1/20/14 -- Cole.myers@myldsmail.net
wow this week was sooooo mega fast..... i swear i was
sitting in this seat writing you all yesterday!
well ive got some good stories for this week.... funny
stories and not the most fun stories
i had one of the most emotionally exhausting weeks of my
life... so many things i learned.
i had some good laughs in for sure as well
so there is two factors about having a companion from the
states... good and bad
its soooo awesome that i can bring back my sense of humor
that was on the verge of being lost a little bit.... so you best believe ive
been being myself
slamming down sweet dance moves
saying phrases that do not make any sense... like calling my
companion malfboy or things like that... i guess youd really have to know me to
get why that is funny...
and soooo many other awesome things about having an american
bad thing about it is that your spanish slowly progresses...
when you have a latin comp you learn it soooo much faster..
so good and bad there... mainly awesome though because im
having a good time
soo ill start with some funny stories
of course my bike broke this week... these bikes are a real
piece of work... SUCH NICE BIKES.... Lance Armstrong the bike rider will probably
ride my bike in the next toure de france... it only weighs like 40 pounds
anyways so me and my comp are walking right??? hes telling
me a really serious story... then i see some sweet sunglasses on the ground
that are half smashed... OF COURSE I PICK THEM UP AND PUT THEM ON
so they have one lens and are half broken
my comp has no idea that i put the glasses on and he keeps
continuing his story while im not even listening because i think im soooo funny
wearing these glasses.....
haha he finally looks over at me and just couldnt even
believe how childish i am... haha sorry im bad at telling stories but i thought
it was classic....
ummm so we were at the bishops house eating lunch and a
sister called him
she said she thinks there are some sort of demons in her
house and wants the missionaries to come over
so im getting all prepped to go to her house right??? ive
got my spiritual face on ready to cast some demons out of this house..
im trying not to freak out on the way to this house because
i dont like the thought of demons..... so im getting my game face on.
the lady had some burnt spots in her grass that she thought
looked like crosses..... demons my butt
anyway we blessed her house and tried to help her out at she
was all sorts of scared....
this week was a fast week yet sooooo emotionally exhausting!
it was a special week for sure but it was really hard at the
same time
we were trying to help 5 different people/families
ranging from marriage problems
alocohol problems
people saying they are done going to church
all sorts of stories
stories that were really hard for me to hear... people
throwing their testimonies away and denying what they really know is the truth
so many stories and problems that are real life events
things that would be soooo hard to face and deal with.
being a missionary is such an amazing opportunity.
you have the chance to REALLY help people in their life
the chance to bring them the gospel and the chance for them
to experience having a personal relationship with their father in heaven
but as a missionary you constantly hear about peoples lives
mainly about their hardships, struggles, temptations, and a
lot of sad stories... especially in this country
you hear all of their problems and it hurts to hear what
they are going through
i try and think of anything i can possibly say to help
them-to give them something that will get them to return back to their savior
but then i think.
im 18 years old and cant relate to them at all.
ive had hardships but nothing like what they go through
who am i to say i know how to fix their problems or give
them advice when i dont have the slightest clue what their trials are really
i guess ive realized that this is real life
people are hurting with pains, addictions, family trials,
health problems, etc
some turning away from christ who is the only thing that can
truly heal them
all these things are happening and its my responsibility to
get them back on the path that leads them to their heavenly father
to help them realize that the only way to get through trials
is through finding jesus christ
i feel responsible for them
i need to be the best person i can be for them
the closer i personally am with god i can display his
perfect message
these people need me. not for who i am but for what i am.
and that is a representative of jesus christ. a missionary of god. so in
reality they dont need me at all... they need their heavenly father and they
need their savior jesus christ. but im the lucky one who has a special role in
helping them find the truth
ive found this week that i really have no clue what these
people go through
i cant relate to them nor do i have any of my own words that
can help them
all of these things that i dont have in order to help these
people i know Christ has for them
he knows exactly who they are, what they are going through,
how to relate to them, and how to help them.
christ knows all these things and its my responsibility to
humble myself enough to know that the only way to help these people is through
that i myself also need to find my savior
i need to live my life in a way that is close enough to the
spirit to teach a fraction of the way christ would teach
because like we know christ is the only person who can
really help them
well thats about what ive got for this week!
thank you alllll for the letters... seriously it means so
much that some people still like me.... even without any curls on my head.
we have a solid investigator that we are hoping to baptize
on my birthday..... slam dunk if i might say so... awsummmmmmmmmmm
love you all,
-Elder Myers
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