Wednesday, January 15, 2014

1-13-14--Humble-Ether 12:27


yo yo yo what up what up!!!

another week fleeeeeeeewwww bye.... like mega fast..

ill try and share some quick fun stories here

so the other day im walking out of somebodies house trying to wheel my sweet wayyyyy nice bike out of there walk way right??? whammy i roll my ankle on this little pot hole... next thing you know i fall into this little gutter system... i smelled like poooo for the rest of the day... i felt like a real tard

my feetsies are getting a nice rest from not walking anymore and my legs are getting real nice and juicy from riding on my bike... i love me some bikes out here on the mission :)

i was asked more than twice by members if i was going into the military with my hackjob of a haircut... i just dont really look good anymore without curls :(

haha so i was showing this family videos of me trying to eat some stupid salad at the mtc because they didnt believe my food problems... yeah they’re laughing at me making fun...
they have a 3 year old little girl who is adorable... she is the shape of a bowling ball and has some serious loving on her.. shes reallll chunky.. the family calls her chanchy which kinda means fat little piggy
anyway she was upset because she couldnt see the camera.
the next thing i know she whacks me right in the goods.... i got 3 year old girls making me cry out here... whammy that hurt.. 
sorry mom thats potty talk

ive been as tired as an old goat for the last 2 weeks because the bikes just slam the energy out of you!

i made oatmeal for the first time in my life this week... wooo me. im awesome right?? 

ummm i absolutley love this area.
this ward has a mega massive amount of potential
this ward covers a really really big area and its the 1st time they have had 4 elders working here so we have a lot of work to do and can make a real big difference

we have lunch with members which i cant tell you how much i love eating with members, to actually get to know them and spend time with them... ive learned so much about the gospel through them this week... what a blessing it is in theirs lives helped me reflect the blessing it is in my life


haha well im learning so much out here.

these past two weeks in this area have been so awesome
these past two weeks have been a really special time on my mission

ive struggled out here in these past 4 1/2 months just like every missionary does. but ive struggled in ways that i never thought i would...

ive finally realized what ive needed my whole entire life
 To be humbled

my mission hasnt been what i had expected it to be.
my whole life i feel like ive always been on top. ive always been a leader and been sucessful at the things ive done because i feel that my success rate has been determined by how hard i work for something.
ive always been the type of person that has never asked anybody for help because i always felt like i had all of my own answers and never needed anybodies help.
in that sense i guess ive been a prideful person.
these 4 1/2 months here have been so hard for me because im not able to be myself in the way where i can help people and handle situations like ive done my whole life. 
i finally hit the point where i realized how unhappy i was when i knew this work was supposed to be so enjoyable
i kept trying to do it on my own but it really never worked. my own answers werent fixing my problems.
i finally had to give up my own pride and ask for help... because i simply couldnt do it on my own anymore.

i needed to loose my pride and seek for a way where i could be happy and really feel like i could lose myself in the lords work.

after getting advice from some people i learned a lot of things
to me i learned one of the greatest lessons that ive needed to learn in my life. a lesson that has taken me almost 19 years to learn. and i think the only way i really could have realized it is because of my mission
ive needed to learn how to be humble. ive been humbled

to be a weak simple servant

ETHER 12:27
and if men come unto me i will show unto them their weakness. i give unto men weakness that they may be humble. and my grace is suffecient for all men that humble themselves before me. for if they humble themselves before me, and have faith in me, then i will make weak things become strong.

this scripture helps me out in so many ways.
i came on my mission anticipating to do such great things and to work so hard.
i always thought of the great things i could accomplish and the lives i could change.
but what i realize now is that all the things that i had in mind or wanted to do was based off of thinking of my own strengths and my own talents.
i never thought much of being a missionary soley based off of the strengths of the lord. to do the things of greatness based off the strength of him.

ive learned that i dont need to be something great in order to be a great missionary.
i need to be a weak simple humble servant for the lord.
if i focus on being weak, simple, and humble submissively offering and giving up my pride to the lord then he will make me into a great, powerful servant.

in my eyes im his weak simple servant
in his eyes i am powerful working miracles through him

¨"i give unto men weakness that they may be humble"

had i gone to some sort of english speaking mission i would have never been humbled in this way
spanish has been the hardest thing that ive ever faced in so many different aspects. the lord has given unto me this weakness of not being able to do things my way
learning his way

"my grace is sufficient for all men that humble themselves before me"

GRACE-unpraised divine assistance.

let me tell you that i have given up my pride and have been humbled... im learning how to be humbled every day out here.

learning this has been the best thing for me. these past 2 weeks have been incredible and some of my most spiritual experiences on my mission
all because im letting the lord work through me. doing it his way

im weak by myself yet so strong through my savior
i am strong through the atonement of jesus christ

i have felt the lords grace in this past two weeks and i promise you that there is nothing better than his grace... his atonement

let us all give up our pride and look to the lord for his assistance.
look to the lord for his grace- his unpraised divine assistance.

i know this church is true and i know this is the work of the lord

i love you all.

-Elder Myers

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