Tuesday, January 28, 2014


1-27-14 -- Love me some peruvians

this week flew by!!

these past 3 weeks have felt like 1 week and i love that feeling... it feels sooooo mega fast right now so im loving it

first off i want to give a shoutout to Savs parents for sending me a package! oooo man i loved it! the ties are classic... ill be repping some of those on phat tie friday for sure... you best believe that tradition is still going on.
thank you so much Savs parents! 

thank you all for the letters! im sorry if i write small responses back to you... im a mad man on the computer on p day because there is soooo much to write..

haha so ive got some classic stories from the week

i hope i can tell them like they happened because i had some good laughs this week

so first off... being in argentina you get to know people from all sorts of different countries... they are from all over the place here

there is a family from peru... i love me my peruvians.. they are awesome

so this family from peru…and they have been members for about 4 years.. the rondon family... they like giving me food and i always try and tell them not so much because i dont wanna get chunky... yet they never listen to me... people dont seem to understand that you cant eat a cow in one serving nor do you want to... yet the food is yummy but i hope i dont get a phat tummy

anyway so the mom of this fam is classic.... always cracking jokes
and she has a sweet gold front tooth... she would make a sweet pirate
so like i said shes way funny

so shes making food and these houses get sooo mega freaking hot.. its like a sweet sauna and you just sweat and sweat and sweat
so rosa rondon the mom is sweating and is really hot cooking food
haha so what does she do??? lifts up her shirt as a belly shirt just chilling 
i was dying how funny it was

later on we took a picture with this family
after the picture she looks at me and lifts her shirt up like a belly shirt and starts doing a belly dance and singing asking if i can photoshop the picture to make her look skinny... HAHHAAH O MAN I WAS DYING OF LAUGHTER
it sounds inapropriate but no worries it really wasnt... just funny
o yeah  and her daughter is the one they call fat little pig she is 3 and weighs 55 pounds.. AWESOME. 

jehovas witnesses knocked on our door yesterday... i knew they were coming and was pumped to answer the door
i answer the door and the lady looks at me and pretty much had a look on her face and says "mormones" haha it was awesome
it was sweet we talked a little bit and she went

we taught a reallllll crazy lady this week
she was an evangilist and crazzzy to say the least
we tried to teach the 1st lesson and it took us 2 hours
interupted us foorrrrrrr everything and talked about who knows what
turns out she has the priesthood
has seen jesus more than once... and who knows what else
so when we start the lesson we asked if we could start with the prayer and she wanted to say it
she yelled the prayer in another language... it sounded like straight gibberish and i was scared... haha ooo man 
so when we ended the prayer i asked if i could say it
as i started the prayer she raises her right hand and start yelling a prayer of her own in some other language.... i tried not laughing with everything i had in me.... o man it was classic... yet scary...


HAHA i hope you got a good laugh out of those stories... they were all classic

sooo we have been having some seriously draining 3 weeks...
everybody has problems that we are trying to help them out with
its been soo awesome and i love it... yet it is emotionally draining
im so thankful for these past weeks... ive learned so much about my purpose and what i can do for these people as well as what they can do for me

you spend so much time and effort with these people
you plan for lessons and try and live your life so close to the spirit so you can listen to the still small voice direct you in your lessons
saying certain things to help them out can be so crucial and you have to be so close to the spirit to know what to so and how to say it
and ive realized that things that i have said to help these people have been things that i could never come up with on my own.... pure help from god

we have 2 real investigators

sandra is from peru and lives with the rondon family
she has had a really rough past and left her whole life in peru to come here
her family, everything
shes been abused by people in so many ways 
she has been to church the past 4 weeks and is really progressing and wants to know the truth
she had a baptism date put we delayed it because she wants to make a desicion that is real.... if she gets baptized im confident she will be in the church for the rest of her life
we have had some amazing lessons with her and such spiritual moments

the other investagator is a girl who has investigated the church for 6 months but has a problem with being baptized... 
she is at church every week and knows it all
she has a date to be baptized on the 8th but we will see what happens! 

mainly we are working with reactivating people
thats where we have a lot of things going on
so many people who deal with alcohol problems and so many other things

you spend time with these people and really grow to love them
you want them to return back to the church so bad and you really will do anything for them

this week we really focused on a member who was baptized about a year ago and went back to drinking and went inactive
his wife is devastated and cries about it all the time
we try so hard with him and want him to come back to church

his wife couldnt have been happier and she just cried to us saying the angels that we as missionaries are in her life

long story short i realized something

i realized my role and responsibility as a missionary
people really depend on you out here
the ward depends on you
the members depend on you

they think of you as angels 
ive realized that to them im such a blessing in their life
what a blessing that is for me
ive realized what a blessing they are in my life
ive realized how much better i need to be...
the closer i am to being a true disciple of christ the closer i am to these people
its a big responsibility because when people tell you that they look up to you and they expect you to be the difference in their life you really feel your purpose as a missionary....

this transfer has been really special for me
ive seen why im really here and what im supposed to do
ive seen the gospel change lifes and ive seen it restore lifes

im thankful for this opportunity and i hope im best the best i can be
i hope the lord is happy with my work because his work is a big responsibility

anyways thats what i got!

i heard a lot of my homegirls got their mission calls this week!! yahaja´gkljalskjgsakg freak yeah thats awesome!!! 

hasta luego... as dad would say hasta la taco

keep it real

-Elder Myers 

Monday, January 20, 2014

1-20-2014--Be the Best Person You Can Be


wow this week was sooooo mega fast..... i swear i was sitting in this seat writing you all yesterday!

well ive got some good stories for this week.... funny stories and not the most fun stories

i had one of the most emotionally exhausting weeks of my life... so many things i learned.
i had some good laughs in for sure as well

so there is two factors about having a companion from the states... good and bad

its soooo awesome that i can bring back my sense of humor that was on the verge of being lost a little bit.... so you best believe ive been being myself
slamming down sweet dance moves
saying phrases that do not make any sense... like calling my companion malfboy or things like that... i guess youd really have to know me to get why that is funny...
and soooo many other awesome things about having an american companion

bad thing about it is that your spanish slowly progresses... when you have a latin comp you learn it soooo much faster..

so good and bad there... mainly awesome though because im having a good time

soo ill start with some funny stories

of course my bike broke this week... these bikes are a real piece of work... SUCH NICE BIKES.... Lance Armstrong the bike rider will probably ride my bike in the next toure de france... it only weighs like 40 pounds

anyways so me and my comp are walking right??? hes telling me a really serious story... then i see some sweet sunglasses on the ground that are half smashed... OF COURSE I PICK THEM UP AND PUT THEM ON
so they have one lens and are half broken
my comp has no idea that i put the glasses on and he keeps continuing his story while im not even listening because i think im soooo funny wearing these glasses.....
haha he finally looks over at me and just couldnt even believe how childish i am... haha sorry im bad at telling stories but i thought it was classic....

ummm so we were at the bishops house eating lunch and a sister called him
she said she thinks there are some sort of demons in her house and wants the missionaries to come over
so im getting all prepped to go to her house right??? ive got my spiritual face on ready to cast some demons out of this house..
im trying not to freak out on the way to this house because i dont like the thought of demons..... so im getting my game face on.
the lady had some burnt spots in her grass that she thought looked like crosses..... demons my butt
anyway we blessed her house and tried to help her out at she was all sorts of scared....

this week was a fast week yet sooooo emotionally exhausting!
it was a special week for sure but it was really hard at the same time

we were trying to help 5 different people/families
ranging from marriage problems
alocohol problems
people saying they are done going to church
all sorts of stories

stories that were really hard for me to hear... people throwing their testimonies away and denying what they really know is the truth
so many stories and problems that are real life events
things that would be soooo hard to face and deal with. 

being a missionary is such an amazing opportunity.
you have the chance to REALLY help people in their life
the chance to bring them the gospel and the chance for them to experience having a personal relationship with their father in heaven

but as a missionary you constantly hear about peoples lives
mainly about their hardships, struggles, temptations, and a lot of sad stories... especially in this country

you hear all of their problems and it hurts to hear what they are going through
i try and think of anything i can possibly say to help them-to give them something that will get them to return back to their savior
but then i think. 
im 18 years old and cant relate to them at all.
ive had hardships but nothing like what they go through
who am i to say i know how to fix their problems or give them advice when i dont have the slightest clue what their trials are really like
i guess ive realized that this is real life
people are hurting with pains, addictions, family trials, health problems, etc
some turning away from christ who is the only thing that can truly heal them
all these things are happening and its my responsibility to get them back on the path that leads them to their heavenly father
to help them realize that the only way to get through trials is through finding jesus christ
i feel responsible for them
i need to be the best person i can be for them
the closer i personally am with god i can display his perfect message
these people need me. not for who i am but for what i am. and that is a representative of jesus christ. a missionary of god. so in reality they dont need me at all... they need their heavenly father and they need their savior jesus christ. but im the lucky one who has a special role in helping them find the truth
ive found this week that i really have no clue what these people go through
i cant relate to them nor do i have any of my own words that can help them
all of these things that i dont have in order to help these people i know Christ has for them
he knows exactly who they are, what they are going through, how to relate to them, and how to help them.
christ knows all these things and its my responsibility to humble myself enough to know that the only way to help these people is through him
that i myself also need to find my savior
i need to live my life in a way that is close enough to the spirit to teach a fraction of the way christ would teach
because like we know christ is the only person who can really help them

well thats about what ive got for this week!

thank you alllll for the letters... seriously it means so much that some people still like me.... even without any curls on my head.

we have a solid investigator that we are hoping to baptize on my birthday..... slam dunk if i might say so... awsummmmmmmmmmm

love you all,

-Elder Myers 

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

1-13-14--Humble-Ether 12:27


yo yo yo what up what up!!!

another week fleeeeeeeewwww bye.... like mega fast..

ill try and share some quick fun stories here

so the other day im walking out of somebodies house trying to wheel my sweet wayyyyy nice bike out of there walk way right??? whammy i roll my ankle on this little pot hole... next thing you know i fall into this little gutter system... i smelled like poooo for the rest of the day... i felt like a real tard

my feetsies are getting a nice rest from not walking anymore and my legs are getting real nice and juicy from riding on my bike... i love me some bikes out here on the mission :)

i was asked more than twice by members if i was going into the military with my hackjob of a haircut... i just dont really look good anymore without curls :(

haha so i was showing this family videos of me trying to eat some stupid salad at the mtc because they didnt believe my food problems... yeah they’re laughing at me making fun...
they have a 3 year old little girl who is adorable... she is the shape of a bowling ball and has some serious loving on her.. shes reallll chunky.. the family calls her chanchy which kinda means fat little piggy
anyway she was upset because she couldnt see the camera.
the next thing i know she whacks me right in the goods.... i got 3 year old girls making me cry out here... whammy that hurt.. 
sorry mom thats potty talk

ive been as tired as an old goat for the last 2 weeks because the bikes just slam the energy out of you!

i made oatmeal for the first time in my life this week... wooo me. im awesome right?? 

ummm i absolutley love this area.
this ward has a mega massive amount of potential
this ward covers a really really big area and its the 1st time they have had 4 elders working here so we have a lot of work to do and can make a real big difference

we have lunch with members which i cant tell you how much i love eating with members, to actually get to know them and spend time with them... ive learned so much about the gospel through them this week... what a blessing it is in theirs lives helped me reflect the blessing it is in my life


haha well im learning so much out here.

these past two weeks in this area have been so awesome
these past two weeks have been a really special time on my mission

ive struggled out here in these past 4 1/2 months just like every missionary does. but ive struggled in ways that i never thought i would...

ive finally realized what ive needed my whole entire life
 To be humbled

my mission hasnt been what i had expected it to be.
my whole life i feel like ive always been on top. ive always been a leader and been sucessful at the things ive done because i feel that my success rate has been determined by how hard i work for something.
ive always been the type of person that has never asked anybody for help because i always felt like i had all of my own answers and never needed anybodies help.
in that sense i guess ive been a prideful person.
these 4 1/2 months here have been so hard for me because im not able to be myself in the way where i can help people and handle situations like ive done my whole life. 
i finally hit the point where i realized how unhappy i was when i knew this work was supposed to be so enjoyable
i kept trying to do it on my own but it really never worked. my own answers werent fixing my problems.
i finally had to give up my own pride and ask for help... because i simply couldnt do it on my own anymore.

i needed to loose my pride and seek for a way where i could be happy and really feel like i could lose myself in the lords work.

after getting advice from some people i learned a lot of things
to me i learned one of the greatest lessons that ive needed to learn in my life. a lesson that has taken me almost 19 years to learn. and i think the only way i really could have realized it is because of my mission
ive needed to learn how to be humble. ive been humbled

to be a weak simple servant

ETHER 12:27
and if men come unto me i will show unto them their weakness. i give unto men weakness that they may be humble. and my grace is suffecient for all men that humble themselves before me. for if they humble themselves before me, and have faith in me, then i will make weak things become strong.

this scripture helps me out in so many ways.
i came on my mission anticipating to do such great things and to work so hard.
i always thought of the great things i could accomplish and the lives i could change.
but what i realize now is that all the things that i had in mind or wanted to do was based off of thinking of my own strengths and my own talents.
i never thought much of being a missionary soley based off of the strengths of the lord. to do the things of greatness based off the strength of him.

ive learned that i dont need to be something great in order to be a great missionary.
i need to be a weak simple humble servant for the lord.
if i focus on being weak, simple, and humble submissively offering and giving up my pride to the lord then he will make me into a great, powerful servant.

in my eyes im his weak simple servant
in his eyes i am powerful working miracles through him

¨"i give unto men weakness that they may be humble"

had i gone to some sort of english speaking mission i would have never been humbled in this way
spanish has been the hardest thing that ive ever faced in so many different aspects. the lord has given unto me this weakness of not being able to do things my way
learning his way

"my grace is sufficient for all men that humble themselves before me"

GRACE-unpraised divine assistance.

let me tell you that i have given up my pride and have been humbled... im learning how to be humbled every day out here.

learning this has been the best thing for me. these past 2 weeks have been incredible and some of my most spiritual experiences on my mission
all because im letting the lord work through me. doing it his way

im weak by myself yet so strong through my savior
i am strong through the atonement of jesus christ

i have felt the lords grace in this past two weeks and i promise you that there is nothing better than his grace... his atonement

let us all give up our pride and look to the lord for his assistance.
look to the lord for his grace- his unpraised divine assistance.

i know this church is true and i know this is the work of the lord

i love you all.

-Elder Myers

Saturday, January 11, 2014



Thursday, January 9, 2014


1-06-14--Transferred to LaPlata

hola mi familia! todo bien???  todo tranquiiiiiiiiii????? 

well i have a bagillion mega sweet things too say in this letter and i honestly dont know how im going to fit it all in and my comp time is going to be cut short today! soooo i hope i can get some things out here because MEGA SWEET WEEK! 

first off.... i totally forgot to give a shoutout to my ginger headed brother taylor and my sweet sister in law savannah for their 1st wedding anniversary in december! 
way awesome that you two are married,,, do married things,,,, and that some day you will have cursed babies with red hair! just kidding thats mean.... naughty potty talk... jk jk jk lol sav! 

haha well anyways happy new years! fireworks in argentina are scary... i almost got my eye taken out by a neighbor with fireworks so thats awesome! better my eye than my hair right?? youve gotta protect them curls... which by the way i no longer have very much hair on my head... youll find out later in this letter why i say that! 


o yeah and my english is quickly turning into garbage and i cant spell anything...
anyways i got transferred to the city of La Plata which is a big city in the state of buenos aires!

man o man o man baby girl do i love my new area!
wanna know why??? BECAUSE ITS CAMPO! Which means more of country and not city!
so things are chill out here and im doing my thing

so anyways i got a new area and a new companion AGAIN.. im getting bounced around like a beach ball at a nickleback concert (jesse emerys joke)

my new companion is elder peterson... hes SWEET
he has the exact same amount of time on the mission as i do. we actually sat next to each other on the plane to buenos aires and talked the whole time!! soooo thats awesummmmmmmm
the diffference between him and me is.... HES FLUENT im not! which is all good because he has so much to teach me! he was into singing and stuff in high school…he has lived in Mexico, Chili and Uruguay for 3 years..his parents were the mission president in Urugay…he knows Spanish really well and we work hard and he’s a good guy..super excited.

so we are in la plata area villa montoro... they put 2 brand new elders in the ward to make 4 elders in the ward.
so me and him dont know the area and we are figuring it out as we go! 

HAHAH so i have one of the most classic stories ever

so we are getting to know the area right??? cause were dumby americans just trying to get by out here... my jew hair is looking pretty long and we see a paper in the apartment that says an inactive member cuts hair!
so im thinking... okay... thats just for a haircut and shes inactive so lets do it!

so we take off on our bikes and head to tim buck 2 towards her house which is over 60 streets away! trying to kill 2 birds with one stone..... haircut and visit an inactive member

so we take off on the bikes and im like ance larmstrong biking to her house.... 3 streets away my piece of bullpucky bike breaks... the chain.... GONZO... 
so we get to the ladies house and ask for a haircut. i let my comp go first
she breaks up the shaver and starts going to town! 
im thinking WHAMMY this is bad.... its all over... bye bye jew hair... bye bye curls
the 18 years i have taken care of my hair i realized would come to an end at this day...
she did a complete hack job of a haircut on my comp... and i realize im next.. bye bye jew hair! 
anyways she finished cutting his hair i sit down in the seat to get my haircut... and its all over from there! 
40 minutes later and half of my head buzzed she finally finished.
i realized why she only charged 6 pesos.
she wouldnt let us share a scripture with her so i guess i didnt kill any birds with any stones... the only thing that was killed was my hair and my piece of garbage bike :)

haha no worries it was awesome and hilarious!! 
but we had two things to do... 
1. fix the bike
2. fix our hair... no way in heck could we go to church the next day and meet all the members looking the way we looked with our hair... it was some bullpucky fooo shoooo

so my bikes broke right??? and no bus will pick us up with bikes... we dont know where we are... so we just start walking hoping to find a bike shop
20 streets later of walking in the middle of no where

what do you know we come upon a bike shop and thank the gypsies right next to the bike shop was a hair salon!! 

so we get the bike fixed and i walk into the hair salon and ask the lady "hey can you do miracles"???? she looks at my hair and just starts laughing!
she says the first miracle of 2014 will be done today! 

long long story short she fixed my hair... somewhat...
i no longer have curls and it looks like ill be enlisting in the argentine army sometime shortly...

haha im sorry that story was all over the place but thats what i got

anyways so much has happened this week its crazy..... we were able to teach some really amazing lessons and we have a baptism date!
soooo if it comes through that will be the best birthday present i could ever get :)))) and if you all send me packages.. nah just playing

next week i will be writing a pretty special letter for me...
let me tell you the truthfullness of the atonement

i have truly been humbled on my mission and there are things that i learn about myself every single day...

to me the biggest thing the lord has been trying to teach me is to be a weak, simple, humble servant for him... thats what i have finally realized and thats what i am trying to do.

im sorry this letter was all over the place and not a ton of spiritual things were shared but youll have to wait for those next week.

i love this area
i love a new start and a new outlook on my mission
i love you all

smell ya later

elder myers 

12-30-13--Pics--Got to go to the temple

12-30-13 -- Happy New Year

whats good in the hood of the 801!!
megggga freaking shoutout to my best friend ralph taylor ogden! its his b day this week! 
olivia simons, b ward, t baby tanner robberts, momma! thanks so much for your letters!

i showed somebody a pic of my long hair and they instantly started making fun of me... so shoutout to savannah and tammy for always hooking me up phat with my hair products to keep my curls in tact

just to start off transfers rolllled around and what do you know i got a new companion... im on my 4th here in argentina... nobody wants to stay with a jew boiii like me.... 
my new comp is from brazil... he has a super brazilian accent so we will see how it goes!
im staying in the area that i definitely do not know and that stressed me out but its all good :)

its the jew boiiii here doing my thing in argentina.... trying to stay away from all the dangers of this country... girls.... dogs.... dangerous things... haha doing my thang!!!

SOO while you guys probably had a white christmas
but it was awesome! we didnt have anybody invite us to any sort of christmas dinner until the last day! thank the gypsies that we were invited because i was as hungry as a gut shot grizzly bear!

so this sweet family invited us over.... and right as i walked in there house i saw a crazzzzzy amount of MEAT!!! 
yes megggga awsummmmmm MEAT! you know i love me some meat! 
the lord knew what he was doing sending me to argentina to eat meat :)

sooo like im pretty used to eating here... like every once in a while they will throw something weird at me to eat... like a watermelon or a strawberry or something crayyyy like that! but i think im doing already... its SO MUCH BETTER THAN I THOUGHT
seriously i would have had more trouble in the states with food! 

ya wanna know what i ate for christmas???
i ate liver
a sausage filled with blood

for realzzz???? i can eat all of that stuff and be just fine and when you put a salad in my face i near poop my pants and cant eat it! mom dad you have a real weird child... ive got serious issues! haha what kind of a weirdo can easily eat HEART AND LIVER AND STOMACH but cant eat watermelon or normal food????? 

Anyways christmas was awesome! the sister gave me some socks which always hits a soft spot in my heart... shes got a lazy eye but dont matter because i love her!
christmas was so much better than i thought it would be... yes i would have enjoyed a white cold christmas more than a sweaty steamy one but it was good :)

we went to the TEMPLE! ooo my gashhhhh the greatest day of my life... so awsummmm 
we were able to bring our recent converts and they did baptisms for the dead and we also brought an investigator that needs to get married.... yet his wife doesnt want to and hes been an investigator for years! and we also brought an inactive member!

o man the temple was sooo cool... we couldnt go inside because we had to be with the member and investigator but the spirit there was so strong... it was such a relief for me!
classic story... so some people here arent the smartest people with cameras. 
i asked this lady to take a picture of us and she completely had the camera backwards...
she was smiling like a goon and only took pictures of herself and not of us
litte did she know..... i could not stop laughing! aha classic

so because my companion was leaving the area he said bye to all the people from our ward...
he said bye to come CRAZY investigators that we have! haha i sent you a picture of them!
its the same people that the guy was showering in his front yard yelling im a horse!!!
sooo when we came and wanted to take pictures with them rodelfo pulled out some sexy pink slippers that look like they would be from monsters inc
and naida the lady pulled out some crazy creepy mega doll
and i had a sweet sheep.... haha that picture i sent is a classic!

well i love you all! thats kinda how my week went! 
it was so awesome to my fam on christmas!
taylor sav have fun on your cruise! dont get bit by a penguin!

sorry i dont have anything spiritual to write here!! this letter is disorganized ive had a crazy day! 


elder myers 

12-23-13 - Pics - Cockroach in Apt

12-23-13 -- Merry Christmas

what up
whats good in the hood.
hows the snow

i remember when i was little and me and my ginger headed brother taylor were sleeping in a tent in my room on christmas eve.... and guess what! we freaking heard santas boot in our living room! i will never forget that moment! i hope santa makes a visit to my nasty cockroach infested pension on tuesday night :) maybe he will clean it for my present.... that would be awsumm 

id like to start off saying thank you for the letters that i got from the gates, bob, elena, olivia simons, taylor my ginger headed brother, kylie tolman, my mommy and pappy!! your letters that i got in my package wereeeee sooo awesome! thank you so much! 

yes just as you are expecting im going to start off complaining about how bloody hot it is here!! haha o myyyy gasshhhhh im cooking... i hated saunas and steam rooms before my mission... well thats what buenos aires is like... a meggggggga steam room! im a walking sweat drop..

so 3 times this week because there are riots going on in the streets and people robbing supermarkets at this time off the year our power was turned off.
when your power is turned off that means your fan dont work! when your fan dont work that means you sweat.... when you sweat and feel like you are in an oven that means you dont sleep... so i got a good 2 hours of sleep those nights! haha my bed was drenched in sweat,.... mega gross

ahha classic story... so there are some oldddd investigators in our area... they wont get baptized because they wont get married...
they are a  wee bit crazzzzzy.... like real crazy.
so the other day we are walking to their house and what do you know the man is talking a shower in his front yard with the hose... im not sure how to spell that word
anyway he knows a little bit of english and hes yelling at me "im a harssss" (im a horse)
he only had some tiny little shorts and and hes a little bit on the heavy side... o yezzzzz sooooo nice.... such a beautiful sight :)
so in my mind im thinking.... hmmmm this is a nice sight... a beautiful 5 foot 6 240 argentine horse :) haha no worries because he was a good looking horse,,,, haha some of the things you see here.
mega sweet... sorry if thats a potty talk story momma but it was a nice sight... kinda like when dad mows the lawn with his shirt off... thats always nice

ummm we vistted this inactive family with 9 children under the age of 19
they have zero money and barely make ends meet...
the dad has drug problems and their family is just a mess right now
they have had medical issues in there family and the dad almost died 3 years ago
they youngest child is 5 years old and has some sort of disease. 
hes an adorable little kid but was born with some sort of issues.
hes 5 and cant walk... and is seriously malnourished.
he wasnt able to see or talk until just barely.
i think that his problems wouldnt be as severe if the family could afford to pay for his medicine yet there is nothing they can do about it.
seeing things like that really breaks your heart and makes you feel miserable
i wonder why ive been so blessed to have the life i have
i never had to worry about being fed. if i had medical problems they were taken care of
living in a different country can really change your outlook on things
yet that doesnt make me any better than them... i am gods child just like they are and god looks at us in the same way. 

we have been visiting this inactive member for a long time that has not come back to church
he is so kind and i really do love the guy
the other day we went to his house and he was hammered drunk...
i could see the sadness in his eyes and i could see what alcohol has done to him. 
its completely ruined his life...
you look at some of these people and you hurt for them
yet you know the answer to all of their problems
the answer is the gospel but you cant make that decision for them...
you just hope and pray the lord will fill your mouth with something good enough to make the difference in their life to get them to change.

anyways we are trying to re activate these members.... and they are being a little stubborn! 
im always thinking come on now!! you know the church is true!! youve told me it! so get your bumm to church and you know you will see the change in your life!!
who knows maybe they have blisters on their feetsies just like i do so they cant walk to church... haha you can hear some funny excuses of why people cant make it to church...

these past 2 weeks we have been able to share a lot of messages on the birth of our savior
ive realized how much the savior really means to me
im so thankful for his birth
for the perfect life he lived
for the perfect example he gave me on how i can be happy
a perfect example that if i live it i will return to the presence of my father in heaven
he is perfect.
a perfect life he lived all for us

i hope you all have a merry christmas
and you allllll get some sweet stance socks... thats whats on my christmas list
i hope this week you get the chance to see a nice looking horse taking a shower with their house like i see this week... trust me you dont want to miss a sight like that 

love you all!! thank you all for the letters!! if i cant write you back this week or i dont write a lot im sorry!! im trying my best here! 


Elder Jew Boi Myers