Friday, August 2, 2013

Character of Christ - 7/26/13

Cole’s first letter
MTC July 26, 2013

Hey Hey Hey !!!  Whats going on!  It’s my P-Day today and I didn't have a whole lot of time to write you on the computer so I’ll write a more serious letter here.  

     I’m doing really well with my concussion,  I wouldn't say things are “back” completely but I’m doing just fine.  Its really awesome to be around the gospel 24/7  Sometimes its a little much and I get exhausted but its sweet.  The spirit is so strong here and I have really gotten an appreciation for this gospel.  The best way to explain how I feel right now and how I feel about being a missionary is that it simply puts a smile on my face.
Its so cool to know that I represent Jesus Christ and that I take on the responsibility of bringing other people to Christ.  I have the opportunity to make that difference in another persons life and to show them what joy they will find in themselves when they open their heart and let the holy spirit dwell within them and testify that this is the true church.  

On Sunday’s they have a fireside for all the missionaries where they have speakers and musical notes etc.  After the fireside they showed a talk that Elder Bednar gave to the Missionaries on christmas a couple of years ago.  The talk is titled “The  Character of Christ”  It was probably the best talk I have ever heard and it changed the way I look at things and my whole outlook on life.  He talked about the characteristics of Christ and how we can learn of Christ.  Instead of learning about Christ.  Character can be defined as the moral Qualities we have and it is essential that we learn of the Moral qualities that are shown and displayed in Jesus Christ.  When we are understanding of the Moral qualities of Christ and apply his character in our own lives we will truly gain the true love of Jesus Christ.  The character of Christ is that he turns himself outward and acts in a selfless way.  Christ gives himself to all and sacrifices all that he has instead of thinking for himself.  These are the things I have learned and that was said in his talk,  and notes I took down.  I learned that to have true happiness you need to turn yourself outwards, be selfless and give yourself unto others.  I learned that we need to separate ourself amongst others and to separate amongst the common man.  Turn yourself outward and show love, service, and compassion.  We need to put aside our pains, and our struggles and look for how we can help one another.  These are some of the many things that christ showed unto others and shows unto us every single day when we strive to follow the example that christ set for us that is when we will truly be converted into this gospel.  We need to pay the price and sacrifice all that we have in order to be converted unto this gospel.  Elder Bednar said that “ A saint means you become more like the savior”  Our Church is called the church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints for a reason,  In being in this church we take on the responsibility of being a saint.  Meaning that we take on the responsibility of striving to become more like Christ,  as I walked out of this talk I realized the importance of service and how much serving other people can benefit our lives.  It was said that “as you lose yourself in the service of others you will find your true self without looking for it.”  I have found that when I have given service in my life that is when I have learned the most about myself and I have gotten a true understanding of what kind of “Character” I hold as a person.  I know that as we serve others and put aside our personal needs and devote ourself toward other people we will develop the pure love of christ and will truly be converted unto the lord.

Well those are my Spiritual “ Missionary “ thoughts for the day I love you guys more that you know and I miss cuddling with Lenny!  He’s one good pooch If iv’e ever seen one.  Mom you better not be worrying about me because I’m just fine this letter is addressed to anyone who wants to read it.  

I’ll smell ya later
Your baby Boy
Elder Cole Myers

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