Monday, December 16, 2013
12/16/13-Baptisms of Aida's family
welllll hello family and friends!
id like to start off saying that mom and dad your christmas
package is primetime!! man im loving it! every morning i wake up and im so
pumped to see what the 12 days of christmas has to bring me!
the letters i have opened from my christmas package have
been soo sweet! they make every single one of my days...
Grandpa, Gammy, Steve Halturdman, Savannah, Brucey, and
Danielle Emery! thank you sooo much for your letters! you have no idea the
smile that was on my face when i was reading them!
special shoutout to Danielle... DDDD!! for realz???? you
sent me stance socks!! you knew exactly what was on my christmas list! i nearly died when i saw sweet socks in the package! thank you! you are
while you are all freezing im sweating like you wouldnt
believe.... i have never sweat more in my life! haha ill be the first one to
tell you im not a fan of humidity.... ITS COOKING OUT HERE! the actual weather
isnt that hot but im gonna die! haha ive never spent a christmas time sweating
in my bed while im sleeping!
anyways! this week was mega freaking fast! FLEW BY!
let me tell some quick stories here
So ive told you about my homegirl Mercelina... shes the 91
year old lady that we walk to church every week.
So shes 91 years old right... she walks like a CHAMP, doesnt
even need glasses to read, and is MEGA MEGA AWESOME!
Shes like 3 feet tall and missing a good portion of her
teeth but that dont matter because shes as sweet as they come
anyways the other day shes trying to get me to eat this way
crayyyy fruit.. it was watermelon... way crayy right?
i wasnt in the mood to start gagging so i kept making up
excuses as to why i didnt want to eat it
marcelina was not giving in.
haha i was thinking come on gammy i just dont want to eat
so finally i told her i had a serious fobia of foods and ive
got phsychological issues (i dont know how to spell that word)
she died laughing and instantly starting making fun of me.
after a good 5 minutes of being laughed at by someone 4
times my age i wasnt taking it anymore! haha!!
so i said "ok Marcelina if you dont stop making fun of
me im not going to walk you to church tomorrow!"
you best believe that she stopped laughing at me and i
walked her to church the next day.
Watermelon got the best of me that day.
Ive got issues!
ummm this week we had a sweet activity with our elders quorum.
we were able to bring some inactive members which was really
we played futbol.... or SOCCER
haha oooo baby girl do i suck at soccer! i looked like a
tard out there!
all these argentines schooled me
just when i thought i was an athletic person... WRONG
haha but dont matter i was running around, screaming and
being a dumby.... being myself... i got some good laughs in and so did they
I had my 1st baptisms the other week!!!! oooo baby girl
soooo awesome
the family consists of a single mom named Aida with 4
the father died 4 years ago
1 of the daughters is 15 years old and was baptized 2 months
we baptized the mom and her two other kids who are 9 years
old and 8 years old.
i cant tell you how much joy this day brought me
Ill share a quick story about the baptism.
so i was baptizing Mikaela the 9 year old girl.
When i got in the font i instantly forgot the baptism prayer
in spanish!
anyway somebody told me the prayer, i figured it out, and it
was all good in the hood
after the baptisms i cant tell you how happy i was.
the 4 months ive been in argentina have been so hard but
seeing the joy on the single mothers face after her baptisms made every single
one of those hard days worth it.
looking at Aida after her baptism i saw a completely new
looking into the eyes of a single mother who is trying to
take care of her kids all by herself i felt a sense of peace and warmth within her that i cant describe.
i couldnt help but just look at her as tears gathered in my eyes.
i knew that she had found the one and only true plan that
her Father in Heaven has for her.
i knew that she had found christ.
she had found his true love.
looking at this single mother who had just made one of the
biggest eternal steps to be able to return home to her heavenly father not only did i feel the truthfulness of this gospel, i visually saw it.
i saw pure joy and happiness
i saw the pure love of jesus christ overwhelm her
looking at her i realized that this is what the true gospel
of Jesus Christ looks like.
MEGA MEGA SWEET DAY! I was crying like a little girl!
sometimes i reallllly wish i wasnt such a cry baby!
well its Christ-mas! haha man christmas is so different over
here! i think mainly because of the temp... im used to a white christmas not a
sweaty christmas... but its all good!
As its Christ-mas time we should always be thinking about
what we are truly celebrating.
And that is the birth of our savior as well as the
life he lived for us.
It is my promise to you that during this holiday if you put
your main focus and thoughts on Jesus Christ and not so much on the other
things that come with the holiday season then you will receive the most
precious gift and present there is
that is the true feeling of this simple sentence
Jesus Christ loves you
focus on his birth, the perfect life he lived, the sacrifice
he gave, the blood he shed, and all of the things he did.
focus on the fact THAT HE DID IT ALL FOR YOU
as we focus on the true meaning of Christ-mas we will
receive the greatest christmas present there is.
a present given to us by our savior
a present you couldnt trade for anything nor does it cost
any money
i hope that all of you can feel this gift of his love during
these holidays.
I know Jesus Christ lives
I know he is my Savior
I know that he loves me
Merry Christ-mas
Elder Myers
11/25/13-Happy Birthday Taylor
yoooo what the freak is going on!
so after my last letter ill write a little one of my week!
i hope you get a ton of cheetos for your birthday! that
would be so awesome! then you could wear dads sweet cheetoman shirt! and you
could be eating cheetos with your cheeto red hair!
well this week was dope...
in this area with have 3 baptisms that are coming up in 2
soooo pumped for that!! oooo man soooo excited!!
we were able to get 2 inactive people to church this week!
that was awesome!
one of the inactive ladies was 91 years old
ooo man she was such a sweetheart!
we picked her up and she grabbed tight old to my arm while i
walked her to church
it was only 3 streets to walk and she took a good 30 minutes
i wanted to say "come on gammy!! giddy up lets go! hop
on my back and ill give you a piggy back ride!!"
that would have saved us a lot of time!
haha but its all good... she told me her life long story but
i couldnt understand a whole ton so i just kept my mouth shut and said
"si, si, si" every once in a while and we were good
o she is such a sweetheart :)
she had a little crush on me so maybe ill get the
opportunity to walk her to church next week :) ;)
ummm its hotter than hot
im sweating like a pig out here...
my whole body is soaked..
pants and all
its disgusting
dont get me wrong like i love sweating in my sleep and stuff
waking up with a sweaty forehead is awesome!!
haha ooo man december january and february will be miserable
here! i guess its not even hot right now and im dying!
ooo baby girl where is the air conditioning! sometimes i just
want to preach the gospel with my shorts and a tee shirt but i dont think that
would fly with president monson...
haha well i shared some of my more spiritual experiences in
my last letter...
my letters will be really short to you all this week because
i dont have any time at all
love you!
be thankful for your air conditioners even though it
probably real cold at home
-Elder Myers
12/2/13 - My cute 91 year old friend
freak im back on the computer emailing.... this week went by
meggggga fast!
ill be honest sometimes i really hate emailing because
my mind has to think so much about what to say and it stressed me out so much!
haha i always have headaches after emailing....
Mom you are the best mom out there!! you are the best billy
goat i know :) the best hobby there ever was!
I GOT BOTH OF MY PACKAGES! andddddd they were soooooo
i love me some american candy
i gobbled those twix up in 2 seconds
and i cryed like a little baby girl reading your letter
being a missionary turns you into a tender little girl
crying all the time
but then again thats how i was before my mission
ummm lets see what ive got for the week
so remember when i talked about the 91 year old grandma last
oooo baby girl she is the cutest little grandma...
i dont think as cute as my gammy at home but shes pretty
by the way give a shoutout to gammy at home! tell her to
watch out for mr jones.... gammys a gold digger always looking for older men
with money
anyways this little grandma here is soooo sweet
we are reactivating her back into church
but the only thing we needed to do was walk her to the
church every sunday
so this sweet little 91 year hold takes my arm and we take
baby steps all the way to the church
she tells me her whole life story and i repeat the things
that she says that i can understand...
haha she is soooo awesome! she calls me her grandson
we were reading scriptures with her and i asked if she could
read this verse.... the verse was kinda small and she got reallllllll flustered
with me that i asked her to read such a small verse... "but this verse is
tiny! i want a big verse"
ha shes dope... 91 years old and doesnt even need glassed to
read! shes a real champ...
i made reallll good friends with this down syndrom girl...
shes a real sweetheart. haha shes not a real big fan of was she calls
"negros".... which just means darker skinned people.
so for that reason she loves me!! haha ive got some nice
white skins so were realllll good friends.. i think she might like me a little
bit more than friends... haha we chat it up and i crack jokes with her
its sweet because if i dont understand what shes saying she
just keeps on going...
she was begging for a picture of me so i made a killer deal
with her...
im going to give her a picture of me with my long hair in
trade for something she is going to sew for me and i can put it in my
i guess i look like some romantic argentine singer with
super long jewy hair!
ummmm its soooo fetching HOTTTTTT
I just sweat
and sweat
and sweat
im cooking
i go to sleep..... and cant sleep... i just sit in my bed
and sweat like a hot dog. haha im such a baby and cant sit still during
lessons. i have to get up and walk around for a little bit....
this humidity is the death of me
i was sleeping the other night and it was really awesome
because i woke up to something crawling up my leg.....
no big deal just a nice big cockroach.... so i smashed hit
and gobbled it up cause i was hungry!
no, not really, that cockroach scared me! i dont think i
went back to sleep for another 2 hours...
that little demon cockroach got the best of my sleep....
ive been bit a million times... ive got but bugs and they
are eating me alive...
bug bites allllll over my body...
i kinda like it though so its okay.
haha im constantly scratching my whole body because there
isnt a spot i havent been bitten!
ummmmmmm well i was in a meeting with all the missionaries
and somebody said that it was thanksgiving in the states!
i freaking forgot about thanksgiving! hahah how could i do
so i hope all of you have a sweet thanksgiving and gobbled
up some delish food!
i was thinking about thanksgiving and the main purpose
behind it...
about being thankful
im so thankful for the opportunity that i have to be here....
to say its easy would not be telling the truth... its so hard but i am so
thankful for it. there are so many things that i have learned about myself that
wouldnt be possible without my mission
i am so thankful that i can take upon myself the name of jesus
christ and respresent my name as well as the name of jesus christ on my
missionary plack.
that everyday i have the opportunity to share with one
another the love that jesus christ has for them
that i can share the truth
i am grateful for my family... i have beeen blessed with the
sweetest people ever in my life... ive got a sweetheart for a mother... she may
not be able to say the word wolf but i love her anyway... shes a good billy
goat.... i dont know a more loving caring person than my momma
ive got a dad who has a way nice give him some loving! haha but seriously
im so grateful for a father figure... somebody to look up to... somebody who
has given a perfect example to me my whole life.. someone who has taught me to
be a man and never make excuses for myself
and ive got two sweet brothers who always picked on me...
that because of them i flinch over every reaction because i always think
somebody is going to hit me! haha but seriously im so thankful for my brothers
and their examples for me... for serving missions and setting a path for me to
im thankful for my puppy lenny.
hes my best friend and he has jew hair just like me :) his
breath stinks but hes my best bud... hes always taken care of me when im sick
and picked me up when im down... thanks lenny your a good pooch
im sooo thankful for the people in my life and i wish i
could write to all of you and give my thanks....
im thankful for the chance every day to increase my faith in
jesus christ
in preach my gospel it says
faith is accepting jesus christ as your savior and
something that catches my attention there is the word accepting. the word accept can mean "to receive
willingly". to willingly receive that we have 1 true thing in this world
to save us.1 true thing to save us from our mistakes and sins. to save us of
our pains, sufferings, and sorrows. our savior Jesus
Christ is that 1 true thing. also to "willingly receive" or to
accept that he is our Redeemer.
Redeemer can be put into the words of "rescue by paying a price".
those words hit me hard. that Christ is my Rescuer.
that through christ he can rescue or set me free of all of my sins as well as
my pains and sorrows. Jesus Christ is that kind of Rescuer because he payed a price. that christ payed the all time greatest
sacrifice just so that i can be set free. so that i can be rescued by all of my
short falling in this life. that i can be rescued of all the times i feel pain
and sorrow. that i can be rescued or set free to fell that joy and happiness
that he so desires me to have. i have faith
that i do have that kind of savior. that kind of
redeemer. I HAVE
thats all i got for the
some of these girls reallllly long "shonkees" or
yankees in english... another word for "gringo"
so im keeping my distance and staying on the safe side!
keep it real
smell ya later
Elder Myers
Monday, November 18, 2013
11/18/2013 - Pics
My awesome mission leader, Sergio Franco, his wife and new baby.
My new comp from Paraguay. He's mega awesome!
11/18/2013-I got a cool comp from Paraguay
sorry this letter will probably not be very long or very good at all... i didnt have time to think out what i wanted to say but i have some sweet things to tell you all!!
haha ive been with him for a good 4 hours and ive loved it...
what is going on!!
sorry this letter will probably not be very long or very good at all... i didnt have time to think out what i wanted to say but i have some sweet things to tell you all!!
sooooo i got transfered! and my english already is GARBAGE!
haha spanish gets to you and you forget how to spell or how to talk... or im
just a dumb curly headed kook that cant spell or talk anyway.. i dont know
which is which....
well i got transfered! i think that isnt the correct way to
spell transfered but im not really sure.. so i dont really care :)
i moved areas and got a new comp :)
im in the city of banfield which is super close to the
mission house
and my new comp is from paraguay...
haha ive been with him for a good 4 hours and ive loved it...
im having converstations and understanding a good portion of
holy freak is that soooo awesome to say!!
in no way whatsoever am i close to being fluent but im
getting by!
whoever thought a tard like me could speak spanish???
well lets see.... i left the area of el cruce...
im not a person to say goodbyes very well
im such a cry baby holy freak!
in the 3 months that i spent in el cruce i was reallll
haha but in the past month i felt like i had really started
to get to know the members
they loved me for the pure reason that i loved to try and
talk to them... i couldnt do it that well but they could always see that i was
haha the last month i was able to be myself and joke around
with them!
i got some good laughs in...
its crazy how you can come to love people so much without
clearly being able to communicate with them...
there were families that were real rough to say goodbye
did i cry?? YES OF COURSE I CRYED...
I HATE CRYING! i feel like such a homo crying...
ummmm like i said this letter isnt going to be very good
because my thoughts are being typed as i think them!
freak we had the most sweetest, dopest,,, sickest, coolest,
experience on saturday!!!!!
live!!! in the chapel!! the great elder holland was freaking
like right in front of my face stabbing my heart with his words! o my gosh it
was so sweet
the buenos aires north, west, and south missions all met at
this mega big church and listened to him along with two others from the 70...
wow it was such an incredible experience... one that
constantly reminded me of the missionary i want to be
one of the things he said was the impact that the mission
will have on your life... what you put into your mission will determine who you
will become as a person..
also that you must never forget your mission... my
encouragement to those who read this letter is to NEVER FORGET the two years
that you gave to the Lord
never forget the bad things that happened and never forget
the good things that happened
take your mission with you wherever you go
i honestly hate writing this letter write now because i cant
think... my words seem like crap right now... haha there is so many things i
want to say but simply dont know how to express it...
i cant wait to write next weeks letter because there are so
many things that i have to say about my last 6 weeks.... and elder hollands
words on saturday can sum up a good portion of my last 6 weeks
"salvation means going through gethsemane- as a
missionary you will go there"
my last 6 weeks, i went through of what i personally know as
i love you all
stay jewyyyyy... even if you dont have curly hair! ooo yeah
i got a haircut... no worries they savored the curls....
Elder MyersMonday, November 11, 2013
11/11/2013 - Talent Show
so i walk into the baby's room where he's sleeping in hiscrib... as im standing over the baby's crib watching it sleep tears start to fill my eyes...
as im looking at this baby so many thoughts started coming into my head... it hit me that this sweet precious little baby was just in the presence of our heavenly father... i realized how true it is that we are literally our heavenly fathers children. i realized how precious this lady's baby was and what a blessing it is.
keep it real at home...
another week down! ive got one more week left in this
transfer.... so yeah!
before i start i heard that it was my girl laina´s birthday
last week!!! so mega shoutout to my girl laina ogden for turning 8 years old...
laina remember when we went on that way sweet date to the movie monsters
university.. best date ive had for sure.... save a date for me in two years
please laina! haha
wellll i have a freaking awesome story to tell you
so we had a talent show this week.... and o boy do i have
some talents.. nah just kidding i cant do jack
but anyway it was with all the missionaries in our zone and
all of their wards!
so we all did this little skit together that we made up on
the spot.. somebody had some music and we went for it
so we were lip singing to the music.... so it wasnt very
funny at the beginning.... so i decided to spice it up a little bit... PRIME
TIME TO THROW OUT MY DANCE MOVES! so i start doing my thing dancing all homo
like (sorry for the potty talk) and then all the missionaries took my
then the music went more into a magestic style.... PRIME TIME
OPPORTUNITY TO DO MY HAWK NOISE! soooo all of a sudden i bust out the hawk noise
and start dancing around like an eagle / hawk!! haha CLASSIC! everybody was
dying laughing... no biggie... i saved the talent show with my hawk noice... mega
that definitely brought back some high school memories and
im sure that you guys can imagine i was soaking it up... loving every second of
dancing around being a weirdo... haha it was sweet that i could be myself like
another story... we went to find this inactive member.. she
was like 90 years old and a good 3 feet tall... o man she was the cutest old
lady.. she kept calling me her sweet child... when we were leaving i went to
shake her hand and she told me to bend my head towards her... BEFORE YOU KNOW
IT I GOT A NICE KISS ON THE FORHEAD!" HAHA Bless her heart what a
so here was a really spiritual moment for me this past week
we went to my mission leaders house to see his brand new
babyso i walk into the baby's room where he's sleeping in hiscrib... as im standing over the baby's crib watching it sleep tears start to fill my eyes...
as im looking at this baby so many thoughts started coming into my head... it hit me that this sweet precious little baby was just in the presence of our heavenly father... i realized how true it is that we are literally our heavenly fathers children. i realized how precious this lady's baby was and what a blessing it is.
then i started to think how proud my missionary leader and
his wife are for having this baby... it made me think that i used to be
that baby in the crib... that now ive grown up into the person that i am today.
a missionary. i realized how much of the fact that my parents raised me every
step of the way. they loved me every step of the way... it hit me how much my
parents mean to me and how much they have given me in my life.. they have given
my everything they have in order to raise me...
then i started to think that one day that baby sleeping in
the crib will be my own.... haha probably a little curly headed jew baby! haha
but anyways i realized that one day god will give me one of his children for me
to act as its father.. to be able to love that baby with everything i have
within me!
my thoughts are so scatter brained here as i am trying to
type as fast as i can... but i learned so much from this experience that we are
all children of god.,.. that before this life we lived with our father in
heaven... that he literally is our father and we are his children... i hope i
can do all that i can to make my father proud... life is a special gift... its
a gift that we have to live our own lives as well as it is a gift to be parents
to our children our future children....
haha i was standing over this crib just crying..... no
surprise that i was crying right... freak i hate crying! haah im such a baby! no
homo in saying all that stuff but it was a real special moment for me! and dont
worry mom im not having babies anytime soon... probs in like 2 years ill have
my first child... nah nah just kidding
keep it real at home...
love you all
smell ya later
-Elder Myers
Sunday, November 10, 2013
11/04/2013 - Sister Franco is having a baby
so ill start off with a funny story here...
UMMM our mission leader is wayyyy awesome... hes incredible! and his wife is having a baby today! haha so at church i was telling everybody that brother franco is having a baby!! haha i was letting everybody know it! its funny because all the members laugh at me because im always trying to crack jokes or do something dumb but i can never fully do it because of my spanish! haha its nice to get a good laugh out of them
heyyy what the freak is going on!!!
another week in a crazy country!
sometimes i just freak out thinking that im in argentina!!
holy freak its crazyyyy!!! and sometimes i freak out thinking.... WOW IM EATING
sooo when you learn another language your spelling and
grammar in english goes to crap.... so if my spelling and grammar is bad that
is why!
welll lets see here what can i say...
so ill start off with a funny story here...
so we went to see this lady who is a member... turns out her
husband was in the hospital for 11 days and just got out... he was in pain and
recovering so we went to go talk to him for a little bit to see how he´s
doing..... keep in mind this is the same guy that said ´´f you´´ my 1st day in
argentina.... hahah hes CLASSIC!
so im talking to this guy... or at least trying ya know...
haha and all the sudden he gets out of his bed and says i gotta go to the
bathroom...... so he picks up this bowl from the floor and well.... starts
going to the bathroom.... 2 foot in front of me :) hahahahahah i was dying it
was sooo funny.... and my companion.... was not laughing.... i thought he was
going to crap his pants he was soooo scared... ya know that stuff doesnt really
bug me... i just think its funny.. i dont blame him. if he had to go then he
had to go! aint nobody got time to walk to the bathroom right??? hahaha
sorry for the potty talk mom... that was a potty talk story
huh?? sorry ill try not to potty talk
ummm lelts see what else do i have... so my comp is real
quiet.. doesnt talk much... and for that i HAVE TO TALK TO ALL THE MEMBERS!
HAHA so im the one always talking to them... or at least trying to talk and if
i dont get what they are saying... which is a good amount of time then ill try
and get my comp to explain it to me
haha the members always come up to me for questions... and
most of the time i really dont fully understand what they are saying.. but its
all good because im talking to them! who would have ever thought this curly
headed kid would be speaking the espanol! im doing it... KINDA... haha watch
out elena because in about 6 months ill be spitting spanish left and
so another story... there were these guys drinking on the
street and they called me to come over... so i go over to them and im joking
around being all giddy and they were laughing... then i swurved my way into
saying why i was learning the language... PERFECT OPPORTUNITY TO BEAR MY
TESTIMONY!!! So i had the guys laughing and then i switched gears on em.... i
just talked about how if they wanted to have a difference in their life they
could find that difference by coming unto christ...
IT WAS AWESOME! they all were dead silent and i looked over
at one of the guys girlfriends and she was crying a little bit... it was an
awesome experience for me... my spanish isnt the best and its still garbage
but i can say some stuff now in order to express how i truly feel about this
as a missionary i am so grateful to be able to tell people
that they have the opportunity to feel the love of their heavenly father...
everybody in this world wants to be loved and everybody has the chance to find
that love if they really want to.... JUST GOTTA GET DOWN ON YOUR KNEES AND PRAY
im happy at how much spanish ive learned because i can
actually start to get to know this people just a little better... its still not
good at all but im so grateful for the lords hand in my life and in my mission...
im starting to feel like i can love these people just a little bit more because
i can actually know things about their lives...
UMMM our mission leader is wayyyy awesome... hes incredible! and his wife is having a baby today! haha so at church i was telling everybody that brother franco is having a baby!! haha i was letting everybody know it! its funny because all the members laugh at me because im always trying to crack jokes or do something dumb but i can never fully do it because of my spanish! haha its nice to get a good laugh out of them
but anyway brother franco is mega sweet so keep him in
your prayers because hes been an answer to my prayers and he is a very special
person in my life right now... they dont come much better then him... and his
wife does the laundry for my socks... so thats awesome!
well i hate emailing sometimes because my brain is thinking
5 million miles an hour and i never know what to say... haha i havent really
been writing spiritual things in the past weeks... my bad my bad....... ill try
and get something for next week....
but i do know that the love our heavenly father is greater
than anything else.... if you want to feel his love get on your knees and ask
for it... his love is always there... through good times and bad.
ive learned so much in these past 4 weeks... a lot of things
i have learned havent been in the way that i wanted to learn it but our ways
arent the ways of the lord... be thankful for trials because there is always
something to be learned from them.
hope you all had a good week!!
smell ya later
elder cocoa myers10/28/2013-I Had a Whole Spanish Conversation
lenny... remember when you were the best pooch ever?? yeah i remember that
elder myers
hola hola....
whats good in
the 801??? how is the carpet treating you guys??? because we dont have carpet
here :) when i get home in a good 2 years im going to lick the carpet and sleep
on it... carpet is meggggga awesome!!
hey do ya´ll
remember when i was a dumby and went motorcycle riding 4 days before i was
supposed to go into the mtc and i got in an accident and was about as dumb as a
box of rocks and couldnt remember what i do for the previous 2 weeks.... yeah
im a tard
remember when i was at disneyland and purposely peed my pants just so i could
get some disneyland sweats.... man i was just a smart little devil
remember this summer when we were in lake powell and you had to clean up the
remember when you made the all star team for baseball?? haha youre
remember when you were a little fat ginger boy and loved cheetos sooo much...
you loved cheetos to the point where the only thing that you kept in your
locked up treasure chest was cheetos! hahaha
lenny... remember when you were the best pooch ever?? yeah i remember that
remember when your daughter sofia loved me?? yeah i dont remember that
either... but remember when i got you and spencer to move into my house...THAT
remember when me and your dad flipped the razor at your cabin right in front of
you... and you almost pooped your pants and killed your dad...
hahahah o
mannnn goood goood times!! remember when i was 18 hours away from my home by
plane?? that THATS CRAYYYYY
hahah well
anyway another week in the books!
lets see what
haha but were working!
the members
are soooo awesome here though! im getting to the point with my spanish where i
can talk to them a little bit more which oooo baby girl do i love that!! haa i
hate being mute!!
so my comp
was sick on sunday so i took the phone and was answer calls..... it hit me that
i had a whole conversation with this lady in our ward.... after the call i just
about crapped my pants because i realized i just got my whole message across
and everything in spanish!! hahaha freaking cray!!
ive got a lot
more to go but hey im learning! crazzzy!!!
ummm i forgot
to tell you guys this but two weeks ago we had a meggga awesome activity! sooo
they set up a visitors center in our church... like the visitors center in salt
ooo it was
sooo sweet! so i got all dressed up in my whites and me and another talked in
the baptismal font...
this activity
was for members and investigators of a couple different areas of the
its soo cool
for me to see the members out here.. the strong members are sooo strong and
such a great example to me in that sense. it really helps me realize the
significance of the gospel in our lives.. so many people dont really have very
much out here but they have the knowledge of the gospel and thats whats really
important to them. ive loved seeing that.
haha so like
i said my spanish is getting better... you kinda hit points where you see
progression... and then other points where you realize how much more you need
to learn!! but i am so thankful for how much i have freaking learned!! it goes
to show that even a dumby like me can learn a language with the help of the
lord!! the lord is a real good guy... hes helped me out quite a bit!
so in our
ward all of the children know me as the one who makes funny faces our funny
sounds... in the middle of the prayer the other day a little kid came up to me
and was yelling at me to make my hawk noise for him! haha classic! i love these
little kids out here...
the little
kids are the only ones who accept that i cant speak much spanish! they´re just
entertained by my face expressions which is always nice!!
welllllll i
continue to learn things out here... im so grateful for the opportunities that
i have ever single day... hahah to say its easy would be a lie... ive
definitely had some difficult times out here.. but there is something to always
be learned
there have
been fun days and there have been miserable days... but hey thats part of a
mission right! but its pretty sweet!
haha my
thoughts here are soooo scrambled and this letter probably suckkked but i dont
have much time and im typing as fast as i can!!
rely on the
lord because he can get you through anything
one love,
stay sweet, if you want some new sweats just pee your pants and youll get
elder myers
10/21/2013 - Don't Take the Gospel for Granted
welll freaking freak ive been
in the country of argentina for 2 whoooole months! man does time flyyyy by and
man does time go by soooooo slow!!! haha its weird how it works out both ways
on a mission!
well i wish i could tell you
stories about people we were teaching or great spiritual experiences with
converts or baptisms but sadly i dont really have any because we dont really
have much right now.... haha so sorry about that!
so this week the heat started
to come on.... o baby girl i do not like the heat here!! BECAUSE ITS SO
FREAKING HUMID! haha it wasnt even that hot but i was sweatin like a pig!
and heres one thing that isnt good about heat.... so on my
mission im saying to myself ´´dont get fat... workout every morning so you can
have a rocking bod like your dad biggie´´ haha so i workout every morning and
do my legs workouts realllll nice and deeplike.
and because of that my legs
have gotten a lot bigger... not saying im like big or anything but my legs have
put on a little big more muscle... soooo therefore (i cant remember how to
spell that word, thats what spanish will do to ya) my pants are just a little
bit tighter!
soooo because my pants are
tighter and the heat has come on that means that i sweat just a little bit
more... which then means that my legs rub together just a little bit more...
which then means I AM FREAKING CHAFING!!! ooooo judiest its not good!! haha no
worries i have figured out some solutions and im doing just fine!
hahahah classic story... so my
comp is a little bit different than me to say the least... things that i think
are hilarious arent as funny to him..
for example. we were talking to this lady and sitting on
some chairs in her house... and all of a sudden her 6 year old little boy with
down syndrom comes running around the corner buttttt naked and is soaking
wett!!!! ooooo man i was DYING OF LAUGHTER!! my companion on the other hand....
WAS NOT LAUGHING AT ALL.... i literally thought he saw a ghost and pooped his
pants he didnt know what to do... haha classic.
this little naked down syndrom
boy was acting like he was some sumo wrestler or something! oooo man it was so
well here are some things that i realized this week.... the members who are strong in our branch are soooo strong.. they sacrifice so much time to be able to come to church. nobody really has cars and its a big time commitment to come to church on sundays...
i started to realize how much the church really means to
these people and how much i have taken the gospel for granted in my life.... my
house is a good 5 minute walk to the church and i was too lazy to even do
that... i just drove my truck to church! well here are some things that i realized this week.... the members who are strong in our branch are soooo strong.. they sacrifice so much time to be able to come to church. nobody really has cars and its a big time commitment to come to church on sundays...
ive realized a lot of things this past week... and i hope
you all can learn from it as well....
i realized that i took so many things for granted at home...
and mainly that was cherishing the moments with the people that i love the
most. i always realized that i loved my family and the other poeople that are
important in my life but you can never truly know that until they are taken
away from you.
i thought a lot about past trips, vacations, or other things that i have done in the past and i realized how blessed i have been... simple sunday dinners at home mean the world to me now that i dont have a sunday dinner with my family.... so i guess what im getting at is to take a look at what you really have in your life.. the blessings that the lord has given you.
i thought a lot about past trips, vacations, or other things that i have done in the past and i realized how blessed i have been... simple sunday dinners at home mean the world to me now that i dont have a sunday dinner with my family.... so i guess what im getting at is to take a look at what you really have in your life.. the blessings that the lord has given you.
there have been a lot of things
i have missed while being on my mission... but the things that i miss that
actually have a true meaning to me is the people that i love most in my life
that i dont have right now... i dont truly miss any of the materialistic things
like my electronics or car or anything like that... i miss the people that god
placed in my life.
so take the time to tell the
people that mean something to you that you simply love them and tell them why
you are thankful for them...
im thankful for my mission. i
cant express the things that i have learned out here. some things i have learned
in ways that havent been the most fun but i have learned things that have made
me into such a better person.
i hope all is good in the hood
of 801.... by the way you have no idea what a hood is like!! dont do
drugs and go to church... BECAUSE ITS ONLY DOWN THE ROAD FROM YOUR HOUSE! haha
love you all
Elder Meeeyers
oooo yeah i forgot to tell you this... we had a bbq or called an acado here today with out zone... the fire department was called on us because they thought we were burning a tree down!! hahaha no worries i had a full conversation with the fire man in spanish and got everything taken care of... haha NOT! somebody else talked to him :)
oooo yeah i forgot to tell you this... we had a bbq or called an acado here today with out zone... the fire department was called on us because they thought we were burning a tree down!! hahaha no worries i had a full conversation with the fire man in spanish and got everything taken care of... haha NOT! somebody else talked to him :)
10/14/13 - Seventeen Miracles
well the other day i looked up at the sky and realized that i was sooooooooo far away from home! and i thought what the freak am i doing!!! haha im in another country speaking some freaking weird language in a white shirt and tie preaching the gospel!!! if thats not crayyyyyy i dont know what is!!! haha o mannnn this experience is megggga dope!
well here are some stories from this week! soooo we had this meeting with the bishop and some of the other ward leaders and the bishop walked in with this oooo soooo sweet pink tie! so i asked him:::: yoooo bishop you wanna change ties because i like yours more--*-- so right then and there he took of his tie and gave it to me!! haha he wouldnt give me my tie back either after the meeting was done--- so ive now added a sweet pink tie to my collection
we had a movie night at the church and watched seventeen miracles: (this computer wont do periods by the way or anything else so if it looks weird that is why) soo we start watching this movie and i go and sit by all the kids--- in the movie there are some wolves that might scare the weee little kids--- so when they got scared they would all jump on me and close there eyes! hahaha it was meggggga awesome!
ummmm we didnt get to finish the whole movie because we had to go! which was definitely a good thing that we didnt finish the movie because right when we left was getting to the parts in the movie where i would have started balling like a little baby---- i dont want these argentines to know im a baby and have a real sensative heart to movies or anything that tugs at my heart! so we bolted out of there right when the movie was getting emotional!! haha so that was a good thing----
ummmm i miss my other comp more than i can express:::::: not in a gay way ya know??? he was just sweet-----
ummmm ive learned a whole lot on my mission---- and this week i learned about trusting in the lord more than i ever have in my life--- im constantly taught lessons every day on my mission- we didnt really have much this past week so i cant give you any spiritual experiences or anything else--- haha sorry! i hope some of those stories were good!
elder myers
well the other day i looked up at the sky and realized that i was sooooooooo far away from home! and i thought what the freak am i doing!!! haha im in another country speaking some freaking weird language in a white shirt and tie preaching the gospel!!! if thats not crayyyyyy i dont know what is!!! haha o mannnn this experience is megggga dope!
well here are some stories from this week! soooo we had this meeting with the bishop and some of the other ward leaders and the bishop walked in with this oooo soooo sweet pink tie! so i asked him:::: yoooo bishop you wanna change ties because i like yours more--*-- so right then and there he took of his tie and gave it to me!! haha he wouldnt give me my tie back either after the meeting was done--- so ive now added a sweet pink tie to my collection
we had a movie night at the church and watched seventeen miracles: (this computer wont do periods by the way or anything else so if it looks weird that is why) soo we start watching this movie and i go and sit by all the kids--- in the movie there are some wolves that might scare the weee little kids--- so when they got scared they would all jump on me and close there eyes! hahaha it was meggggga awesome!
ummmm we didnt get to finish the whole movie because we had to go! which was definitely a good thing that we didnt finish the movie because right when we left was getting to the parts in the movie where i would have started balling like a little baby---- i dont want these argentines to know im a baby and have a real sensative heart to movies or anything that tugs at my heart! so we bolted out of there right when the movie was getting emotional!! haha so that was a good thing----
ummmm i miss my other comp more than i can express:::::: not in a gay way ya know??? he was just sweet-----
ummmm ive learned a whole lot on my mission---- and this week i learned about trusting in the lord more than i ever have in my life--- im constantly taught lessons every day on my mission- we didnt really have much this past week so i cant give you any spiritual experiences or anything else--- haha sorry! i hope some of those stories were good!
elder myers
Tuesday, October 8, 2013
10/07/13 -- sadddddd day
not the case on my mission!! i was busy as a bee just jottttting down notes during every single talk... o man i was soaking every single bit of it up! i thought before conference that i wuld have to listen to it in spanish and i was not happy about that.... turns out they had a good ol english room calling my name with 2 others american elders :) the lord knew thats what i needed!
i saw somebody riding a kawasaki ninja bullet bike the other day... i was soooo tempted to karate kick him off that bike and take it for a spin!! o man do i miss riding my motorcycle!!
what is going on!!! man have these past weeks just flown
well i have some absolutely terrible news!!!
sooooo i experienced my first transfer in the mission.....
My comp got transferred into another zone to be the zone
leader :( i was pretty devastated when the
president called me and told me that... i wanted to crawl up into a little ball
and cry like a baby... i wish lenny was here to make me feel better! haha
seriously it blows!!
ha i was just starting to somewhat know my companion! hes 23
and is a convert of 5 years! we couldnt communicate all that well but o man did
we have fun! mainly our jokes were in sound effects mixed in with my garbage
spanish and his garbage english! oooo man he was megga megga awesome.
ummmmmm lets see my im in the same area and i my new
companion is american...
but the funny thing is that i can communicate better with my
brazilian companion than i can with me american comp :)
ha my new comp has 19 months on his mission and refuses to
speak english to anybody...... he hasnt said an english word to me yet.... haha
so this will be interesting :) but heyyyy my spanish will be better righht???
well i have learned a whole lot in the past 6 weeks and
continue to learn... one of the biggest things ive learned is not being able to
fully control the situation... if any of you really know me you know that i
love to grab that biggggg ol bull by the horns and control it :) haha i like to
know whats going on and control it at the same time....
well the mission has slapped me right in the tush with being
able to control the situation! haha oooooo man have i learned to be just a
little bit more patient and try not to control everything!
haha the only thing i can control is my attitude, effort,
and what is said on my face!
well conference wasssss soooooo sweeeeeet! before my mission
i would be as tired as an old goat during conference and sleep through some of
the talks because i just thought they were boring and then listen to what i
considered to be the important speakers...
not the case on my mission!! i was busy as a bee just jottttting down notes during every single talk... o man i was soaking every single bit of it up! i thought before conference that i wuld have to listen to it in spanish and i was not happy about that.... turns out they had a good ol english room calling my name with 2 others american elders :) the lord knew thats what i needed!
oooo conference was sooooo dope!! i received some mad
revelation and o sooooo sweet spiritual feelings! ha i loved it!
i forgot my journal of notes from conference but i liked the
story that president monson said about the blind and deaf man being
thankful...i remember this quote...
´´thank you, heavenly father has been so good to me´´
at times we may be facing hardship but we need to always be
grateful for the things that we do have and take notice how good our heavenly
father is to us! thats my two cents... wish i could remember more on the spot!
i tried a fruit off the tree the other day!! it was delish!
you never thought that would happen did ya?? ya well im making baby steps out
here with the food! mega sweet.
i saw somebody riding a kawasaki ninja bullet bike the other day... i was soooo tempted to karate kick him off that bike and take it for a spin!! o man do i miss riding my motorcycle!!
im starting to be able to be myself a little bit more! which
i need! haha i told this girl that we were going to have an acado (bbq) with
her cat.... she didnt like that very much but everybody else thought it was
funny! ha oooo i cant wait for the day when i can joke around with this people!
well im happy! its hard but its awesome! i loved conference
and am soo thankful that i was able to listen to it and hear what my heavenly
father had to say through his leaders of the church..... and to hear it in
english!! haha i try and laugh and smile all the time! i try to play with this
kids as much as i can!
hope and pray i can explain to my new companion what our
area is like because i have no clue what its like! ive been in a daze of
confusion for the past 6 weeks! haha will be fun!!
love you all...... dont get fat at home.... i know im trying
not to!
love love meow meow
Elder Myers
ps im still not used to how open everybody is about women
feeding their babies in public....
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