Thursday, January 9, 2014

12-23-13 -- Merry Christmas

what up
whats good in the hood.
hows the snow

i remember when i was little and me and my ginger headed brother taylor were sleeping in a tent in my room on christmas eve.... and guess what! we freaking heard santas boot in our living room! i will never forget that moment! i hope santa makes a visit to my nasty cockroach infested pension on tuesday night :) maybe he will clean it for my present.... that would be awsumm 

id like to start off saying thank you for the letters that i got from the gates, bob, elena, olivia simons, taylor my ginger headed brother, kylie tolman, my mommy and pappy!! your letters that i got in my package wereeeee sooo awesome! thank you so much! 

yes just as you are expecting im going to start off complaining about how bloody hot it is here!! haha o myyyy gasshhhhh im cooking... i hated saunas and steam rooms before my mission... well thats what buenos aires is like... a meggggggga steam room! im a walking sweat drop..

so 3 times this week because there are riots going on in the streets and people robbing supermarkets at this time off the year our power was turned off.
when your power is turned off that means your fan dont work! when your fan dont work that means you sweat.... when you sweat and feel like you are in an oven that means you dont sleep... so i got a good 2 hours of sleep those nights! haha my bed was drenched in sweat,.... mega gross

ahha classic story... so there are some oldddd investigators in our area... they wont get baptized because they wont get married...
they are a  wee bit crazzzzzy.... like real crazy.
so the other day we are walking to their house and what do you know the man is talking a shower in his front yard with the hose... im not sure how to spell that word
anyway he knows a little bit of english and hes yelling at me "im a harssss" (im a horse)
he only had some tiny little shorts and and hes a little bit on the heavy side... o yezzzzz sooooo nice.... such a beautiful sight :)
so in my mind im thinking.... hmmmm this is a nice sight... a beautiful 5 foot 6 240 argentine horse :) haha no worries because he was a good looking horse,,,, haha some of the things you see here.
mega sweet... sorry if thats a potty talk story momma but it was a nice sight... kinda like when dad mows the lawn with his shirt off... thats always nice

ummm we vistted this inactive family with 9 children under the age of 19
they have zero money and barely make ends meet...
the dad has drug problems and their family is just a mess right now
they have had medical issues in there family and the dad almost died 3 years ago
they youngest child is 5 years old and has some sort of disease. 
hes an adorable little kid but was born with some sort of issues.
hes 5 and cant walk... and is seriously malnourished.
he wasnt able to see or talk until just barely.
i think that his problems wouldnt be as severe if the family could afford to pay for his medicine yet there is nothing they can do about it.
seeing things like that really breaks your heart and makes you feel miserable
i wonder why ive been so blessed to have the life i have
i never had to worry about being fed. if i had medical problems they were taken care of
living in a different country can really change your outlook on things
yet that doesnt make me any better than them... i am gods child just like they are and god looks at us in the same way. 

we have been visiting this inactive member for a long time that has not come back to church
he is so kind and i really do love the guy
the other day we went to his house and he was hammered drunk...
i could see the sadness in his eyes and i could see what alcohol has done to him. 
its completely ruined his life...
you look at some of these people and you hurt for them
yet you know the answer to all of their problems
the answer is the gospel but you cant make that decision for them...
you just hope and pray the lord will fill your mouth with something good enough to make the difference in their life to get them to change.

anyways we are trying to re activate these members.... and they are being a little stubborn! 
im always thinking come on now!! you know the church is true!! youve told me it! so get your bumm to church and you know you will see the change in your life!!
who knows maybe they have blisters on their feetsies just like i do so they cant walk to church... haha you can hear some funny excuses of why people cant make it to church...

these past 2 weeks we have been able to share a lot of messages on the birth of our savior
ive realized how much the savior really means to me
im so thankful for his birth
for the perfect life he lived
for the perfect example he gave me on how i can be happy
a perfect example that if i live it i will return to the presence of my father in heaven
he is perfect.
a perfect life he lived all for us

i hope you all have a merry christmas
and you allllll get some sweet stance socks... thats whats on my christmas list
i hope this week you get the chance to see a nice looking horse taking a shower with their house like i see this week... trust me you dont want to miss a sight like that 

love you all!! thank you all for the letters!! if i cant write you back this week or i dont write a lot im sorry!! im trying my best here! 


Elder Jew Boi Myers 

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