WOKE ME UP. hahaha i could not comprehend what was going on... so i like ran outside to go find my companions and they jumped out and scared me.... sons of B's got me good! it was funny.......

so sister dowman is the 1 counselors wife in our branch presidency and she has stickers to put on the back of our name tags/badges....... WAY AWESOME!! so i got crush the turtle from finding nemo and dori the fish from finding nemo... both represent things for my mission... crush represents having a good attitude and just being chill about everything.... RIGHTEOUS RIGHTEOUS!!! And dori from finding nemo has short term memory loss... hahah so i thought having short term memory loss would be an appropriate thing to put on my name tag.... at least i can remember how to tie my shoes right??? 

SO THE BIGGEST NEWS OF THE WEEK IS THAT I HAVE BEEN TRYING FOOD!!!! its been freaking crayyyyyyyyy (that means crazy mom)

so elder berger was telling me if i dont get over my fobia of food then i will offend future members and the result of that would be not inviting people unto christ... its been the craziest week of my life trying food.... i dont think i have ever gagged so much.... o MAN I HATE IT..

SATURDAY- practiced putting leafs of lettuce onto another tray at lunch for dinner......... ATE ONE PIECE OF LETTUCE AND ALMOST THREW UP EVERY WHERE


MONDAY- At lunch i had my first bite of watermelon-- it was okay and i gagged a little bit. then i had a stawberry after which i liked for dinner i had honeydew and gaggggggggged so hard


WEDNESDAY -- get ready for this one........ I HAD TWO BITES OF SALAD!!!!!!! OOOO MAN I ALMOST THREW UP!!

 HAHAHAH every single time i went to eat something there was like 40 people just waiting for me to do it... everyone is laughing and encouraging me on.... i really think that i have a serious phobia for food.. it gives me such bad anxiety and nothing sounds worse to me... i need counseling... elder berger has been getting me through it and been my therapy counselor.... one day i was gagging so hard that this granda sister missionary came to see if i was choking and was going to die.... conquering demons out here!!!!!!!!

well on a serious note i love the gospel and i love being a missionary.... i feel the spirit so strong here and i know this is where i am supposed to be.. ive learned a lot and have gotten a lot closer with my father in heaven... here are some of the quotes from talks we heard....

"forever have the name of jesus christ branded within your heart"

"missionary work will never be easy but it will always be worth it"

"missionary work will require a small token of your soul, for your soul will convert others unto christ"

"missionary work is so difficult because salvation does not come easy"

"what you do in 2 years will echo throughout eternity"

love you all....... dont smoke weed

Elder Myers aka Jew boi

Friday, August 2, 2013

08/02/13 - address
Provo MTC mission
Unit 123
Mission Code: ARG-BAS
Est Dept Date: 08/26/13

Character of Christ - 7/26/13

Cole’s first letter
MTC July 26, 2013

Hey Hey Hey !!!  Whats going on!  It’s my P-Day today and I didn't have a whole lot of time to write you on the computer so I’ll write a more serious letter here.  

     I’m doing really well with my concussion,  I wouldn't say things are “back” completely but I’m doing just fine.  Its really awesome to be around the gospel 24/7  Sometimes its a little much and I get exhausted but its sweet.  The spirit is so strong here and I have really gotten an appreciation for this gospel.  The best way to explain how I feel right now and how I feel about being a missionary is that it simply puts a smile on my face.
Its so cool to know that I represent Jesus Christ and that I take on the responsibility of bringing other people to Christ.  I have the opportunity to make that difference in another persons life and to show them what joy they will find in themselves when they open their heart and let the holy spirit dwell within them and testify that this is the true church.  

On Sunday’s they have a fireside for all the missionaries where they have speakers and musical notes etc.  After the fireside they showed a talk that Elder Bednar gave to the Missionaries on christmas a couple of years ago.  The talk is titled “The  Character of Christ”  It was probably the best talk I have ever heard and it changed the way I look at things and my whole outlook on life.  He talked about the characteristics of Christ and how we can learn of Christ.  Instead of learning about Christ.  Character can be defined as the moral Qualities we have and it is essential that we learn of the Moral qualities that are shown and displayed in Jesus Christ.  When we are understanding of the Moral qualities of Christ and apply his character in our own lives we will truly gain the true love of Jesus Christ.  The character of Christ is that he turns himself outward and acts in a selfless way.  Christ gives himself to all and sacrifices all that he has instead of thinking for himself.  These are the things I have learned and that was said in his talk,  and notes I took down.  I learned that to have true happiness you need to turn yourself outwards, be selfless and give yourself unto others.  I learned that we need to separate ourself amongst others and to separate amongst the common man.  Turn yourself outward and show love, service, and compassion.  We need to put aside our pains, and our struggles and look for how we can help one another.  These are some of the many things that christ showed unto others and shows unto us every single day when we strive to follow the example that christ set for us that is when we will truly be converted into this gospel.  We need to pay the price and sacrifice all that we have in order to be converted unto this gospel.  Elder Bednar said that “ A saint means you become more like the savior”  Our Church is called the church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints for a reason,  In being in this church we take on the responsibility of being a saint.  Meaning that we take on the responsibility of striving to become more like Christ,  as I walked out of this talk I realized the importance of service and how much serving other people can benefit our lives.  It was said that “as you lose yourself in the service of others you will find your true self without looking for it.”  I have found that when I have given service in my life that is when I have learned the most about myself and I have gotten a true understanding of what kind of “Character” I hold as a person.  I know that as we serve others and put aside our personal needs and devote ourself toward other people we will develop the pure love of christ and will truly be converted unto the lord.

Well those are my Spiritual “ Missionary “ thoughts for the day I love you guys more that you know and I miss cuddling with Lenny!  He’s one good pooch If iv’e ever seen one.  Mom you better not be worrying about me because I’m just fine this letter is addressed to anyone who wants to read it.  

I’ll smell ya later
Your baby Boy
Elder Cole Myers


yooooooooooooooooooo what up what up!!!! hows things going mis amigos? yeah im way freaking good at spanish now after being in here for 12 days! haha 12 days seems like its been eternity but at the same time the 12 days has gone by sooooooo quickly!! well if you dont want to read this long letter go to the very bottom and read about my food story..... its some crazy stuff!!!!!
email time is the most stressful time for me because i want to write all of you and write you good letters but i just dont have a tone of time.... and a mad man mgee typing away when we get on email because i dont have that much time... ive definitely got to put my game face on when i get on email....  so the dearelders are way nice...
thank you all for your letters!!! i love hearing what you guys are doing and it makes my day when our district leader goes to get the mail for the day and he comes back with a letter for me!! yipppppy kaiiiii ayyyy cowboy..... hahaha the other day our district leader said he had a letter for me but it turned out to only be a blue immunization sheet saying i needed to go talk to the office...i got my hopes up for nothing... so thanks a lot for writing me that day!! haha
well things are going way good!!!! im super happy and i dont know if it could be going much better considering the fact that im in the mtc prison... its super weird for me to have all these rules and have a companion who has to follow me around everywhere i go.... id least i get some privacy when ive gotta p***(julie had to add the stars fyi)... so THATS WAY NICE. ummmm i pretty much go to the bathroom every hour because of the gingers advice to bring a cambleback... that cambleback was the greatest thing that i brought here.... im always guzzlin that water just like a camble.... hmmm delicious....
all of my thoughts will kind of be scattered around here on this email.....
sooooo hobbles i got your package!!!!!! the greatest day of my life... i was jumping around like a giddy school girl when i got the package and opened it... YOU ARE ONE GREAT MOM... OR SHOULDI SAY ONE GREAT GOBBLES!! You hooked me up fat with my favorite goodies... sour punch straws and airhead extreme pulls....... hmmmmmm sooooo yummy!!! i loved the blue snowman blanket,,, very childess blanket but it lulls me to sleep at night.... and i really like the watch you sent me.. i like it a ton! o man that package made my day... i definitely felt lots of love from it... you da best mom out there gobbles.
elder jones the companion that i wasnt the most fond of got transferred to an intermediate spanish class... i guess he was way to smart for being around a dummmmmby like me.. im a tard i know. so things have been 5,00000 times better since he left... hahah thats not very christlike of me to say.. but myother companion is pretty cool. we get a long... hes from davis and really likes the way he looks.. hahah he takes forever to get ready in the morning. takes a longtime to do his hair... good thing i have jew hair so it doesnt take me very long... man my hair is SEXY!!!
i love my district... all the guys are way dope and we all get along and like each other... well at least i like everybody... who knows if they like me.. my favorite guys in there are elder pace and elder berger... o man they are funny... we have such a good time but work way hard. i can joke around with them and crack jokes and just be me. i dont knowif i have laughed so much in one week after being around these guys. elder pace is even weirder than i am.. which is kinda hard to be. hahahah so our goalis to be able to do the splits by the time we leave the mtc we've been stretching very thoroughly every night.. can you imagine biggie trying to do the splits??? that would be so hawt!! so biggie you should start stretching so you can do the splits... o man would i like that...
we also do meditation sessions like once a day.... its freaking sweet.... clear that mind up so we can start preaching the gopsel and throwing book of mormons right at peoples face so they can know the truth!!!
i also started phat tie friday which is in effect for the 2nd time tomorrow... all the guys in my district wear my vintage phat ties on friday... its MEGA AWESOME!
haha the other day we were in the computer lab and i fell asleep so my companion, elder pace and elder berger thought it would be WAY FUNNY to turn off all the computers in the lab and turn the lights off.... then they found two sister missionaries to come wake me up saying that it was 9:00 at night and my companions left me..... O MAN WASI CONFUSED WHEN THEY WOKE ME UP. hahaha i could not comprehend what was going on... so i like ran outside to go find my companions and they jumped out and scared me.... sons of B's got me good! it was funny.......
so sister dowman is the 1 counselors wife in our branch presidency and she has stickers to put on the back of our name tags/badges....... WAY AWESOME!! so i got crush the turtle from finding nemo and dori the fish from finding nemo... both represent things for my mission... crush represents having a good attitude and just being chill about everything.... RIGHTEOUS RIGHTEOUS!!! And dori from finding nemo has short term memory loss... hahah so i thought having short term memory loss would be an appropriate thing to put on my name tag.... at least i can remember how to tie my shoes right??? 
SO THE BIGGEST NEWS OF THE WEEK IS THAT I HAVE BEEN TRYING FOOD!!!! its been freaking crayyyyyyyyy (that means crazy mom)
so elder berger was telling me if i dont get over my fobia of food then i will offend future members and the result of that would be not inviting people unto christ... its been the craziest week of my life trying food.... i dont think i have ever gagged so much.... o MAN I HATE IT..
SATURDAY- practiced putting leafs of lettuce onto another tray at lunch
                      for dinner......... ATE ONE PIECE OF LETTUCE AND ALMOST THREW UP EVERY WHERE
MONDAY- At lunch i had my first bite of watermelon-- it was okay and i gagged a little bit. then i had a stawberry after which i liked
                 for dinner i had honeydew and gaggggggggged so hard
WEDNEDAY (yesterday) -- get ready for this one........ I HAD TWO BITES OF SALAD!!!!!!! OOOO MAN I ALMOST THREW UP!!
HAHAHAH every single time i went to eat something there was like 40 people just waiting for me to do it... everyone is laughing and encouraging me on.... i really think that i have a serious fobia for food.. it gives me such bad anxiety and nothing sounds worse to me... i need counseling... elder berger has been getting me through it and been my therapy counselor.... one day i was gagging so hard that this granda sister missionary came to see if i was choking and was going to die.... conquering demons out here!!!!!!!!
well on a serious note i love the gospel and i love being a missionary.... i feel the spirit so strong here and i know this is where i am supposed to be.. ive learned a lot and have gotten a lot closerwith my father in heaven... here are some of the quotes from talks we heard....
"forever have the name of jesus christ branded within your heart"
"missionary work will never be easy but it will always be worth it"
"missionary work will require a small token of your soul, for your soul will convert others unto christ"
"missionary work is so difficult because salvation does not come easy"
"what you od in 2 years will echo throughout eternity"
love you all....... dont smoke weed
Elder Myers aka Jew boi


yo yo yo mis familias!!! what is going on?!?!?!?!?!!
as will phams mom would say "things are good in the hood" down here in the mtc.... theres like a billion missionaries just doing the lords work! haha there are so many people here and there are definitely a lot of strange ducks! its all good though! im way happy here so i guess thats awesome. the first couple of days i just walked around like a big dumby not having a clue as to what was going on... the concussion made me struggle a ton but nothing to worry about.
on saturday i was shown around and explained rules and all that bullpucky. ummmmmm my companions are elder jones and elder tribe. elder jones is from mission viejo california and elder tribe is from kaysville utah and he went to davis. we're all the same age
its super hard having the trio companionship because its one more person you have to keep track of and they always get mad at me because i go to the bathroom so much cause i gotta keep hydrated with my camble back so i just guzzzzzle that water all day long and in result i have to go to the el bano (that means bathroom mom) all day long!
im probs the biggest dumby in my spanish classes. i never know what they are talking about!! hahaha i just sit there with a big dumb smile on my face and say "si si si" even though i have no idea what the teacher is saying. we have been teaching a mock investigator and when we go into to teach him (in spanish) i have NO CLUE WHAT TO SAY.... i'll say something and the investigator will say something back to me and i just smile :) :) ONE THING I LEARNED IN SPANISH CLASS.... Mrs. Elena banks didnt teach me jack squat! hahaha jk elena i actually know how to conjugate in here. im just too big of a dumby to remember any of the vocab words.... it'll come im not too worried about it.
the food is actually really good. i can get anything i want here PLAIN with nothing on it so thats a plus.... ive gained 5 pounds so thats dope.... i reallllly hope im not a tubby when i get home....
things are good in the HOOOD!!!!! IM HAPPY AND THINGS ARE GREAT
your baby boy Elder Myers