Tuesday, January 28, 2014

1-27-14 -- Love me some peruvians

this week flew by!!

these past 3 weeks have felt like 1 week and i love that feeling... it feels sooooo mega fast right now so im loving it

first off i want to give a shoutout to Savs parents for sending me a package! oooo man i loved it! the ties are classic... ill be repping some of those on phat tie friday for sure... you best believe that tradition is still going on.
thank you so much Savs parents! 

thank you all for the letters! im sorry if i write small responses back to you... im a mad man on the computer on p day because there is soooo much to write..

haha so ive got some classic stories from the week

i hope i can tell them like they happened because i had some good laughs this week

so first off... being in argentina you get to know people from all sorts of different countries... they are from all over the place here

there is a family from peru... i love me my peruvians.. they are awesome

so this family from peru…and they have been members for about 4 years.. the rondon family... they like giving me food and i always try and tell them not so much because i dont wanna get chunky... yet they never listen to me... people dont seem to understand that you cant eat a cow in one serving nor do you want to... yet the food is yummy but i hope i dont get a phat tummy

anyway so the mom of this fam is classic.... always cracking jokes
and she has a sweet gold front tooth... she would make a sweet pirate
so like i said shes way funny

so shes making food and these houses get sooo mega freaking hot.. its like a sweet sauna and you just sweat and sweat and sweat
so rosa rondon the mom is sweating and is really hot cooking food
haha so what does she do??? lifts up her shirt as a belly shirt just chilling 
i was dying how funny it was

later on we took a picture with this family
after the picture she looks at me and lifts her shirt up like a belly shirt and starts doing a belly dance and singing asking if i can photoshop the picture to make her look skinny... HAHHAAH O MAN I WAS DYING OF LAUGHTER
it sounds inapropriate but no worries it really wasnt... just funny
o yeah  and her daughter is the one they call fat little pig she is 3 and weighs 55 pounds.. AWESOME. 

jehovas witnesses knocked on our door yesterday... i knew they were coming and was pumped to answer the door
i answer the door and the lady looks at me and pretty much had a look on her face and says "mormones" haha it was awesome
it was sweet we talked a little bit and she went

we taught a reallllll crazy lady this week
she was an evangilist and crazzzy to say the least
we tried to teach the 1st lesson and it took us 2 hours
interupted us foorrrrrrr everything and talked about who knows what
turns out she has the priesthood
has seen jesus more than once... and who knows what else
so when we start the lesson we asked if we could start with the prayer and she wanted to say it
she yelled the prayer in another language... it sounded like straight gibberish and i was scared... haha ooo man 
so when we ended the prayer i asked if i could say it
as i started the prayer she raises her right hand and start yelling a prayer of her own in some other language.... i tried not laughing with everything i had in me.... o man it was classic... yet scary...


HAHA i hope you got a good laugh out of those stories... they were all classic

sooo we have been having some seriously draining 3 weeks...
everybody has problems that we are trying to help them out with
its been soo awesome and i love it... yet it is emotionally draining
im so thankful for these past weeks... ive learned so much about my purpose and what i can do for these people as well as what they can do for me

you spend so much time and effort with these people
you plan for lessons and try and live your life so close to the spirit so you can listen to the still small voice direct you in your lessons
saying certain things to help them out can be so crucial and you have to be so close to the spirit to know what to so and how to say it
and ive realized that things that i have said to help these people have been things that i could never come up with on my own.... pure help from god

we have 2 real investigators

sandra is from peru and lives with the rondon family
she has had a really rough past and left her whole life in peru to come here
her family, everything
shes been abused by people in so many ways 
she has been to church the past 4 weeks and is really progressing and wants to know the truth
she had a baptism date put we delayed it because she wants to make a desicion that is real.... if she gets baptized im confident she will be in the church for the rest of her life
we have had some amazing lessons with her and such spiritual moments

the other investagator is a girl who has investigated the church for 6 months but has a problem with being baptized... 
she is at church every week and knows it all
she has a date to be baptized on the 8th but we will see what happens! 

mainly we are working with reactivating people
thats where we have a lot of things going on
so many people who deal with alcohol problems and so many other things

you spend time with these people and really grow to love them
you want them to return back to the church so bad and you really will do anything for them

this week we really focused on a member who was baptized about a year ago and went back to drinking and went inactive
his wife is devastated and cries about it all the time
we try so hard with him and want him to come back to church

his wife couldnt have been happier and she just cried to us saying the angels that we as missionaries are in her life

long story short i realized something

i realized my role and responsibility as a missionary
people really depend on you out here
the ward depends on you
the members depend on you

they think of you as angels 
ive realized that to them im such a blessing in their life
what a blessing that is for me
ive realized what a blessing they are in my life
ive realized how much better i need to be...
the closer i am to being a true disciple of christ the closer i am to these people
its a big responsibility because when people tell you that they look up to you and they expect you to be the difference in their life you really feel your purpose as a missionary....

this transfer has been really special for me
ive seen why im really here and what im supposed to do
ive seen the gospel change lifes and ive seen it restore lifes

im thankful for this opportunity and i hope im best the best i can be
i hope the lord is happy with my work because his work is a big responsibility

anyways thats what i got!

i heard a lot of my homegirls got their mission calls this week!! yahaja´gkljalskjgsakg freak yeah thats awesome!!! 

hasta luego... as dad would say hasta la taco

keep it real

-Elder Myers 

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