yo what is up!!! man time has absolutely just flown by!!
this is my last letter in the united states and the last letter in the mtc....
so i guess i should share the change within me through my mtc experience and
the change within me in my first 6 weeks as a full time missionary... haha that
still feels weird to say that im a missionary!! Ha i don't know if im your
typical missionary though! i laugh a little bit more than i probably
-they laugh when i cant even eat salad
-they laugh at me when i carry a jump rope with me
everywhere i go
-they laugh at me when i dress up in my all black thermals
and black beanie and scare other elders in other rooms
-they laugh at my ridiculous comments
-they laugh at my jew hair
-and we all just laugh together!!! man its been so fun and
im so happy!
well for those of you who haven't heard i am leaving for
Argentina Monday morning!!! hahaha oooooo man am i scared out of my mind! haha
i guess scared isnt the right word but i am seriously so anxious and excited!!!
some of my thoughts for leaving....
i seriously cannot believe that i didnt get reassigned to
another state until my permanent visa came for argentina. i feel beyond blessed
to be able to go right into argentina..... my thoughts are that there is a
purpose me getting to go into argentina right away.
i know when i get there i wont know what the heck is going
on and i wont be able to teach very well at all or even know how to tie my
shoes. ill be so confused! haha but i know
that the lord has a plan for me.... and for some reason he made it possible for
me to be in argentina next week and not in 3-6 months.... i know that there is
some argentinian that is waiting for me and is waiting to see my big dumb
smiling face ready for me to spread the message that i have for them...
hahaha ooo im going to be so confused the first couple
of months!!! but my attitude is that im going to try as hard as i can and just
do my best.... when they laugh at how awful my spanish is ill just give them
the "big thumbs up" and a huge smile laughing right back at myself! i
seriously cannot wait! i hope they put me in the most ghetto area there is...
then i can just chill with the argentinian thugs and before they know it im
dunking them in that baptismal font and their life is changed through jesus
christ! hahah that would be craaaayyyy!!!
i was reading in the book of mormon about faith... here is
what my thoughts were when studying... i wrote them down in my journal
Faith Is Greater Than The Miracle Itself
haha sorry if that was a little much to share!! haha i was
getting mad revelation dropped upon my head when i was writing this... haha or
at least i thought i was!
you should have seen elder pace’s face when I gave him those
shoes…it was so awesome!!he couldn’t stop saying thank you and he said that’s
one of the few times somebody has actually done something nice for him..i am so
happy we could make that happen.it was cool to see.i think i got more joy out
of it then he did.that’s what i love about service..
well i dont know if you will hear from me in a week. it'll
probably be like a week in a half.. thats just my guess. i hope i have time to
write you all back today.. thank you so much for all of your letters and love
from home... MY FAMILY IS DOPE!! haha mom that package absoultely made my day!!
these new phat ties are sooooooo dope! haha phat tie friday is gonna be epic
tomorrow!! all the elders are soooo jealous of my ties. i think 2 districts
will be wearing my ties tomorrow for phat tie friday......
well wish me luck for argentina! pray that i wont screw up
some lesson by saying the wrong spanish word! haha and pray that some member
doesnt give me some nasty food to eat! but most importantly pray for the people
that i am going to be teaching... i can get by on my own :)
love you all so much and i am so grateful for the support
that i receive from home!
peace out United States, I'll smell ya later!
hola Argentina, you've got a curly headed missionary coming
your way!
Elder Cole Myers
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