hola mi familia! todo bien??? todo
well i have a bagillion mega sweet things too say in this
letter and i honestly dont know how im going to fit it all in and my comp time
is going to be cut short today! soooo i hope i can get some things out here
first off.... i totally forgot to give a shoutout to my
ginger headed brother taylor and my sweet sister in law savannah for their 1st
wedding anniversary in december!
way awesome that you two are married,,, do married
things,,,, and that some day you will have cursed babies with red hair! just
kidding thats mean.... naughty potty talk... jk jk jk lol sav!
haha well anyways happy new years! fireworks in argentina
are scary... i almost got my eye taken out by a neighbor with fireworks so
thats awesome! better my eye than my hair right?? youve gotta protect them
curls... which by the way i no longer have very much hair on my head... youll
find out later in this letter why i say that!
o yeah and my english is quickly turning into garbage and i
cant spell anything...
anyways i got transferred to the city of La Plata which is a
big city in the state of buenos aires!
man o man o man baby girl do i love my new area!
wanna know why??? BECAUSE ITS CAMPO! Which means more of
country and not city!
so things are chill out here and im doing my thing
so anyways i got a new area and a new companion AGAIN.. im
getting bounced around like a beach ball at a nickleback concert (jesse emerys
my new companion is elder peterson... hes SWEET
he has the exact same amount of time on the mission as i do. we actually sat next to each other on the plane
to buenos aires and talked the whole time!! soooo thats awesummmmmmmm
the diffference between him and me is.... HES FLUENT im not!
which is all good because he has so much to teach me!
he was into singing and stuff in high school…he has lived in Mexico,
Chili and Uruguay for 3 years..his parents were the mission president in
Urugay…he knows Spanish really well and we work hard and he’s a good guy..super
so we are in la plata area villa montoro... they put 2 brand
new elders in the ward to make 4 elders in the ward.
so me and him dont know the area and we are figuring it out
as we go!
HAHAH so i have one of the most classic stories ever
so we are getting to know the area right??? cause were dumby
americans just trying to get by out here... my jew hair is looking pretty long
and we see a paper in the apartment that says an inactive member cuts hair!
so im thinking... okay... thats just for a haircut and shes
inactive so lets do it!
so we take off on our bikes and head to tim buck 2 towards
her house which is over 60 streets away! trying to kill 2 birds with one
stone..... haircut and visit an inactive member
so we take off on the bikes and im like ance larmstrong
biking to her house.... 3 streets away my piece of bullpucky bike breaks... the
chain.... GONZO...
so we get to the ladies house and ask for a haircut. i let
my comp go first
she breaks up the shaver and starts going to town!
im thinking WHAMMY this is bad.... its all over... bye bye
jew hair... bye bye curls
the 18 years i have taken care of my hair i realized would
come to an end at this day...
she did a complete hack job of a haircut on my comp... and i
realize im next.. bye bye jew hair!
anyways she finished cutting his hair i sit down in the seat
to get my haircut... and its all over from there!
40 minutes later and half of my head buzzed she finally
i realized why she only charged 6 pesos.
she wouldnt let us share a scripture with her so i guess i
didnt kill any birds with any stones... the only thing that was killed was my
hair and my piece of garbage bike :)
haha no worries it was awesome and hilarious!!
but we had two things to do...
1. fix the bike
2. fix our hair... no way in heck could we go to church the
next day and meet all the members looking the way we looked with our hair... it
was some bullpucky fooo shoooo
so my bikes broke right??? and no bus will pick us up with
bikes... we dont know where we are... so we just start walking hoping to find a
bike shop
20 streets later of walking in the middle of no where
what do you know we come upon a bike shop and thank the
gypsies right next to the bike shop was a hair salon!!
so we get the bike fixed and i walk into the hair salon and
ask the lady "hey can you do miracles"???? she looks at my hair and
just starts laughing!
she says the first miracle of 2014 will be done today!
long long story short she fixed my hair... somewhat...
i no longer have curls and it looks like ill be enlisting in
the argentine army sometime shortly...
haha im sorry that story was all over the place but thats
what i got
anyways so much has happened this week its crazy..... we
were able to teach some really amazing lessons and we have a baptism date!
soooo if it comes through that will be the best birthday
present i could ever get :)))) and if you all send me packages.. nah just
next week i will be writing a pretty special letter for
let me tell you the truthfullness of the atonement
i have truly been humbled on my mission and there are things
that i learn about myself every single day...
to me the biggest thing the lord has been trying to teach me
is to be a weak, simple, humble servant for him... thats what i have finally
realized and thats what i am trying to do.
im sorry this letter was all over the place and not a ton of
spiritual things were shared but youll have to wait for those next week.
i love this area
i love a new start and a new outlook on my mission
i love you all
smell ya later
elder myers
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