Thursday, January 9, 2014

12-30-13 -- Happy New Year

whats good in the hood of the 801!!
megggga freaking shoutout to my best friend ralph taylor ogden! its his b day this week! 
olivia simons, b ward, t baby tanner robberts, momma! thanks so much for your letters!

i showed somebody a pic of my long hair and they instantly started making fun of me... so shoutout to savannah and tammy for always hooking me up phat with my hair products to keep my curls in tact

just to start off transfers rolllled around and what do you know i got a new companion... im on my 4th here in argentina... nobody wants to stay with a jew boiii like me.... 
my new comp is from brazil... he has a super brazilian accent so we will see how it goes!
im staying in the area that i definitely do not know and that stressed me out but its all good :)

its the jew boiiii here doing my thing in argentina.... trying to stay away from all the dangers of this country... girls.... dogs.... dangerous things... haha doing my thang!!!

SOO while you guys probably had a white christmas
but it was awesome! we didnt have anybody invite us to any sort of christmas dinner until the last day! thank the gypsies that we were invited because i was as hungry as a gut shot grizzly bear!

so this sweet family invited us over.... and right as i walked in there house i saw a crazzzzzy amount of MEAT!!! 
yes megggga awsummmmmm MEAT! you know i love me some meat! 
the lord knew what he was doing sending me to argentina to eat meat :)

sooo like im pretty used to eating here... like every once in a while they will throw something weird at me to eat... like a watermelon or a strawberry or something crayyyy like that! but i think im doing already... its SO MUCH BETTER THAN I THOUGHT
seriously i would have had more trouble in the states with food! 

ya wanna know what i ate for christmas???
i ate liver
a sausage filled with blood

for realzzz???? i can eat all of that stuff and be just fine and when you put a salad in my face i near poop my pants and cant eat it! mom dad you have a real weird child... ive got serious issues! haha what kind of a weirdo can easily eat HEART AND LIVER AND STOMACH but cant eat watermelon or normal food????? 

Anyways christmas was awesome! the sister gave me some socks which always hits a soft spot in my heart... shes got a lazy eye but dont matter because i love her!
christmas was so much better than i thought it would be... yes i would have enjoyed a white cold christmas more than a sweaty steamy one but it was good :)

we went to the TEMPLE! ooo my gashhhhh the greatest day of my life... so awsummmm 
we were able to bring our recent converts and they did baptisms for the dead and we also brought an investigator that needs to get married.... yet his wife doesnt want to and hes been an investigator for years! and we also brought an inactive member!

o man the temple was sooo cool... we couldnt go inside because we had to be with the member and investigator but the spirit there was so strong... it was such a relief for me!
classic story... so some people here arent the smartest people with cameras. 
i asked this lady to take a picture of us and she completely had the camera backwards...
she was smiling like a goon and only took pictures of herself and not of us
litte did she know..... i could not stop laughing! aha classic

so because my companion was leaving the area he said bye to all the people from our ward...
he said bye to come CRAZY investigators that we have! haha i sent you a picture of them!
its the same people that the guy was showering in his front yard yelling im a horse!!!
sooo when we came and wanted to take pictures with them rodelfo pulled out some sexy pink slippers that look like they would be from monsters inc
and naida the lady pulled out some crazy creepy mega doll
and i had a sweet sheep.... haha that picture i sent is a classic!

well i love you all! thats kinda how my week went! 
it was so awesome to my fam on christmas!
taylor sav have fun on your cruise! dont get bit by a penguin!

sorry i dont have anything spiritual to write here!! this letter is disorganized ive had a crazy day! 


elder myers 

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