yoooooo what is
going on!! hows everything going!!
welllll lets see
what to write about..... slowly less things start to happen as you get used to
the mtc.... you get used to eating a lot... studying a lot... not understanding
what the freak your teachers are saying a lot...... laughing a lot... smiling a
lot.... wearing the same clothes a lot...
well lets see,
lets see, i feel really anxious to get my reassignment!! im hoping it'll come
next thursday but we will see! hopefully they send me to Wyoming.. then i could
rep my cowboy boots out on the ranch.... yeee haaa baby girl!!! that would be
way crayyyyyyy
im getting real
anxious!! haha its freaking scary to think ill be out of prison walls and in
the real world teaching the gospel in spanish!!!
welllll im about
as tired as a one eyed goose all the time!!! haha the days are so long and i
get sleepy sleepy... once its 10:30, im out cold asleep.... snoring
ive had some
saweeet dreams in the mtc! ha i dream like every night.
i had a
nightmare the either night... when i woke up i thought i wet my bed i was so
scared... my dream was that lenny was dying and i had to take him to texas for
some doctor... so i took him on my bullet bike and we cruised on down to texas!
man it was scary!
my other dream
was that me, biggins and taylor were going to some crash car derby thing and
biggie was yelling at me when we were at a gas station and was telling me i was
an idiot for not knowing how to fill up the truck or something like that!!
hahahha i hope biggie is chilling at home with his shirt off.... that would be WAY
well i have the
best news you have ever heard.... MY CURLS ARE COMING BACK!! AND THEY ARE
COMING BACK REAL NICE!! even though that lady totally botched my hair two weeks
ago its coming back.. i know you were all worrying about that.
haha i'll walk
around the mtc and random people will be like "hey its you! the kid who
tried the salad!!! hows the salad going!!!" hahaha i just laugh and tell
them that it scares me..... haha it still scares me.. mom you should have put
me in counseling for the salad... that was messed up for you not to care about
me and get me over my fears.... bahahaha just kidding billy goat... you're a
good goat.
im still doing
meditation sessions every day.... haha o man its awesome!! coming in peace with
my inner self.. me and ghandi are getting real tight... my next step to
becoming like ghandi is shaving my head bald... i think ill pass on that one...
o man i hope i dont go bald..... haha
welll tomorrow
is phat tie friday which is the best day of the week... i give all of the elders
in my district my phat ties to wear for the day... man do we look DUMB...
yet.... AWESOME! haha we got all the teachers to do it too... they always laugh
at me and the things i do... i try and keep things real and have a good time.
well there was
an elder that was having a hard day in the mtc... he was really frustrated with
the spanish and he was just not happy with everything... so i was talking to
him and i was trying to comfort him.. i talked about faith and that the
language would come.. the day before i had studied ether 12 which is about
faith. i wrote a little journal entry when i was studying it... so i shared
that entry with the elder who was struggling.... ill share what i wrote:
"i was just
reading in ether chapter 12. it is
talking about faith and how faith relates to miracles that God grants unto us.
if we have hope and faith then miracles will be given. but these miracles will
not be given until God sees the faith that we have. always have your faith in
God that he will help you with whatever you are going through. for you will not
receive that help until you have endured through the trial of your faith. faith
is things which are hoped for and not seen.. HOPE FOR ALL and practice your
faith in that hope. for when this is done God will grant unto you many
miracles. this is very applicable in my life right now. spanish has been very
hard for me and i get very frustrated over it. but I’ve realized that if i
don’t have faith and endure through my trial of faith knowing that the lord
will help me with the language then i won’t be granted the miracles of the gift
of tongues. he has given me the trial of practicing my faith and putting my
trust in him. i need to keep enduring through this trial and once i have shown
the lord that i have faith, then he will give it unto me. after my faith has
been shown then i will be a partaker of the gift".
so i shared that
with this elder and he came to me the next day and said that me talking to him
was an answer to his prayers and that it helped him out a lot... it was a
really tender moment for me and i was thankful for the lord giving me that
opportunity to share what i knew to be true...
ummmm mega
awesome thing that happened this week!!!! even better than my curls growing
back!! haha for our tuesday night devotional the apostle elder richard g scott
spoke to us!!!! it was so awesome!!! we got like front row seats... when he
entered the room the spirit instantly stabbed me right in the heart! ha i could
totally feel the love of god through elder scott. it was sooooo crayyyyyyyyyy..
i loved it! he gave a talk on prayer as well as other missionary things. i wont
share very much because i dont have time but it was awesome! maybe ill send my
notes home on it or something... but he also gave an apostolic blessing on all
the missionaries learning a language... so that was sweet!!! he said he was
very emotional for this talk because he could feel the presence of his wife in
the room (she passed away 15 years ago)... it was awesome!!
we had our
district devo after his talk and one of the elders in my district said
something about angels watching over us and he felt like his uncle who died
watches over him....
SAID THAT i had the feeling that my grandpa dale was watching over me and
that he was in my presence... i dont know if that sounds weird but i know that
to be true.. i dont know if i have ever felt the spirit stronger then i did
then.....I wrote the following in my journal after the devo:
i sit here right now after our tueday night devotional i can feel the pure love
of christ. as im sitting here with my district nothing but tears are streaming
down my face and i have such an overwhelming feeling of the spirit. i feel that
my grandpa dale is especially watching for me. i know hes here and i know he is
here to act as a guardian angel on my mission . i know that i can feel the love
of grandpa right now. i know hes with me and giving me comfort. in my
patriarchal blessing it talks about the guidance that i will have from my
ancestors in my life and especially on my mission. i know dale is helping me
and the only thing that is coming to my head is him telling me that he’s proud.
he wants me to be the best missionary that i can be and he will assist me in
every way in doing my work. im thankful to my lord for the feelings that i have
right now....
wellllll im
keeping on keeeping on here in the mtc!!! things are way fun and i love it!!
Some days suck but nobody said a mission is easy....... im lettin her buck and
gettin the job done!
tell lenny not
to look at other girl dogs... and for lenny not to have potty talk
much love,
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