Sunday, August 18, 2013

yooooooooooooooooooo what up what up!!!! hows things going mis amigos? yeah im way freaking good at spanish now after being in here for 12 days! haha 12 days seems like its been eternity but at the same time the 12 days has gone by sooooooo quickly!! well if you dont want to read this long letter go to the very bottom and read about my food story..... its some crazy stuff!!!!!

email time is the most stressful time for me because i want to write all of you and write you good letters but i just dont have a ton of time.... I’m a mad man mgee typing away when we get on email because i dont have that much time... ive definately got to put my game face on when i get on email....  so the dearelders are way nice...

thank you all for your letters!!! i love hearing what you guys are doing and it makes my day when our district leader goes to get the mail for the day and he comes back with a letter for me!! yipppppy kaiiiii ayyyy cowboy..... hahaha the other day our district leader said he had a letter for me but it turned out to only be a blue immunization sheet saying i needed to go talk to the office...i got my hopes up for nothing... so thanks a lot for writing me that day!! Haha

 well things are going way good!!!! im super happy and i dont know if it could be going much better considering the fact that im in the mtc prison... its super weird for me to have all these rules and have a companion who has to follow me around everywhere i go.... id least i get some privacy when ive gotta go to the bathroom... so THATS WAY NICE. ummmm i pretty much go to the bathroom every hour because of the gingers advice to bring a cambleback... that cambleback was the greatest thing that i brought here.... im always guzzlin that water just like a camble.... hmmm delicious....

all of my thoughts will kind of be scattered around here on this email.....

sooooo hobbles i got your package!!!!!! the greatest day of my life... i was jumping around like a giddy school girl when i got the package and opened it... YOU ARE ONE GREAT MOM... OR SHOULDI SAY ONE GREAT GOBBLES!! You hooked me up fat with my favorite goodies... sour punch straws and airhead extreme pulls....... hmmmmmm sooooo yummy!!! i loved the blue snowman blanket,,, very childess blanket but it lulls me to sleep at night.... and i really like the watch you sent me.. i like it a ton! o man that package made my day... i definately felt lots of love from it... you da best mom out there gobbles.

elder jones the companion that i wasnt the most fond of got transferred to an intermediate spanish class... i guess he was way to smart for being around a dummmmmby like me.. im a tard i know. so things have been 5,00000 times better since he left... hahah thats not very christlike of me to say.. but my other companion is pretty cool. we get a long... hes from davis and really likes the way he looks.. hahah he takes forever to get ready in the morning. takes a longtime to do his hair... good thing i have jew hair so it doesnt take me very long... man my hair is SEXY!!!


i love my district... all the guys are way dope and we all get along and like each other... well at least i like everybody... who knows if they like me.. my favorite guys in there are elder pace and elder berger... o man they are funny... we have such a good time but work way hard. i can joke around with them and crack jokes and just be me. i dont know if i have laughed so much in one week after being around these guys. elder pace is even weirder than i am.. which is kinda hard to be. hahahah so our goals are to be able to do the splits by the time we leave the mtc. we've been stretching very thoroughly every night.. can you imagine biggie trying to do the splits??? that would be so hawt!! so biggie you should start stretching so you can do the splits... o man would i like that...

we also do meditation sessions like once a day.... its freaking sweet.... clear that mind up so we can start preaching the gospel and throwing book of mormons right at peoples face so they can know the truth!!!

i also started phat tie friday which is in effect for the 2nd time tomorrow... all the guys in my district wear my vintage phat ties on friday... its MEGA AWESOME!

haha the other day we were in the computer lab and i fell asleep so my companion, elder pace and elder berger thought it would be WAY FUNNY to turn off all the computers in the lab and turn the lights off.... then they found two sister missionaries to come wake me up saying that it was 9:00 at night and my companions left me..... O MAN WAS I CONFUSED WHEN THEY WOKE ME UP. hahaha i could not comprehend what was going on... so i like ran outside to go find my companions and they jumped out and scared me.... sons of B's got me good! it was funny.......

so sister dowman is the 1 counselors wife in our branch presidency and she has stickers to put on the back of our name tags/badges....... WAY AWESOME!! so i got crush the turtle from finding nemo and dori the fish from finding nemo... both represent things for my mission... crush represents having a good attitude and just being chill about everything.... RIGHTEOUS RIGHTEOUS!!! And dori from finding nemo has short term memory loss... hahah so i thought having short term memory loss would be an appropriate thing to put on my name tag.... at least i can remember how to tie my shoes right??? 

SO THE BIGGEST NEWS OF THE WEEK IS THAT I HAVE BEEN TRYING FOOD!!!! its been freaking crayyyyyyyyy (that means crazy mom)

so elder berger was telling me if i dont get over my fobia of food then i will offend future members and the result of that would be not inviting people unto christ... its been the craziest week of my life trying food.... i dont think i have ever gagged so much.... o MAN I HATE IT..

SATURDAY- practiced putting leafs of lettuce onto another tray at lunch for dinner......... ATE ONE PIECE OF LETTUCE AND ALMOST THREW UP EVERY WHERE


MONDAY- At lunch i had my first bite of watermelon-- it was okay and i gagged a little bit. then i had a stawberry after which i liked for dinner i had honeydew and gaggggggggged so hard


WEDNESDAY -- get ready for this one........ I HAD TWO BITES OF SALAD!!!!!!! OOOO MAN I ALMOST THREW UP!!

 HAHAHAH every single time i went to eat something there was like 40 people just waiting for me to do it... everyone is laughing and encouraging me on.... i really think that i have a serious phobia for food.. it gives me such bad anxiety and nothing sounds worse to me... i need counseling... elder berger has been getting me through it and been my therapy counselor.... one day i was gagging so hard that this granda sister missionary came to see if i was choking and was going to die.... conquering demons out here!!!!!!!!

well on a serious note i love the gospel and i love being a missionary.... i feel the spirit so strong here and i know this is where i am supposed to be.. ive learned a lot and have gotten a lot closer with my father in heaven... here are some of the quotes from talks we heard....

"forever have the name of jesus christ branded within your heart"

"missionary work will never be easy but it will always be worth it"

"missionary work will require a small token of your soul, for your soul will convert others unto christ"

"missionary work is so difficult because salvation does not come easy"

"what you do in 2 years will echo throughout eternity"

love you all....... dont smoke weed

Elder Myers aka Jew boi

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