yo yo yo mis familias!!! what is going on?!?!?!?!?!!
as will phams mom would say "things are good in the hood" down here in the mtc.... theres like a billion missionaries just doing the lords work! haha there are so many people here and there are definitely a lot of strange ducks! its all good though! im way happy here so i guess thats awesome. the first couple of days i just walked around like a big dumby not having a clue as to what was going on... the concussion made me struggle a ton but nothing to worry about.
on saturday i was shown around and explained rules and all that bullpucky. ummmmmm my companions are elder jones and elder tribe. elder jones is from mission viejo california and elder tribe is from kaysville utah and he went to davis. we're all the same age
its super hard having the trio companionship because its one more person you have to keep track of and they always get mad at me because i go to the bathroom so much cause i gotta keep hydrated with my camble back so i just guzzzzzle that water all day long and in result i have to go to the el bano (that means bathroom mom) all day long!
im probs the biggest dumby in my spanish classes. i never know what they are talking about!! hahaha i just sit there with a big dumb smile on my face and say "si si si" even though i have no idea what the teacher is saying. we have been teaching a mock investigator and when we go into to teach him (in spanish) i have NO CLUE WHAT TO SAY.... i'll say something and the investigator will say something back to me and i just smile :) :) ONE THING I LEARNED IN SPANISH CLASS.... Mrs. Elena banks didnt teach me jack squat! hahaha jk elena i actually know how to conjugate in here. im just too big of a dumby to remember any of the vocab words.... it'll come im not too worried about it.
the food is actually really good. i can get anything i want here PLAIN with nothing on it so thats a plus.... ive gained 5 pounds so thats dope.... i reallllly hope im not a tubby when i get home....
things are good in the HOOOD!!!!! IM HAPPY AND THINGS ARE GREAT
your baby boy Elder Myers
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