what upppppp!!! yo yo yo!
last thursday i got a haircut... NO BUENO. Never let the mtc
hair salon cut your hair..... i walk in and she goes "how long do you want
it" my response was "as long as possible to make missionary
standards"..... yeah she pretty much shaved my head. NOT COOL OF HER. she
was satan cutting my hair. she took that electric shaver and started going to
town on my curls! i was pisssssed!! haha i was trying to crack jokes to her
saying that she cut all of my luscious curls off. SHE DIDNT THINK THAT WAS
FUNNY. i thought it was pretty messed up of her to not respect my sexy curly
hair and cut all of it off. she messed my day up for sure. hahah you gotta
respect the girls! how else am i supposed to convince people to get baptized.
the curls will get em.
on a more serious note one thing that i have learned in here is how to love people.... that is one of the characters of christ is to really love people and love them for who they are. ive really tried to look for positives in every person that i encounter and i always try to do things that might brighten their day in one way or another.... i dont know if i make a difference in their life but i do know that im trying to do things for other people that it has made a difference in my life... its crazy how much happier you are when you love the people around you and try and truly attend to their needs. im not trying to sound like im a good person or anything like that but i know that i have become a much more happier person because of it. ALL I KNOW IS THAT JESUS CHRIST IS PRETTY AWESOME!! haha i bet jesus balled hard when he was on the earth. biggest stud ever. i bet we would have been good friends and had a good time.. ahaha i dont know if that is appropriate to say... ooooops.
hahaha so we are teaching this mock investigator and i got
the impression for me and my comp to sing families can be together forever to
her..... And we would be singing this in spanish... hahahahahaha it was a train
wreck!! it doesnt help that my voice sounds like a one eyed elephant voice. so
we start singing the song and me and my comp both forget how it goes because
its in spanish... so we cold turkey stopped singing because we couldnt remember
how it went... IT WAS BAD..haha it was still cool though.. i just laughed and
said "lo siento" which means sorry to the investigator. it was funny.
and for the first time i cryed when bearing my testimony in
spanish...... haha i could barely spit out the words i wanted to say because it
was in spanish and i dont know how to say them but i just felt the spirit so
strong and couldnt help but be a baby and shed some tears here in there.... mom
you cursed me with crying when bearing testimony.. ha you are probably crying as
you read this... your a good hobby you know that!! good ol gobbles crying every
week in church.
well i have meditation session with 2 other elders in my
district just about every day.... im like ghandi now. things get crayyyyyy in
those med sesh's.... breathe in breathe out.... get your inner peace on . its
dope. one time we were doing a meditation session and one elder was sitting on
my bed and on my pillow.... in the middle of the session he farted on my
pillow!!!! NOT COOL.... i threw him right off my bed. nobody can fart on my
pillow... thats messed up right???? haha it was actually way funny....
sometimes i feel like i have never laughed harder then in the mtc.. and other
times the mtc sucks... haha its a good kind of suck though i guess..
o yeah i ate some more salad this week. and it was way gross. i still gagg just about every time.... i ate pineapple too.. things get crayyyyy in the lunch room when i start trying food. its funny to everybody else but me.hahah
well i love hearing from you and i love getting your
letters. i hope all is going well..... Bob liking boys, gobbles giving fifi
treats, biggins eating ice cream, and lenny talking to cats.... o yeah and
taylor and savannah being married and doing married things........... so
thats sweet...
Elder Jew Boi
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